Are you thinking about it? 🌴🥥 Kevin Dietsch / GETTY



so: retire to
Greener Pastures
or let Mango Madness
take US Straight to Fascism?

jfc, smokin’ fuckin’ Joe
have you Seen the
fucking Videos?
so Damning
and so A-

continue on
and hand it all
Over to Eltrumpfster
or Step Aside and be
Remembered as one of
Thee Greatest Presidents
of the 21st Century? so Far?

Remember what’s
MOST Important
Sir: your Legacy


oh and Happy
Fourth of July!


I'm not a fan of police shooting people, but I also won't shed a tear over this one.

No coverage of Trump's regular parties with Epstein? No calls for Trump to drop out for his many and various crimes? I guess The Stranger is a member of the mainstream media after all.


Barred owls, not barn owls!


For those who believe Joe Biden is the answer to this country's problems. He is not and we are so fucked and everyone stating otherwise is out of their fucking minds. Trump is a true psychopath. Biden is a lifelong politician drunk on power and now like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, without a brain.

He's just as much a liar as Trump. I was too young to vote (15/16 then) and have no recollection of this. Odd that it was never mentioned when he was VP or when he was put forth to take Trump out of the White House in 2020.

The man plagiarized in law school (anyone else wouldn't have a law degree) and claimed he graduated in the "top half" (ooh what an accomplishment) of his law class when he really graduated closer to dead last.

Brutal resurfaced video(s) of Joe Biden (plagiarizing other people's speeches and LYING HIS ASS OFF). Interesting how he managed to keep this quashed when he was Obama's VP and again in 2020.

Why Joe Biden’s First Campaign for President Collapsed After Just 3 Months


This is what we get? This is the choice we're being given and people believe threatening people who don't vote for Joe Biden are the problem? FUCK ALL OF YOU. This country's so-called democracy was always a joke and now it's just a sick fucking joke that isn't funny. This situation is no longer sad and pathetic, it is outright psychotic.


If you’re interested in what an open convention would be like, you should have paid attention in your high school government class.

If Biden steps down, which he should, The Party should just get behind Harris. That would require the least amount of strategizing since they could use the democratic go to of accusing anyone who doesn’t vote for her as being a misogynist and racist.


@6 There's new news about Trump and Epstein with the recent release of Epstein's trial documents. Did the New York Times make a full court press about how Trump should drop out after his felony convictions? Nope. After the Carroll case adjudicated him a rapist? Nope. After overt threats to become a dictator? Nope. But Biden has a bad night and it's wall to wall coverage of how he's a doddering old fool, ignoring the SOTU and the rally immediately following the debate.

It's not even bothsidesism any more.



you forgot to Mention
his brushing off during
Senate Hearings the com-
plaints of Anita Hill thus en-
suring Clarence 'Uncle' Thomas'
seat at our formerly-Supreme court

but his Disastrous
'debate' with
Seal the



@10 I haven't forgotten. Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court because of Joe Biden.



No, if Biden steps down (and I agree he probably should) then the party should get behind whoever it is that gives them the best chance to win. There's been some preliminary polling that indicates that person could be Harris, but it's anecdotal at best. There are people within the party apparatus making millions and millions of dollars to make these decisions, and these types of situations are precisely why they bring in those obnoxiously bloated salaries. Let's hope they don't fuck it up.


"He's just as much a liar as Trump.".

Yeah, he's not. He's not pathological. He just tells normal politician lies.

His rotting corpse is a better President than Trump. Don't be a double hater.


@9 Do we really need to go here? Read the link at @11. Trump stuck his hands up Caroll's vagina. While that does not meet the technical description of rape in New York, it does for most states and the federal government. And yes, it was proven, as per civil procedure based on the preponderance of the evidence. Which is why I called him an adjudicated rapist--he doesn't have a criminal conviction.

That is not a grope. That is sexual assault in New York and rape in most other jurisdictions. Do you think that the NY Times should have called on Trump to drop out of the race after he was found responsible in court for sexual assault?


Not matter how much westerners love their dogs, it's fucking insane how this is being treated as equally bad (or even worse!) than the sexual assault accusation (not to mention the immeasurable harm he's caused with his antivax efforts)

Some cultures eat animals that other cultures consider taboo. Either stop eating animals or get over it


When will Trump be "no longer a threat"?


I'm with Raindrop on Fetterman not going anywhere near a national ticket.
Wouldn't Whitmer be a much better choice?
Personally I like Whitehouse for the White House!


