

I had to laugh. Twice.

Switched on the news this morning and listened to the various talking heads report the CloudStrike FUBAR. Flipping between channels, only one news report from the station most hated by TS and other liberals mentioned "does not affect Linux".


Holmes @1, if you choose to get your news from FOX News (I assume that's what you're talking about), good for you. If you have to wrap your FOX News viewing habits in the euphemistic cloak of "flipping between channels," I guess that must be the news equivalent of the old "I just read Playboy for the articles."

Sorry to pop the bubble of the point you were making--which obscured an important piece of information--but I've been able to get the same critical piece of info from the less-hated NBC News:
"CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company based in Austin, Texas, that’s widely used by businesses and government agencies that run on Microsoft computers, said that a defect in one of its updates for computers running the Windows operating system had caused the issue."

Feel free to accuse me of only getting news from sources which share my biases, but I draw the line at outright propaganda outlets.


me @2: "Feel free to accuse me of only getting news from sources which share my biases, but I draw the line at outright propaganda outlets."

I guess my own snappy comeback to myself would be, "Then why are you reading The Stranger?"

Point taken.


Kid Rock was once relevant? Granted, I am a condescending boomer, but I only know of (maybe) one song of his. Something that sampled "Sweet Home Alabama"?

The finale of the RNC was a doozy. All the 80's pop culture references were perfect for the crowd (old people), the Kotex pads over the right ear, the chanting, trump and Hannibal Lector (yet again) and of course multiple references to Our Lord and Savior.

Republicans are horrible people.


Is there a Linux/Unix component of Windows?


Also, has the Crowdstrike techbro arranged for his live-streamed ritual suicide yet?


@1 Also, your daily reminder that Linux (and iOS) get fewer hacks because they have a lower base target. Linux is mostly locked into data centers with high levels of security, while Windows is the largest install base of idiots who think the computer is broken because they unplugged it and forgot. iOs is just too small an install base to burn time on (yes, I know it's Linux-based). Easy and ubiquitous targets get the most exploits.


"Israel's occupation of Palestine violates international law"

It is telling that Netanyahu's answer is "The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land"; thus leaving no doubt that Israel is an expanding colonial settler state intent on ethnic cleansing. Not that there was any doubt before to impartial observers.

Somehow the linked NYT article "forgot" to mention the court's findings:
"Breaches of international law identified by the court included:

Forcible evictions, extensive house demolitions and restrictions on residence and movement.
The transfer by Israel of settlers to the West Bank and East Jerusalem and maintenance of their presence.
Its failure to prevent or to punish attacks by settlers.
Restricting the access of the Palestinian population to water.
Israel’s use of the natural resources in the occupied Palestinian territory.
The extension of Israel’s law to the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

The Hague court found Israel was in breach of article 3 of the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (CERD), which says: “Parties particularly condemn racial segregation and apartheid and undertake to prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of this nature in territories under their jurisdiction."


In the 90s Kid Rock was a regional joke in the Detroit area but he had a flash of relevance in the latter part of the decade when rap-rock was a thing, which he parlayed into a relationship with Pam Anderson (easily his greatest achievement). Now he’s a bitter insecure drunk who apparently resents his place in the culture but doesn’t have any choice but to lean into it.


@8: Israel should indeed evict all settlers from the West Bank. This will certainly lead to lasting peace, just as Israel’ eviction of all settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005 has.

Wait, no, it probably won’t satisfy groups such as Hamas, Students for Justice in Palestine, or SUPER UW, as they remain committed to eliminating the state of Israel entirely. We can expect them to continue doing exactly what they’re been doing all along to realize that goal.


Biden is the most progressive president we have ever had. If reelected he would be term-limited, 82, and truly give no fucks for the donor class. They thought in 2020 they were getting the senator from Master Card, but he has been the president for everyone. They want him out. Not surprised dumbass pundits are falling for any narrative they get fed.


