

"However, since this is America and the female body and anything related to it is forever a war zone, the first generic abortion pill is still heavily restricted."

Ah, yes, the Republican War on the Womenfolk -- it meshes nicely with the War on the Environment, the War on Climate / Political Refugees,* and the War on Drugs Users, to name but a few...

*we bust 'em, into shitholes, to make the Planet safe -- for multi-national Corps; not to mention Kochs Klean Koal's World-wide repercussions


Fun fact: the vast majority of succulents in this nation are grown and sold by one company. Good Stranger story?
Btw, Nathalie, u rock. Thanks for my news.


"The Seattle Weather Blog is comparing our summer this year to 2007's mild summer."

While I cannot vouch for the accuracy of their comparison, I'm enjoying the fuck out of this current no-smoke, not-too-fucking-Hot Summer.

If this is Catastrophic Climate Change (and I know, it's just getting warmed up), then I'll fucking take it.


"The White House contradicts Trump"

This is what we get (deserve? nah) when 'we' elect a reality teevee star -- an incompetent, multiply-bankrupt (morally, factually and ethically) lying, cheating back-stabbing Incompetent.

I sure hope the Oxymoron (Limpbah) doesn't enter the Race -- he'd probably make good his wish to execute all drugs users, not realizing (til too late) his own struggles with addiction. Which'd be okay, I suppose, if they quit the Executions after just his.


This is a fairly mild summer in relation to the last two or three that were quite warm for this area. We’ve had some summer-free summers in the not so distance past, lots of clouds and frequent rain.

I’m glad the previous team owner is being bought to justice for his abuse of power.
In other soccer news: Wolves goalie was amazing, blocking Pogbas’s pk. Wolves also caused lots of trouble to Man U defense, proving it way more vulnerable than it looked last week against Chelsea. There’s this guy on Wolves’ right wing, Adama, who had some amazing moves combined with strength and skill. I hope he is not snatched by one of the biggies in January’s transfer window.


"We will tell you what the correct news stories to read are, user. Listen only to me, dear user. Only I know what is best for you."


I'm kind of scratching my head over that Economist article... the statistic that millennials buy one third of all houseplants is not surprising given that they are about one third of the adult population.

Also, re: the weather, I think this was what much of the Mudede/Mass kerfuffle the other year was about. Things are nowhere near fully fucked as of yet, and so if you point at every single hot summer or extreme weather event and say "that's climate change!" you're going to inevitably end up backpedaling during the mild years. The effects of climate change are serious but are thus far mostly in the realm of long-term statistics.


"a cheaper generic method by which you can murder your baby."

Sure -- if by 'murder your baby' you mean aborting a fucking Zygote.

Why do Republicans hate babies* but Love zygotes?

"God" only knows.

*Zero or minimal funding for prenatal care, preschool, daycare, parental leave, etc etc etc etc


@10 was for Shorline Dave's comment @8



Well, if anyone here would know about being a piece of shit, I guess it would have to be you.

Also, how many unwanted children have you adopted - assuming the courts would allow you within 100 feet of any, that is?


dis @ 8
I also thought this Russian dude is terrible.


7: Yeah, it's called being an editor. It's something that is actually required for real journalism. The whole "get rid of the gatekeepers" philosophy of reporting is why partly why we're in this fucking mess.

Not that I think FB has a clue how to do this right. And regardless, the endlessly stupid right will claim liberal bias.


Every time you go to write something about millennials remind yourself that that's the name we use for adults aged twenty to forty. As in... Adults aged twenty to forty buy a third of houseplants! Almost seems low for what should be prime houseplant buying years.


Reading and hanging on every word a "troll" says so you can have an obvious emotional reaction every single time is usually the best way to reduce trolling.

At least, I think so. I've never used the internet before today, so I don't really know.


I wish the crazies would crack down on masturbation. Literally millions of "babies" being soaked up by your tighty whities every morning! When will the holocaust end?