You’re joking right?


This whole thing about Biden stepping down is stupid and so predictable. Democrats are so easily triggered, and the far left (as it exists in this country) lives in a fantasy world where everything would be fine if everyone else would just shut up and listen to them because they think they are the smartest (when they are usually just the most self-righteous).

There's no other option than Kamela Harris (who I would be fine with) but so many in the "liberal" media world are either secret racists who can't stand the idea of a black woman as president or - like the GOP leadership - assume that we're all as stupid and racists as the GOP base, and would never elect a black woman.

I dont' think Joe Biden is senile, but it's not as if we haven't had senile presidents before (Reagan, trump). If something were to happen we'd have a strong Vice-President to step up, and a good cabinet to keep the government running. God only knows what trump's VP pick will be, and what garbage he will appoint.

If Joe Biden wants step down and hand his delegates to Kamela, so be it. But this is starting to feel like the 1968 Democratic convention (which was also in Chicago) to me.


@4: All that stuff was mentioned when he ran. He was also know he was a gaffe machine. The voters generally didn't care about that.


@24 Maybe you're a little hard of hearing? It was proven in court. Yes, to a lower standard of proof than a criminal trial, but it was proven. A jury of 9 people found Carroll more convincing than Trump and held him liable.

@26 How many criminal trials have you worked as a lawyer for the prosecution or defense? If that number is zero, how do you know the evidence wouldn't have met the burden of proof in a criminal case?


Bill Clinton’s accuser changed her story when asked to file an affidavit with the court. Nonetheless, not only did people think Bill should drop out over it, some thought it disqualified his wife 20 years later, too.

The obvious reason for the double standard is that conservatives don’t care about rape — it’s always he said/she said — and it’s understood that their voters will stand by their man even when he’s caught on tape bragging about it or a judge and jury find him liable.


@31 "Majority"? Uh, no. It's the non-democratic aspects that got us here. The Senators of the Empty Land. The electoral college. The state-level replication of the representatives of the empty land gerrymandering the districts to eliminate any pretense of representation, and lock in non-democratic elections.

This is exacerbated by the left/liberal infighting, splitting the actual majority.

TL/DR: Cohesive plurality favored by the non-democratic elements of the system, beating a split majority.


Of course, who could ever take a “sex column author” at her word when she claims to have been defamed by the man who sexually assaulted her. I mean other than a judge and jury. Anyone else can tell by her job description that she was asking for it.

Thank you for proving my point one more time. Conservatives are horrible people.


@30 Proven in court. No theory about it, unless you think the damages Trump is going to pay are also theoretical. Whether you yourself believe Carroll or not doesn't change the fact that a jury did.

@31 You and Raindrop both keep assuming that I don't know that there's a difference between criminal and civil proof. We don't know and won't know whether the evidence would have stood up to criminal standards of proof because the statute of limitations is long gone. That does not change the fact that it was proven to a civil standard of evidence.

Convictions can be done with similar evidence to what was presented in the Carroll case. This article was about Kavanaugh, but the level of evidence is fairly similar.

So we need protection from the majority like the Supreme Court is doing now? Golly, it's sure great that we're protected from so many things that are popular with the majority. Rational gun laws, abortion rights, clean air. Man, my life would suck so hard if the majority imposed their will on me.


@34 The problem with using polls to say that Biden should step down is that Biden polls better against Trump than any contender who is a plausible successor candidate. The only person who outpolls Biden vs. Trump is Michelle Obama, and she's made it abundantly clear that she's not running.

Biden 40%, Trump 40%
Michelle Obama 50%, Trump 39%
Kamala Harris 42%, Trump 43%
Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) 39%, Trump 42%
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) 36%, Trump 41%
Gov. Andy Beshear (D-KY) 36%, Trump 40%
Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) 34%, Trump 40%

They have slightly different numbers than yours above, though the trends are clear.


@23 I think the most ridiculous part is that Section 4 of the 25th Amendment exists; Dems (and the electorate writ large) need not worry if the accept one of the main premises of Biden 2020, the installation of a competent administration.

If President Harris is a broadly acceptable alternative to a (unproven) senile Biden term, voting for the ticket as is, and waiting for the cabinet to declare his inability, seems like the less dangerous route.

Of course, this does rely on most Americans being able to pass 5th grade civics, so...


