A majority of these fucks, who run a city 12 miles outside of Seattle, voted against raising the Pride flag. City of Newcastle



Who's in a bunker? Who's in a bunker?
Women and children first
And the children first, and the children
I'll laugh until my head comes off
I'll swallow 'til I burst
Until I burst, until I
Who's in a bunker? Who's in a bunker?
I have seen too much
I haven't seen enough, you haven't seen it
I'll laugh until my head comes off
Women and children first
And children first, and children
Here I'm alive
Everything all of the time
Here I'm alive
Everything all of the time



thank you Natalie for disabusing me of the notion that you were the only professional journalist at the stranger.


If Reichert doesn't endorse that orange fuck, he gets no $ from the RNC. Orange fuck has complete control of it - his awful daughter in law is in charge.


as the late great Mitch Hedberg once said: “Escalators cannot break. They can only become stairs."


When did cricket go into extra innings?


@4. Sorry about the convenience.


The escalators at the Pioneer Square station are completely shut down and closed off. I think they should replace them with high speed elevators, like the ones at Beacon Hill, but they'd need to up the security there.

Of course, if the city would just unload the vacant block that formerly housed the Public Safety Building, a developer might be able to tie it into a new structure.

Oh, and no mention of Martin Selig? He's broke.


Oh, and condolences to the family of the poor Garfield student.

And Newcastle - seriously?

And of course Reichert is a MAGA. The guy has zero principles. Everything is transactional with that mannequin.


Didn’t Pat Sajak go full MAGA?


Pat Sajak has always been a right wing lunatic. He even had a show on Fox. I always thought it was weird to have a low-rent Rush Limbaugh wannabe as the host for a popular game show.


Yes, and yes!
Republicans prove their worthlessness, as they try to claim moderation, but always back Trump.
And of course, there’s always some inane culture war the GOP will eagerly pursue, rather than doing anything useful.


So what does the Stranger, adamantly opposed to juvenile incarceration, suggest be done with the little angle who killed that kid?


@7. LOL




What are you sad about, just because she called some homophobic politicians fucks?

Good grief.


@12: he could easily be 18, in which case your query is moot. one or more of the dozens of kids that witnessed the shooting knows who he is.

hasn't been much in TS about the "no youth jail" movement lately.


Leave it to raindrop to have all the tea about Pat Sajak’s failed Fox News talk show and to be weirdly emotionally invested in other people’s opinions about it.


@17. You're trigger happy to be an apologist for all things MAGA before fact checking while insisting you don't support Trump. The party of Reagan no longer exists, you can discard your identify politics.




Charli xcx can't make music videos for shit.


And democrats, even those who voted ‘uncommitted’ in the primary will all vote for Biden while accusing him of being complicit in the Israeli genocide of Hamas…sorry, Palestinians.
Stop pretending you’re any different.


Well maybe not "broke" CDizzle dear, but the Puget Sound Business Journal is reporting that his company defaulted on 240 million dollars worth of loans because of an "imminent monetary default"


@23. Oh, I was laughing in the Nelson Muntz sense.


That graph clearly shows that city-wide, broken escalators are gradually trending downwards.


@25: IDF where you saw that "25 is the new 18" in TS. maybe a quote from one of the No Youth Jail weirdos?

@27: pretty good?


@18, no slagging. Raindrop watches the Fox output so the rest of us don't have to.



Seriously, where the hell is this nonsense coming from? You're a goddamn freak.



I know there's the ongoing push to have youth incarcerations radically reformed. While I agree with the idea in theory, I've always thought their efforts were misguided, if only because the size and scale of changes needed to undertake such an effort are far too large and expensive to be deemed feasible in the short term.

I've never heard anything about 25 year olds relative to the effort. Or even 18 year olds for that matter. And YOU know very well that guy is a goddamn freak. There's no need to be coy there either.


Legally treating 25 year olds like children is an extreme thing to believe! Is this something someone at The Stranger has argued before? If it’s obvious what he’s referring to it should be easy to explain.


Lol, I glossed right over the thing about “rights to self-determination” before 18. Again, is this anything anyone at The Stranger has argued? Feels like yet another straw man on top of the other.


@34: i guess it's extrapolated from allowing trans kids to use puberty blockers? are they allowed to do that without parental consent?