Is Rush seriously considering a run? Gotta admit it'd be pretty freaking entertaining watching shithead vs shithead debate for the GOP nom.


@18 -- Bingo.

Still waiting for Neocons (and Verminazi!) to outlaw spilling of Thee Precious Seed into empty (non- or no-longer-reproductive) vessels.

'Ban the Condom!' is gonna be their next
"christian" horrorshow in their
Battle for Overpopulation..


Yup, it's all been downhill since the days of Onan (in Genesis chapter 38).


"Millenials" aren't special. They're just the current crop of 20/30 somethings trying to figure life out. I repeat, they aren't any more special than any other generational cohort. Get over yourselves.


Shorline Dave -- Zygotes and Embryos and NOT children.
Nor babies.

Why do Repubs hate babies (and children)
and give Massive Tax Cuts to Billionaires?

WHY won't they put tax payer monies
where their mouths are?


@25 -- Oops:
Shorline Dave -- Zygotes and Embryos are NOT children.
Nor babies.



Because their mouths are too full sucking billionaire cock?


I’ve hardly had to use the AC all summer except in late afternoons. But we have Olympic views so even on a cooler day the sun can make the house a tad too warm. Of course some people do get panicky when the weather gets too hot around Seattle, some kind of carbon neurosis I suspect.

Now 2009 was a scorcher and the AC was running for nearly two months straight.

@18 If you think sperm are the same as a fetus you need to retake biology.

The main difference between millennials and potted plants is potted plants have more resilience. Millennials are feeble minded in comparison.


diss- The shame is on people like you and raindrop. So ashamed and full of lifetime of regret you never had a baby of your own, which is why you still define pregnancy as a "miracle." That you blame women for terminating an unwanted "miracle" is a make up for your own loss, as well as punishment for all those women for rejecting you.


@9: "I'm kind of scratching my head over that Economist article... the statistic that millennials buy one third of all houseplants is not surprising given that they are about one third of the adult population."

Would you be surprised if one third of Depends sales were to millennials? Or if one third of landlines were owned by millennials? You realize that different demographics consume things at different rates, right? It's been known for awhile that younger people are "into" plants more so than before. Go look up various articles about it.


Last night I saw a cute mixed race couple buying their first impulse house plant together in the checkout line at PCC Fremont.

Who needs equity when you have underwater stock options?


Oh, and it's snowing in half of BC.

Climate Change is NOW.


@35 Not the nice half.


I'm sure that little Russian girl was just starting her apprenticeship in bathtub installation. What's the big deal?



Sure, in some sort of idealized, fantasy world your point is perfectly legitimate. But we don't live in such a world. We live in one that lacks both the financial and planetary resources to adequately and humanely care for the extra hundreds of millions of children that would result from an abortion ban. And when this preventable toll is combined with the overwhelmingly disproportionate impact and burden that is borne by the birthing mothers of these children, our society has come to the perfectly understandable and undeniably "humane" decision to keep abortion safe and legal. Also, go fuck yourself.



Considering that 99% of abortions occur months before the microsecond on which you've chosen to plant your portable goal post, the answer would be: because in those instances it was established that the fetus was not going to survive outside the womb much beyond that microsecond anyway. In those other 99% of instances - well, I would imagine the woman would say it's none of your fucking business what she chooses to do with the contents of her body, any more than it's any of her business what you do with the contents of your own.

And since you clearly don't give a fuck about what happens to an infant after that microsecond, let's turn your question around and ask: why are you so concerned about what happens to it before that microsecond occurs?


Raindrop- here is what you wrote here some 10 days ago. Possibly a makeup act for your own loss and regrets, as well as revenge and some weird sense of vindication:
“There are angry women on this thread who want you to abort solely because it gives them some weird sense of vindication.”

Comment 186


@31, there are certainly some things that are obviously bought more by other age groups than others, but I've never thought of houseplants as one of them. Perhaps the fact that young people don't traditionally buy houseplants is a piece of common knowledge that passed me by, but without any other context the statistic that millennials account for the exact amount of plant sales as their proportion of the population seems unremarkable.