@37 This may shock and amaze you, but there are different standards of proof. Meeting a lower standard of proof is still proof if that is all that is required for the court case. See for example, these standard jury instructions from Alabama:

In this case it is the responsibility of the [State/Defendant] to prove every essential part of his/her/its claim[s], [describe claim], by a “preponderance of the evidence.”

You will note that the preponderance of the evidence proves the claim in a civil case. In winning her cases, Carroll proved her claims to the level required for civil cases. It's still proof, no matter how much that hurts your feelings and preconceived notions.


@40 Where precisely did I say that Trump was guilty of a crime in the Carroll case? Where did I say he was convicted?

I didn't. And I keep saying I didn't. And you keep saying I did. So are you willfully ignorant, garden-variety ignorant, or do you just have terrible reading comprehension? I'm kinda leaning toward the former but I'm willing to be convinced.


@13 "the party should get behind whoever it is that gives them the best chance to win. ... There are people within the party apparatus making millions and millions of dollars to make these decisions"

Ya and those people pushed Hillary on us. I trust their judgement not at all. We just need someone who is not-Trump and can complete a sentence so Kamala fits the bill. No need to overcomplicate things.

@23 "this is starting to feel like the 1968 Democratic convention"

If Bobby Kennedy hadn't been assassinated he likely would have won and LBJ would be remembered as a selfless hero for stepping down. As Biden still can be.


“Time is running out fast, but an open convention is possible“

Given the fact the democrats will need to hold a virtual roll call prior to the convention to make the ballot in key battleground states, an open convention is not viable. Throw in that only Harris can access the Biden/Harris funds, please stop with the open convention fantasy.

If Joe decides to dropout, Harris will be the nominee - full stop (anyone else leaves needed electoral votes and money on the table, and democrats can’t afford to lose either of those two).


It's a rather useless exercise to compare poll numbers for hypothetical candidates versus candidates who are already running a campaign

@17 we have gone over this before but the vote is only one of the requirement for democracy to flourish: democratic institutions that represent the will of voters (fail) and a free press that educates the public (fail) are also necessary, which explains why a) people vote against their own interests such as working people voting for demagogue Trump and b) huge numbers give up on voting in part because no viable candidate represents them


And anyone who wouldn’t vote for a literal flaming bag of shit over Trump hates this country / the vulnerable amongst us (so even weekend at Bernie’s Joe will get my vote without a second thought).


Joe Biden
has been willing to support
and sign progressive legislation...
but only if we were able to get it to his desk.

Bernie Sanders Unsubscribe

Yes. These are extremely difficult and painful times. People are demoralized.

The presidential debate last Thursday was a disaster. Trump lied, lied, and lied. Biden did very poorly in defending his record, or exposing Trump for the fraud that he is. Further, he did not bring forth a strong agenda for this second term.

Trump told us that "everybody" wanted to overturn Roe v. Wade. Lie! Over 60% of the American people disagreed with that horrific Supreme Court decision.

Trump told us that illegal immigrants are destroying Social Security because of the benefits they receive. Lie! Illegal immigrants do not receive Social Security benefits. In fact, they put some $10 billion a year into the program that they do not benefit from.

Trump ignored the question on climate change. Maybe it’s because he has the unique and insane view that climate change is a "hoax" created in China.

Trump refused to answer the question about whether he would accept the election results if he lost. Maybe, that’s because he won’t, and because he doesn’t believe in democracy. In the last election he told the world that the only way he could lose that election was if there was fraud — to be determined by him. His views haven’t changed.

Friends. I do not posses a crystal ball, and I have no brilliant political insights as to what the campaign might look like over the next few days or weeks. President Biden said today that he is staying in the race, and I take him at his word.

But this I do know. Democrats will not win this election, for the White House or Congress, unless they focus on the very real and pressing concerns facing working families.

Yes. The President has established and
should defend the good record that
he has established during
his first term.

much more
needs to be done
to address the economic, social,
and environmental crises facing the working class.

That agenda
must be articulated NOW.
The policy contrasts with the Republicans must be made clear.

Republicans are proud to have overturned Roe v. Wade. We must pass legislation that codifies Roe v. Wade and guarantees women the right to control their own bodies.

Republicans think climate change is a hoax.
We must create millions of good jobs
transforming our energy system
away from fossil fuel.

Republicans want to cut Social Security.
We must strengthen and expand
Social Security by lifting the
cap on taxable income.

Republicans want to cut Medicare.
We must expand Medicare to
cover dental, hearing,
and vision.