I heard this analysis of the RNC this morning on NPR which said that now traditional Republicans have fled the coop, and the party is trying to broaden its appeal to what I personally call "the schlock TV crowd". This made total sense given the nature of Trump TV career and the extensive use of marketing $49.99 "MAGA forever" plastic crap. To be sure, I don't really see how this constitutes a broadening of their appeal.


@10 "Wait, no, it probably won’t satisfy groups such as Hamas, Students for Justice in Palestine, or SUPER UW"

Actually, it CERTAINLY won't satisfy the UN court of justice that said settlers AND Israel have to leave the West Bank and other territories. But, we can also be certain that you'll create a diversion by citing Hamas or whatever other demons you like to invoke to justify ethnic cleansing and genocide.


@13: And even if Israel were to do all of that, it still wouldn’t satisfy groups such as Hamas, Students for Justice in Palestine, or SUPER UW, as they remain committed to eliminating the state of Israel entirely.

So the conflict would continue, because Hamas will continue to exist and kill civilians. Groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine and SUPER UW will continue to call for elimination of Israel. It does not matter how much you whine at anyone who dares to notice all of this.


@7 mac os unix based


@12- that makes intuitive sense and I hope it’s right. But if it is we should be seeing the Maggot King’s polling numbers drop, no?


@5 There can be if you want. Windows Subsystem for Linux allows you to install a Linux environment on your Windows machine concurrently, without the need for a virtual machine.


@6 He was the CEO of McAfee when they released a borken update that bricked WindowsXP.

We learned something new today 😂🧑🏻‍💻
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
| Don't Push To Production On Friday |
\ (•◡•) /
\ /
| |
|_ |_


@7 iOS and MacOS are both based on FreeBSD, which itself is based on the Berkeley Software Distribution version of Unix.


"it shows just how vulnerable our systems are in a technologically dependent world."

It shows just how much cheap fuck companies cutting spending on the labor costs of people whose job it is to find such issues BEFORE release is going to fuck us all in the name of their own pockets.

It's called Quality Assurance. And it's often the first job title that software companies will slash when they decide to be cheapskates.

Because it's not about making quality products, it's about SELLING products.


Shoulda hired Wu Tang financial


I've said this before, but I derive a great deal of shameful enjoyment from listening to Trump riff. Was driving yesterday and so listened to most of his dumb speech. I just love the whole, "...and I say it often. If you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the United States, think of it the 10 worst, added them up they will not have done the damage that Biden has done..."

Like, is there a really speech writer helping him out with this nonsense? Do his fans actually believe it, and/or that he says it often? I would happily pay someone, I don't even give a shit who, MAGA, or progressive, or ideologically neutral or whatever, to spend the time compiling that list of the "10 worst presidents", the cumulative (if admittedly relative) damage their actions caused to the country, then chart that shit against Biden. I should start a goddamn gofundme to poll together some amount of money to donate to someone willing to undertake this endeavor, that'd be money well spent.


Like, I kind of, sorta "get it" when he says this crap at one of his generic rallies, where he truly is just on a stream of consciousness style rant. But this was him at the Republican National Convention accepting the nomination from his party to lead the free world! And he just spews literal nonsense! It's honestly surreal, to me at least.


Rest in peace, Bob Newhart. Not bad that you made it to 94.

@4 Catalina Vel-DuRay: Eeeyuck! The RNC broadcast sounds just as horrible as the RepubliKKKans themselves. I'm glad I no longer have a TV and didn't miss not seeing it at all. I also declined buying a copy of today's The Seattle Times, that had the Orange Turd's ugly, gloating face splattered all over the front page. This, fellow voters, is what fascism looks like. It must be stopped.
p.s. Not to nitpick, but aren't you actually a GenXer, Catalina? I, Griz, am among the tail end of the Boomer IIs, because so many of us were born over that two decade period post WWII. ;-)


Auntie dear, I am indeed a Gen Xer (although I find generational categorization somewhat silly). Someone here referred to me as a "condescending boomer," so I decided to own it. :-)


@16 The brand appeal hasn't changed so I expect their polling numbers to remain the same but IMO Democrats campaigning on how the economy isn't working for the bottom half is critical in denying Trump the boost he is seeking in battleground states.