@33: and I think that comes from studies that say the brain isn't "mature" until 25, but i don't think TS has argued that a 24 year old should be a minor before the law before.

Capt. Ahab is conflating and exaggerating as usual.


It's true that people's brains aren't fully developed until their early 20's, but most of us manage to get through that without killing anyone - and that includes poor people of all races.


@35 I think Ahab’s gone all the way to “just making shit up” this time. There isn’t even a kernel of truth hiding in the dross.


@38 Nice try, but no cigar. There's more red herrings there than at a fish plant in Sitka. I looked at all of the articles on page one of that search. Not surprisingly, those articles were all about the youth jail, which holds people under 18. I don't think thee was a single mention of adult brains not developing until age 25.

You're the one making the claim in @25 that the Stranger thinks that people under age 25 shouldn't get adult sentences. You make the claim, you back it up with a link. Not "go search these terms." A link. Where age 25 is discussed. Where juvenile sentences for people over the age of 18 is discussed.

Otherwise, you're just full of shit as usual. Good luck!


So we’re going from “no youth jail” to “no adult sentencing for anyone under 25” and a bill regarding parental oversight of what’s taught in public schools and access to student councilor records to “kids shouldn’t be free to do whatever they want.” Words can mean anything if you want them to.




kids *should be free to do whatever they want


"How to get the Israeli hostages back"

This is what the Israeli far right says too


they've already gotten
SEVEN Hostages Back!
this rate Palestine'll be de-
serted with Nothing to remind
Israel that 2.5 MILLION PEOPLE
used to Live there. no, it's Obviously
NOT GENOCIDE. it's merely a Land Grab.

bring on the
Nuremberg Trials
let's go back to Where
we Started from. o.m.f.g.


oh, thnx, dewey!
that shouldda read:

Dead Palestinians

another Hundred THOUSAND
wounded and how many Untold
sick and injured, Unable to find ANY
Medical Care -- not to Mention Untold,
UNCOUNTABLE buried, entombed in what
Used to be their Homes, now Blown to smith-
ereens and Bulldozed by Israel into Oblivion. this
'War' on Palsetinians did NOT begin on 10/7/23 - it
began when Europeans relocated Jews or maybe eons
before. bibi don't Want the Hostages back -- they're too
Useful to him and his reich otherwise. his keep-outta-Prison

gambit wears thin (most
of) the rest of the Planet
agrees tho Israel's propa-
gandists're Still convincing
some their Genocide/Land
grab're totes cool. it's Wrong.


if bibi can only hang on
til Eltrumpfster can Steal
the next one it'll be Reich
Wing Utopia which'll likley
please you wormmy & your
cohorts Enormously. fuck that.


I vote for


@46 Go tell the hostage families they are "far left" for saying they prefer negotiating since it is far safer than going in all gun blazing killing scores of innocents in the process (274 dead and more than 400 wounded during this one operation!). You disgust me.


@51 I don't need to tell them anything since they are already saying they would prefer negotiations, which the Israeli far right doesn't want. Repeating the same garbage over isn't going to help anyone.

"Hamas won't budge"

That is false. They are closer to a deal than before. The main sticking point is whether ceasefire is permanent. Get off Wingnut "News" and stop wasting people's time with your uninformed dross.


Over Hostage
Rescue May Be Fleeting

The operation conducted by Israel’s military to free four hostages resulted in a high death toll among Palestinians and has not resolved the challenges facing the Israeli government.

For months, Israelis had heard only about hostages being killed or declared dead in Gaza.

The “lucky” families were those whose loved ones’ remains were retrieved by soldiers, at great risk, and brought home to Israel for burial.

So the audacious rescue on Saturday of four living hostages instantly raised morale in Israel and offered at least a momentary victory for the country’s embattled prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

But by Sunday, euphoria was already giving way to a harsher reality.

The heavy air and ground assault that accompanied the rescue killed scores of Palestinians, including civilians, according to Gaza health officials, puncturing Israel’s claims that the operation was a resounding success, at least internationally.

And the operation failed to resolve any of the deep dilemmas and challenges vexing the Israeli government, according to analysts.

Eight months into its grinding war in Gaza, Israel still appears to be far from achieving its stated objectives of dismantling Hamas’s military and governing capabilities.