Republicans want to give tax breaks to billionaires.
At a time of massive income and wealth inequality
we must make the wealthy finally pay their fair share.

Republicans oppose raising the minimum
wage to a living wage. We must raise the
minimum wage to a living wage
— at least $17 a hour.

Republicans ignore the crisis in low-income
and affordable housing. We want to end
homelessness and build millions of
units of affordable housing.

Republicans want to make it harder
for workers to join unions. We
must grow the trade union
movement, end illegal
anti-union actions,
and pass the
PRO Act.

Republicans want to spend even more money on the military-industrial complex. One trillion dollars is not enough. We must stop defense companies from war-profiteering and, like every other agency of government, run the military more efficiently and cost-effectively.

Yes, I, like I suspect many of you, have had my significant disagreements with the Biden Administration. But I do know that time and time again he has been willing to support and sign progressive legislation... but only if we were able to get it to his desk.

So our job
this November is clear:
first, we must defeat Donald Trump,
the worst president in modern American history.

But we must also elect as many
progressive[s] to Congress as
we possibly can so that we
can get legislation to the
president's desk that
will improve the lives
of working people.

That is what I intend to do between now
and November, and I hope you will
join me in that fight. During the last
few weeks we’ve had great meetings
in Ohio and Wisconsin. And that’s
just the beginning.

(If you are inclined, please consider making a $27
contribution to my campaign today. I will put your donation

to work making sure we have a Democratic
president and a Congress that will send
progressive legislation to the White House.)

--the honorable Senator Bernie Sanders (VT- IND.)

them damn Progressives
always Demanding
more and More
and MORE

never Satisfied

(I have no link for this
Bernie sent it via email


from the Planet's
Most Trusted

thee Onion:

New Trump Ad
Shows Montage Of
People He’ll Kill If Elected

PHOENIX—Following this week’s landmark Supreme Court ruling granting presidents broad immunity against criminal prosecution for official acts, Donald Trump’s campaign released an ad Wednesday that consists solely of a montage of people he will have killed if elected in November.

The largely silent ad, which will reportedly air in battleground states across the country, features a sequence of headshots depicting politicians, former Trump White House officials, journalists, and seemingly random average Americans with big red X’s over their faces and the caption “These People Will Be Dead The Moment I Take Power.”

With its images of hundreds of people—including current President Joe Biden, former Attorney General William Barr, former Rep. Liz Cheney, Kim Kardashian, Dale and Linda McPherson of Logansport, IN, and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg—the video was being viewed as a political masterstroke that highlights the former president’s vision for retributive bloodshed starting on Day 1 of his second term.

At press time,
Trump’s campaign
announced that any critics
of the ad would be featured in
subsequent versions of the television spot.

and so it


" Israel has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied West Bank in over three decades, a settlement tracking group said Wednesday, a move that is likely to worsen already soaring tensions linked to the war in Gaza.[..]
That makes 2024 by far the peak year for Israeli land seizure in the West Bank, Peace Now said.
By declaring them state lands, the government opens them up to being leased to Israelis and prohibits private Palestinian ownership. "

"Land theft is a component part of colonial genocide as a social process."
Heidi Matthews, assistant professor at Law School of York University in Toronto.


@42 If Kennedy had stayed in, he wouldn't have won the nomination.

"The hard reality is this: Bobby Kennedy would most likely not have won the presidency, because he was already on track to lose his party’s nomination. In 1968 only 15 states chose their delegates by primary. Almost three-fifths of conventional delegates were selected by county committeemen, state party officers and elected officials, and those officials were squarely behind Humphrey."


@50 maybe true although I think he was making inroads with the Illinois establishment when he was killed. There's no way to know what might have happened, but given that I overstated my case.


Cenc Uygur Is a tedious blowhard, Raindrop dear. I’m not surprised that you follow him.


“Time is running out fast, but an open convention is possible“ An open convention really isn't possible since the convention isn't until the Aug 19th. State ballot certification deadlines start on Aug 9th with Ohio, which has a top tier Senate race, so if Biden is going to drop out it has to be before then, he can't wait until the convention. Dems aren't going to not have a top of the ticket candidate in a state with a critical senate race and two important down ballot house seats. If Biden hasn't dropped out in time to be replaced in Ohio before Aug 9th, he's the nominee period. the convention is too late.