@14 You already said all of this in your previous comment. YOu could at least make an effort.

Escalating the situation by murdering a sea of civilians (180,000 dead as a result of Gaza war according to a scientific study) and stealing more land prevents any political resolution to the conflict. Only a mass genocide can ensure Israel reaching its goal: the complete annexation of Palestine. That is what you are endorsing. Needless to say it is quite repulsive.


The label full mega-MAGA-misogynist for J.D. Vance is most fitting.


@27 feel free to post that study. I haven't seen a figure anywhere close to that. If your study comes form the Gazan Healthy Ministry don't bother.


@27: "Escalating the situation by murdering a sea of civilians..."

Well, it was 1,200 on 10/7, and some more since with random rocket strikes from Rafah, etc. and while that was indeed a great escalation of the conflict, it was hardly a "sea of civilians."

As for the death toll in Gaza, well, there's no reason to get upset about that. It's all serving a plan:

"In dozens of messages—reviewed by The Wall Street Journal—that Sinwar has transmitted to cease-fire negotiators, Hamas compatriots outside Gaza and others, he’s shown a cold disregard for human life and made clear he believes Israel has more to lose from the war than Hamas. The messages were shared by multiple people with differing views of Sinwar."


'In one message to Hamas leaders in Doha, Sinwar cited civilian losses in national-liberation conflicts in places such as Algeria, where hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for independence from France, saying, “these are necessary sacrifices.”'


"High civilian casualties would create worldwide pressure on Israel, Sinwar said."


Just keep up the pressure. That's all Sinwar asks of you.

@29: "If your study comes form the Gazan Healthy Ministry don't bother."

Hey, they had help from Iran, Students for Justice in Palestine, and SUPER UW. What more credibility could you possibly need? ;-)


@29 It was published in the Lancet (premier medical journal):

By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.1 The Ministry's figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services,2 the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry,3 which found claims of data fabrication implausible.4

In recent conflicts, [...] indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths. Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Using the 2022 Gaza Strip population estimate of 2 375 259, this would translate to 7·9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip.


@30 right, you are blaming everyone expect the IDF who actually murdered these people. You are despicable.


@31 so they took the bs number pumped out by Hamas and amplified for “indirect deaths”. Nothing unreliable about that.

@32 the blame is being rightfully attributed. You’re just too deep in your hate of Israel to acknowledge it.


Proud to cast my vote for GoodSpaceGuy for US Senate. Who can but admire his dogged persistence?


who don't Love
'em a little

on The
Right People?

but he's been
called lots Worse

he'll Never
Stop. well
one day
he Will.


@33 Even if you take half or a quarter of these numbers, it's horrific so your attempt at minimizing this massacre of innocent civilians is rather grotesque. You should be ashamed of yourself but I am clearly not holding my breath. Note that all international institutions and almost all governments accept Gaza Health ministry numbers. In fact there are very good reasons to think they are an under count of casualties.

Hating Israel has nothing to do with it. Israel is the occupier. According to international law, and now the ICJ, it has the responsibility to protect these populations, not exterminate them. You guys are increasingly isolated and your extremism is showing.


@22, 23

Disciples've been
Carefully Taught* to
accecpt whatever falls
outta Dear Leader's pie hole as
Gospel or what the Hell close enough

and they just Go with
the mal a lardo


about Feelings not Facts

stupid 'facts'
just get in
the Way.



"You guys are
increasingly isolated
and your extremism is showing."

Obvious to
all But them.


Prison asap.

let's END the
Genocide Joe.

(if only you
were Stronger!)



The "Criticizing Israel Is Antisemitic"
Narrative Reinforces Itself

The UN court ruling that Israel is an illegal occupying force will be used to argue that the whole entire world is against Jews [and Israel!] and used to justify more abuses and atrocities. That’s the beauty of the “criticism of Israel is antisemitism” narrative: it reinforces itself.