And Israelis fear that time is running out for many of the hostages in Gaza. About a third of the 120 that remain have already been declared dead by Israeli authorities.

At the same time, Israel’s leadership is grappling with an escalation of hostilities across the northern border with Lebanon and battling increasing international isolation and opprobrium over the war in Gaza, including allegations of genocide that are being heard by the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

The rescue mission “doesn’t solve a single one of the problems that Israel has been facing ever since Oct. 7,” Nahum Barnea, a leading Israeli political columnist, wrote in the popular Yediot Ahronot newspaper on Sunday.

“It doesn’t solve the problem in the north; it doesn’t solve the problem in Gaza; and it doesn’t solve the slew of other problems that threaten Israel in the international arena,” he added.

The stability of Mr. Netanyahu’s
government is hanging in the balance.

--by Isabel Kershner; reporting from Jerusalem
June 9, 2024

for more on bibi’s Genocidal War on Palistinians:

end the
bring nutn-
yahoo to Trial


*Calls to end
Gaza ‘bloodbath’ after
Israeli attack kills 274 Palestinians

One of Israel’s worst attacks kills at least 274 Palestinians at Nuseirat refugee camp and leaves hospitals struggling to cope.

Authorities in the Gaza Strip on Sunday said at least 698 others were injured in “an unprecedented brutal attack”, some in critical condition, as hospitals struggle to cope with the flow of wounded or dead bodies.


Tax Dollars
Very Hard @ Work.


@45, etc.: If only you could do this thing called “math,” you’d see your “genocide” in Gaza would take approximately 45 years, making it, by an order of magnitude, the slowest genocide in history.

Now, if the IDF just would up their game, to the rate of killing civilians achieved by Hamas on 10/7 (which Hamas did with small arms alone!), it would all be over in just about six years.

So, then, who really wanted to commit “genocide”?



tell all that to
the Palestinians
Wormtongue & whilst
you're At It why not drop a
few hundred Thousand Webster's
on Top of them? I'm Certain they'll wel-
come your Assistance to bibi's GENOCIDE

and be Delighted
to know it's just
'a little WAR'
on Them.

sponsored by:


you & dewey
the 'consicience'
of tS and America

THIS is what's
wrong with


@43 You need to improve your reading comprehension. The first page of articles in a search on your recommended terms said nothing whatsoever about age 25. And you (again) didn't provide a link to any particular story. So provide a link or STFU.

@57 Of course, it would take several millennia for actions on the scale of 10/7 to kill off every Israeli, and yet you're perfectly happy to call that a genocide. It's almost like you have a double standard.


Benny Gantz
Quits Israel’s Emergency
Government in Dispute Over Gaza

The move by Mr. Gantz,
a centrist figure and a key member
of Israel’s war cabinet, is unlikely to force
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office.

One of Mr. Gantz’s most prominent differences with Mr. Netanyahu has been over plans for the future governance of Gaza. Critics say Mr. Netanyahu has failed to articulate a coherent plan for how Gaza will be run after the war ends, and by whom.

Mr. Gantz has called for the establishment of an administrative body overseeing civilian affairs, with the backing of Americans, Europeans, Arabs and Palestinians.


STOP the Genocide?
if it stops so does
bibi's iron grip
on Palestine
and. his.

call it Whatchya Will
the War Crimes
Tribunals await.



"you & dewey
the 'consicience'
of tS and America"

Not of the Stranger; on that score, my standards align much more closely with voters of Seattle. (Unsurprisingly, as I was one for a long time.) As far as being the conscience of America, why yes, I'm proud to believe that hostage-taking is always absolutely wrong under all circumstances, that direct actions to rescue hostages should always take precedence over negotiating with hostage-takers, and under no circumstances should any hostages taken be held in areas densely-populated with civilians. I believe this past weekend's events fully demonstrate the validity of all these beliefs.

@59: "...it would take several millennia for actions on the scale of 10/7 to kill off every Israeli..."

