Music Aug 11, 2024 at 10:15 pm

Cross Was a Celebrated Music Journalist and Author and Enthusiastic Supporter of the City’s Music Scene

Thank you, Charles.



Thanks for coming out of weekend hibernation to post this. His Cobain bio is fucking fantastic. I sent Cross an email telling him how much I loved the book, and was super excited when he replied thanking ME for thanking him. Great writer and a great dude!


Died of natural causes at 67?


@2 my first thoughts exactly.


I am sorry to hear this. I was rooming in a house with him near UW many years ago.


@2 "Natural causes" includes everything other than suicide, homicide, or accident. One can die of natural causes at any age. Very sad news, though.


"Natural causes" means his family either doesn't know or doesn't want to say.

I have a friend who almost died of "natural causes" when she had a cardiac event in her sleep at 54. Her death rattle woke her husband up and he CPR'd her until the EMTs got there. It's fucking amazing she's alive, because she basically wasn't.

RIP Charles Cross.


Charles was an amazing purveyor of the Seattle Music Scene in the most comprehensive of ways, he wrote about almost all of it. He will be missed by so many that have had personal touch points with him throughout the his many years. Rest In Peace and Rock and Roll ❤️‍🩹


It's hysterically funny to see all these platitudes about Mr. Cross, especially from the paper that took such delight in skewering him in the 1990s! Anyone remember Everett True? Look up his blistering pieces on Cross.

Cross lucked into a good thing when the Seattle music scene took off. The Rocket did cover local stuff, but there was so much going on that another mag started exclusively focusing on NW music because the Rocket wasn't covering it (Backlash). No, glamgrrl, he did not "write about almost all of it." Other writers did. But when grunge exploded, Cross was able to parlay that into a book career. Even though other writers that had more affinity for the music. But he had a better agent. History is written by the winners.

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