Oh yeah, I wasn't saying I trusted the folks within the party to make the right call, just that they're being paid exorbitantly to do so, and that these types of situations are the reason for those exorbitant salaries. It's certainly possible you all are right, and that Kamala is the only realistically viable alternative. But something about her just doesn't instill any real confidence, in me at least. She's gotta be the most anonymous VP of my lifetime. Shit, even Dan Quayle was at least a national punchline. I've spent nearly the entirety of the past four years mostly forgetting Kamala existed.


@55 "something about her just doesn't instill any real confidence, in me at least"

This I do not disagree with. I sincerely wish she was not the only realistic option, I just think she unfortunately is.


Biden Tells Allies
He Knows He Has Only
Days to Salvage Candidacy

President Biden’s conversations are the first indication that he is seriously considering whether he can recover after a devastating debate performance.

he's given himself ‘days’
not weeks or a even
Month or so?

perhaps he’s
seen The Light

the trainwreck the usofa’d become
under eltrumpfster’s disasterous
far, far right Reich. he can
see it - it looks like
Children of Men
Live in the USA

and he’s got a Chance
to Take the Glory
& Pass the


How Hard
Can this
Be, Joe?

what is it
You want Jill?
can it be the Presidency?

her. KkKonnell's
ct even Said So. so it's Legal.


of July

and may you still have
all of your fingers
come Monday.


For the life of me I cannot fathom why someone hasn't murdered Trump yet. He is a fat ass slob who could easily be killed with a head shot as he drives on the golf course (something only assholes do, even I know that and I fucking hate golf).

Mike Pence is as dumb as a pile of shit and he outwitted Trump when Trump tried to have him murdered.



General Dynamics
et al'll Love to have a Word?


@60 "Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."



and covet thy Neighbors'
LIFE you Mean. there's
Profiteering to be
Made in Death

Busine$$ is
a' BOOMIN' little buddy.

@62 fucking


of July
Well, we didn't quite make it to 250 years as the USA-
Now the Federalist- USA, under new management! Bonuses if you qualify as a Supreme Court Justice!
Those Trump tax breaks are gonna be around for awhile!


"He is
a fat ass slob
who could easily
be killed with a head shot... "

by an errant drive
or a Wicked

"... as he drives
on the golf course... "

... kicking his little
White ball and
how many

"Club Champion"
ever since he
Bought the
gott damn

and if you wanna
Contest the Issue
see: his Ex-wife
Now Buried
on the 7th


mr dunning married ms kruger, and their child is a lay political scientist.


@53 I can't speak for Catalina Vel-DuRay, but in your case, I'm much more likely to credit the horseshoe theory of tedious blowhardery.


Most left-of-center political commentary is anti-Democratic Party, much of it just straight up conservative media talking points dressed up in leftist rhetoric. Cenc even said recently that he was voting republican in some election or other, and his co-host did an abrupt about-face on trans rights. I don’t know anyone on the left who watches any of it.


@65 Packing the court is a viable option that is likely to have increasing support as partisan decisions pile up


Actual headline from the web site of the Washington Post:
"Biden said he needs to get more sleep, avoid events after 8 p. m."
Even the Onion couldn't imagine a headline this absurd. Happy 4th of July. We are screwed!


will the “democratic” national committee, llc
stuff Biden down our throats even if
it means electing Eltrumpfster?


These Voters Supported
President Biden in 2020.
Now They Want a Plan B.

(A) Dozens of Democratic voters in four swing states expressed fear, frustration and anger. And they want another option.


(B) Dozens of voters in four swing states expressed fear, frustration and anger. And they want a Plan B — whatever (and whoever) that is.



Donors Devise Plans
to Pressure Biden to Step Aside



One by One,
the Reasons to Stick
With Biden Are Failing

--Michelle Cottle / nyt opinion writer

stay fucking


New Zealand
will radically ease
zoning rules to try to
relieve its stubborn housing shortage

New Zealand's housing minister says the country will drastically ease restrictions on land use in a bid to “flood the market” with land for homes and override the powers of local councils to curb development

look how
Smart NZers are!

allow That
to happen Here
it makes too much Sense.


@74 - yes, but consider the gang of assholes who run the House. No good idea will be adopted by them.


77, You’re correct to note I’m not going to argue about transphobia with someone who doesn’t believe it exists any more than I’m going to play google assistant for a shut-in who can easily do it himself because he has nothing else going on. This is a great opportunity for you to go outside and try to engage with humans in the flesh for a change. It’s a beautiful day to touch grass.



been Finally
called to Account

which is
No Mas.


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