Queer Jul 22, 2024 at 11:50 am

Texts Revealed Harrell and Playground Donor Stuart Sloan Shared Disgust about Nudity

Texts show that both Harrell and a million-dollar donor shared mutual "disgust" for nude bathers at the queer beach. LARA KAMINOFF



"But mayor Harrell and Sloan only discussed nudity in the texts;"

This is totally false, as one of the linked stories at the Stranger clearly shows:

'Meanwhile, Harrell wrote, “I have been made aware of the fact that the problem of nudity and hazardous waste has become totally totally unacceptable at the beach.”'



For all the outrage and, frankly, naivete about any Mayor, anywhere, cozying up to a rich person, I'll again point out that the beachgoers and their supporters won. That should be the lesson learned.

Also, I don't think you'll find a whole lot of people who oppose graffiti eradication.


@2 the outcome of this particular event is not the point TS is trying to make. This is part of the never ending line of hit pieces meant to discredit and undermine the current leadership of Seattle who is politically opposed to TS slate of candidates. I'm not sure at this point what is sadder, the continued hit pieces or the barrel scraping that has to occur to find an "issue" worth complaining about. I, for one, am glad our city government is boring and non-controversial and focused more on running the city than passing poorly thought out legislation that has yet to product a positive impact.


District dear, they tried the same thing with the contract negotiations with city employees, making a big deal out of the initial 1% raise offer and the mayor telling employees that he hopes they "party their ass off" (or something to that effect), implying that it was a "let them eat cake" moment, but he was actually wishing the representatives luck in the negotiations so that there would be a raise to celebrate.

We ended up with an almost 10% wage increase and two year's retroactive pay. Not too shabby, but I don't know if it made the pages of The Stranger.


It's Divine, not Devine.

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