Seattle indoor soccer team owner is on trial: In Arizona. For allegedly sexually assaulting two women who were babysitting his kids in 2017. The Phoenix trial has unearthed other accusations against Dion Earl, the owner of the short-lived Seattle Impact indoor soccer team. Members of the team's dance squad alleged that Earl had sexually assaulted them in 2014. The King County Sheriff's Office decided not to press charges. The entire dance team resigned, and the majority of the soccer players quit out of protest. This current trial is bringing to light Earl's lifelong history of being terrible to women.

All millennials care about are plants: We may not be able to afford houses, but we sure can drop a chunk of change on houseplants. According to the Economist, millennials make up one-third of all houseplant sales in the United States. The rise of plant popularity can be seen using Google trend data. Searches for "succulents have risen tenfold since 2010." The reason? Most millennials live in urban apartments without gardens. Also, plants are the most attainable and least-demanding form of domesticity.

Mukilteo Fire Department gets its first female captain: Kelli McNees has been in the firefighting game for 23 years. She said that she's never experienced any discrimination being a woman in this male-heavy industry. On the contrary, she said she gets a lot of encouragement. McNees is the first female fire captain at the Mukilteo Fire Department and has set her sights on becoming the fire chief one day.

Another day, another wolf pack destined for slaughter: The wolf advocates are up in arms. In the last three years, four wolf packs have had membersā€”or the entire packā€”killed in northeast Washington. The common cause is the wolves are fucking with cattle, and farmers have old-fashioned solutions. Critics say that this isn't problem-solving and will happen again.

Can anyone attest to this claim? Seattle Weather Blog is comparing our summer this year to 2007's mild summer. I was a fresh fifth-grade graduate in Los Angeles at the time, so I have no idea about the validity of the statement.

Someone must have something against this e-bike shop: The Pioneer Squareā€“based Seattle E-Bike has been broken into six times since August started. Someone even stole a $3,000 bike. ā€œI feel like somebody is at war with me,ā€ the owner told KOMO News.

Fire season here is still... quiet: I feel like if I bring it up too much, I'll jinx the whole thing and we'll get socked in with smoke from all sides. Enough about us, though. The Amazon is burning. The number of forest fires in Brazil from January to August this year is 82 percent higher than it was last year. And officials say that it's all due to human activity.

These guys got up close and personal: With an Alaskan glacier.

Brazilian man takes 37 hostages on Rio de Janeiro bus: It was like that movie Speed, except nothing like it besides the hostages and the bus. This man had a four-hour standoff with police on a bridge. He threatened to set the bus on fire. According to hostages, the man had spilled gasoline into the bus. The kidnapper was ultimately shot dead by police.

Facebook wants back into the news business: It's hiring journalists to work on its new projectā€”"News Tab." It will be a separate, curated stream of news and articles that, confusingly, does not interfere with the Facebook "News Feed." Facebook stepped back from promoting news on its platform after it came under fire for its help in the spread of disinformation during the 2016 election. Facebook is hoping that hiring seasoned journalists will ensure that Facebook is "highlighting the right stories." The job postings for the roles are supposed to go live on Tuesday.

The White House contradicts Trump: The economy is slowing down. Fears of a recession are palpable. President Donald Trump, however, insists that the economy is "very strong." So then why is the White House preparing fail-safe measures in case the economy worsens? White House officials' contingency plan consists of cutting payroll taxes and reversing tariffs to bolster a struggling economy.

The first generic abortion pill: The pill, called mifepristone, which medically induces an abortion, has been around since 2000. It caught on quickly and, as of 2014, "accounted for 45 percent of abortions before nine weeks," Vox reports. But it was sold by only one company. Until this week that is. The company GenBioPro is releasing a generic version on the market and it hopes doing so will bring costs down for patients. However, since this is America, and the female body and anything related to it is forever a war zone, the pill is still heavily restricted.

Drama in Russia: This father was threatening to throw his daughter out of his window. Some police showed up and climbed through the window and wailed on the dad. Ah, Russia.

Well that's bleak: Back-to-school supplies in some Colorado schools include kitty litter and buckets for lockdowns.

French couple steals Italian beach's sand: The two put 90 pounds of sand from the Italian island of Sardinia into 14 plastic bottles stowed in their car. They were caught on a ferry back to France. The couple now faces one to six years of jail time.

Tonight's best Seattle entertainment options include: A chance to hear Lucy Tan read from her debut novel, a show full of droning lullabies with Dreamdecay, Gen Pop, Puzzlehead, and Casual Hex, and a preview night show of Eisa Davis's 2007 Pulitzer finalist play Bulrusher.