Music Jun 14, 2024 at 12:45 pm

The Best New Music to Hit My Inbox This Week

Meridian Brothers have been weirding up Latin American musics for decades. Ansonia Records



Ebliz' other two bands are both very interesting- I like the both better than the Meridian Brothers, but thats just me.
Meridian Brothers is his most mainstream, "normal" band.
The all improv crazy skerik-meets cumbia band Los Piranås is incredible, especially live. Their album with horns, recorded live in El Tanque (a cultural center in a former refinery) in the Canary Islands on the Keroxen label is really good. Infame Golpazo en Keroxen
And his other band, Friente Cumbieros, did a co-lab album of dub Cumbia with the Mad Professor that mixes it up into a cosmic jam. Friente Cumbiero meets Mad Professor.

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