Actions on the scale of 10/7, repeated daily, would take about 22.5 years to kill off every Israeli. Interestingly, that is about half the time the ongoing 'genocide' in Gaza will take the better-outfitted IDF. Indeed, Hamas' great proficiency at raping and slaughtering Israeli civilians can, all by itself, completely explain the worldwide demonstrations against Hamas which broke out after 10/7, can explain UN Women's immediate and unequivocal condemnation of Hamas after 10/7, and can explain the persistent flood of protests against Hamas on university campuses across our great nation this Spring. (Even at the normally-tolerant UW, protesters demanded the academic blacklisting of anyone who dared defend Hamas' very existence! Typical undergraduate enthusiasm in pursuit of justice, that. Perhaps a bit much by adult standards, but understandable.)

I'm sorry, were you saying something about a double standard? Yes, yes you were. Well, please don't let me slow you down. By all means, discuss!


@57 Genocide is defined as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". Thus, the ICJ determined that a genocide occurred when Serbians rounded up and murdered ~8000 Muslims in 1995.

Garbage in, garbage out describes pretty well your attempt at using simple algebra.


@61 Cut the crap. As of March and it certainly hasn't gotten any better for Israel since:

Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza

Approval has dropped from 50% to 36% since November


Basically you agree with Republicans, which is no great surprise considering the sick garbage you spew.


@59, @62: I wasn't actually the one here who seemed to define "genocide" based upon numbers alone. That was kristo', at @47. Please take your concerns over numbers to him. I was merely pointing out to kristo' that even based upon numbers alone, Hamas would seem to have a much better claim upon the word 'genocide' than does Israel.

@62: Whilst kristo' vehemently disagrees with using the UN Genocide Convention to define genocide (!), I agree with your use of the UN Genocide Convention to define genocide. Numbers do not matter; specific intentions and acts do. Again, by that measure, Hamas on 10/7 in Israel easily out-scores Israel in Gaza.

@63: Polls of American registered voters consistently show great support for Israel. From April 29:

"The Harvard CAPS-Harris survey shared with The Hill showed 80 percent of registered voters said they support Israel more in the war, while 20 percent said they support Hamas more. That is about in line with the poll’s findings from last month, when 79 percent indicated they support Israel more."


And it's not just support of Israel generally. From mid-May:

'Three-quarters of respondents said Israel should move forward “with an operation in Rafah to finish the war with Hamas, doing its best to avoid casualties even though there will be casualties."'


While public opinion generally may shift, the views of American registered voters on Israel were not moved by casualty figures out of Gaza, by campus protests, or by anything else. (Can you name other issues on which 75%-80% of American registered voters consistently agree? How about just one?)


No one's lives are more important than those of innocent children who are butchered en masse for the sins of their fathers. This is the future, and when you discard it so callously and toss around terms like "evil" towards those who deface fascist monuments to make it stop, you uphold paint over entire lives, the entire collective future of humanity, for the idea that others' lives are more important than theirs. That we live in a world where the spirit has no value over the flesh. Where the material takes precedent over the soul. This is truly hell on earth.


from Another

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


it's well past Time
for some More
of them Nur-

End the


@65: “No one's lives are more important than those of innocent children…”

But the innocent children who have been kidnapped and held as hostages for the ‘sins of their fathers’ — it’s ok for terrorists to use those children’s lives and bodies in a game of international negotiation, correct? Their government shouldn’t even try to rescue them? Please clarify.

@66: “Of course the people don't want war.”

But what if the people freely choose for their government an organization which has vowed to cleanse a neighboring country of that country’s current inhabitants. Could we reasonably say that particular people did indeed want war? Or do elections simply not matter? Discuss.


I have to agree with conservatives on this recent hostage rescue. I personally think they should negotiate instead, but as far as military goes, this in itself is appropriate use of military - an operation to go in and bring them out. And AP reported they went in pretty fast, it was coming out that was problematic because Hamas started firing on them, using grenades and missile launchers - and all in this civilian area. They could have just have just let them leave with this hostages. The Israeli's military response was predictable, and that it could kill many people in the area. But - by the way - the people keeping them hostage were counted among the 200 civilians. A 'journalist' and a 'doctor.' And they lived in a very nice neighborhood with a beautiful fully stocked grocery store and mall and much nicer cars than anyone who reads on this forum. Quite the 'open air prison'..!


@69. That's not surprising, as all you have ever posted has been in support of the Likud and perpetual war. The smartest thing to do would be to take the ceasefire deal on the table and release all the hostages. But even if Hamas released all the hostages, the right wing government of Israel would never stop their war until they "destroyed Hamas," no matter how many innocents they killed in service to that goal.