The Stranger's own election coverage, among others, notes the link between conservative/pro-business votes and home ownership. Areas that are primarily renters lean liberal/left. If more young people could buy homes, that means more conservative leaning votes. Isn't this something to be concerned about? More renters, more liberal votes.


@28 since when did the slog start attracting the evening magazine crowd?


Ten biblical episodes and prophecies provide an unequivocal expression of God's attitude toward human life, especially the ontological status of "unborn children" and their pregnant mothers-to-be. Brief summaries:

• A pregnant woman who is injured and aborts the fetus warrants financial compensation only (to her husband), suggesting that the fetus is property, not a person (Exodus 21:22-25).

• The gruesome priestly purity test to which a wife accused of adultery must submit will cause her to abort the fetus if she is guilty, indicating that the fetus does not possess a right to life (Numbers 5:11-31).

• God enumerated his punishments for disobedience, including "cursed shall be the fruit of your womb" and "you will eat the fruit of your womb," directly contradicting sanctity-of-life claims (Deuteronomy 28:18,53).

• Elisha's prophecy for soon-to-be King Hazael said he would attack the Israelites, burn their cities, crush the heads of their babies and rip open their pregnant women (2 Kings 8:12).

• King Menahem of Israel destroyed Tiphsah (also called Tappuah) and the surrounding towns, killing all residents and ripping open pregnant women with the sword (2 Kings 15:16).

• Isaiah prophesied doom for Babylon, including the murder of unborn children: "They will have no pity on the fruit of the womb" (Isaiah 13:18).

• For worshiping idols, God declared that not one of his people would live, not a man, woman or child (not even babies in arms), again confuting assertions about the sanctity of life (Jeremiah 44:7-8).

• God will punish the Israelites by destroying their unborn children, who will die at birth, or perish in the womb, or never even be conceived (Hosea 9:10-16).

• For rebelling against God, Samaria's people will be killed, their babies will be dashed to death against the ground, and their pregnant women will be ripped open with a sword (Hosea 13:16).

• Jesus did not express any special concern for unborn children during the anticipated end times: "Woe to pregnant women and those who are nursing" (Matthew 24:19).

Anyone that claims "god" is concerned with "unborn children" has never read the bible.


@32 Don't flatter yourself. We wake up knowing all too well how we're going to own raindrop, because raindrop never learns from raindrop's mistakes.

I'm telling you, friend, the biggest step you could take to improve yourself is to buy and start using a decent desk dictionary. Here's another one:


Fax2 -- "At what precise moment does a zygote become a human?"

I'm guesssing, at the moment of Conception?
I believe the issue is Viability.

And the Mother's Wishes.
Including, what is it, the right to be secure in one's person?

It's currently Legal because enough people decided it should be.

I'm assuming the Miracles of ModernMedicine™ doesn't even need the woman, anymore, so where does leave us? What about those Fetuses?!

We're getting bogged down by fundamentalist religion, who wants to make America Great and return her to the Dark Fucking Ages. Bring back the strocks. Corporal Punishment for all (but the very rich)! Government plus God, what (the fuck?) can go Wrong?

@29 -- [other than the fuck you] Very well said. Thank you.


"Bring back the strocks!"

My gawd. That one slipped out.


@48 -- @39, not @29!

Edit or bust!


@16 --- Bingo.
@40 -- Very Well Said. Thank you.
@32 -- Well played!
@48 -- I shouldda looked up strocks. It's a thing.

Stocks! Put the miscreants and scofflaws and (you pick a few), put 'em under lock n' key and we'll dish out a little Frontier Justice (or whatever's on our mind) (all's fair, in love and war?); perhaps I might run a handly little over-ripe (organic!) fruits/veggies concession stand, nearby....

Mouldy tomatoes, 10¢
Too Late! bananas
one quarter

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