

The same principle that allows universities to cancel speeches by speakers saying things you don't like can be used to cancel performances by performers saying things you do like.


"Some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses"

@1 does A&M have cheerleaders? Pretty sure kids attend those games.


@1 so many minors running around college campuses! It’s like everyone just forgot about Doogie Howser, he was just a kid when he went to college. These libs are detached from reality and don’t understand how our Universities are mostly just filled with child geniuses who are extremely impressionable- imagine if Doogie had showed up for surgery with a full set and 8” heels? Ok, yes that sounds hilarious, but um… not for his patient!


Drinking mayonnaise? Sounds like a Thursday for some people I know.


@1 and why is that a concern exactly?


@8 wat

Im already depressed enough I don’t need news in my life

But I am legit wondering what the concern is? Is it a “don’t take children to R rated movies kind of concern?” That’s at least a bit understandable even if I don’t agree with that.

But all this concern really just seems like “this makes me feel icky and I shouldn’t have to explain concepts of gender and sexuality to my kids” masquerading as a concern for children seeing adult content

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