Mostly because of this guy.


@66: I think your analogy, of Nazis in Germany to Hamas in Gaza, is an excellent one:

Nazis were originally elected, freely and fairly, then imposed a brutal dictatorship which planned and executed war. Ditto Hamas.

Nazi warfare brought great suffering to civilians in neighboring countries. Hamas warfare brought great suffering to civilians in neighboring Israel.

Nazi warfare brought invasion of Germany, and huge suffering to the German civilian population. Hamas warfare brought invasion of Gaza, and huge suffering to the civilian population of Gaza.

Nazi party was recognized as existential threat to neighbors, who invaded and overthrew it.

Yes, I agree completely with your analogy, at least in the aspects listed above. Thank you!


@61 Remind me again how many times Hamas has gone into Israel since 10/7? Oh yeah, none. If 10/7 attacks were happening every day, you'd have a point. But they're not. You of course know that but you're always willing to commit the double standard.

As long as we're talking about people's unwillingness to call out the most extreme protestors, remind me again when the last time pro-Israeli protestors called out those in their ranks who called for pro-Palestinian protestors to be raped? Hmmm. Quiet on that front. What about the pro-Israeli folks who beat up pro-Palestinian folks at UCLA? Golly gee, silence there too. What can it all mean?


@73: "Remind me again how many times Hamas has gone into Israel since 10/7? Oh yeah, none."

They were firing rockets into Israel from Rafah as the IDF was on the way there. Does that count, or have you some magical hand-waving formula for that, as well?

"If 10/7 attacks were happening every day, you'd have a point. But they're not."

So, the effectiveness of the IDF is your problem here?

"As long as we're talking about people's unwillingness to call out the most extreme protestors, remind me again when the last time pro-Israeli protestors called out those in their ranks who called for pro-Palestinian protestors to be raped?"

I have absolutely no idea. Quotes and URLs, please.

"Hmmm. Quiet on that front."

Yes, I just said that: "Quotes and URLs, please."

"What about the pro-Israeli folks who beat up pro-Palestinian folks at UCLA?"

Um, talk to the local prosecutors? And what's your proof the assailants were "pro-Israeli folks," BTW?

"What can it all mean?"

Ooh, close! The phrase you were looking for was, "whataboutism".


@74 My issue is that you are being blatantly dishonest. When discussing deaths in Gaza, you say that it will take decades for the IDF to kill everyone in Gaza. When discussing deaths in Israel, you assume that a 10/7 will happen every day, 365 days a year to get to Hamas wiping out the state of Israel in 22 years. It's a laughably double standard.

So let's break down the math for you, since that seems to be an issue for you. Since 10/7, Israel has killed around 37,000 people in Gaza, or roughly 2% of the prewar population of ~2 million. Since 10/7, Hamas has killed ~1,500 Israelis including IDF soldiers in Gaza. Heck, let's assume that none of the hostages will survive and bump that up to 1,800. That's 0.02% of Israel's population. You're probably confused by both of those numbers ending in a 2, but even a fourth grader could tell you those numbers are just a tiny bit different.

You're the one who says that all of the pro-Palestinian protestors are responsible for whatever the radical fringe says. And now, predictably, you decline to assign any responsibility to the radical fringe of the pro-Israeli protestors. Double standards all over.


"I wish they will rape you alive and send the video to your mother."



our Wormtongue,
averagebob. well-Pegged.


@75 76 7777


@73: “As long as we're talking about people's unwillingness to call out the most extreme protestors,”

@75: “You're the one who says that all of the pro-Palestinian protestors are responsible for whatever the radical fringe says.”

You can beat that straw man to flinders, and all it will do is show what a bad liar you are. Nationwide, Students for Justice in Palestine organized the protests. As already mentioned repeatedly in Slog comments, SJP holds a violently eliminationist position against Israel. Therefore, the stream of eliminationist hate rhetoric which flowed constantly from the protestors was a feature, not a bug. Locally, SUPER UW also engaged in eliminationist hate speech against Israel, and so unsurprisingly, the UW Quad protesters did as well. Again, feature, not bug.

You might want to spend less time on bashing your straw men, and a little more on wondering why the people you’ve chosen to defend hold such eliminationist positions.

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