The more abusive and murderous Israel is the more criticism it gets, and that criticism is framed as antisemitism and used to justify more Israeli abuses and murderousness with the claim that it’s being done to defend Jews from a hostile world that’s out to get them.

This will happen over and over again until the lesson is learned. There is nothing — literally nothing — that Israel could do which could be criticized in a way that won’t be framed as discriminatory against the Jewish faith by supporters of the Zionist state.

As long as the “criticism of Israel is antisemitism” narrative continues to have traction, it will be weaponized in this self-reinforcing feedback loop to justify more and more atrocities and abusiveness.

--by Caitlin Johstone
July 21, 2024


so that’d be a
BINGO, ab.


“Indirect deaths” — thirst, starvation, infectious disease — are not some obscure fatality amplification factor. They are some of the most horrific ways to die and they are an indisputable consequence of this war.


@2: 'If you have to wrap your FOX News viewing habits in the euphemistic cloak of "flipping between channels," I guess that must be the news equivalent of the old "I just read Playboy for the articles."'

Playboy has articles? But seriously, I'm not hiding my news reading/viewing habits from anyone. I get my news from Fox, CNN, a number of Sinclair outlets, Slashdot, The Economist, and 4Chan, among others.

As to your NBC link; Yes, it specifies Windows systems. But fails to mention iOS, MacOS or Linux. In much the same way that Stalin airbrushed Trotsky out of photographs. Maybe if we don't mention it, the general public will forget that there is an alternative. At least Fox had the guts to fly in the face of the standard narrative.


@25 Catalina Vel-DuRay: All right then. I, Griz, officially dub thee, Catalina Vel-DuRay, an honorary Boomer II.
But condescending? Naaaah! You tell it like it is. I suspect whoever called you that is prone to disparagingly say, 'Okay, Boomer' out of immaturity, entitlement, spite, scorn, and ridicule. It's their loss.
I'm proud to have you as part of my generation! Keep up the outstanding work. ;-)


Thanks, Joe! I salute you.


@34: You're proud to waste your vote, Swifty?

@40: Thanks for the warning about where you get your public information, Sherlock.
I hope you're not working for raindrop.
Now I know better to scroll past whenever I see your avatar.


@39 -- "'Indirect deaths' — thirst, starvation, infectious disease — are not some obscure fatality amplification factor. They are some of the most horrific ways to die and they are an indisputable consequence of this war."*

OUR Tax Dollars
Working Overtime!
C'mon, Joe! Use that
Bully Pulpit (anytime twixt
9am and 4:30pm'll do just Fine)

and stop the HORROR
that is Israel's MASSACRE
of Palestinians (can we call it
a 'Massacre' RWNJs*? is that ok?).

*it's not really a War
it's more like shooting
fish -- make that Dynamiting
them -- in the proverbial fucking Barrel.

*aka grammar






@43 My friend has GoodSpaceGuy as a landlord and she says he's really nice and isn't creepy at all, which is more than you can say for most of the other people running. It's my vote, my citizenship dues are paid in full, and I'll vote for GoodSpaceGuy if I want.


45: Finally a reset! Go Kamala!


@46: Whatever feeds your pride. ;-)

@45 kristofarian and @47 Phoebe in Wallingford: +2 YESSSSSSsssss!

Um, Nathalie----not all of us love pumpkin spice lattes and sunset at 4 pm. Dark Season lasted 9 months this past year. Summer, which usually doesn't come until July, anyway, was hard earned. Now that's finally here I'd like to enjoy what sunny days we have left. I just hope we don't have a wildfire season.


There's still time to hop on board the GoodSpaceGuy bandwagon!


@27, @31: The casualty figures from the Gaza Health Ministry do not distinguish between civilians and terrorists. This fact has been known for the previous nine months, and so there is no excuse for not mentioning it. Neither you nor the Lancet do so. Whether you're both so utterly ignorant of this conflict that you should not comment on it, or you're being intentionally deceptive, I leave for each of you to admit. Either way, leaving this key assumption completely unmentioned in your 'analysis' skews the results much, much higher, due to the later multiplication of casualty figures.

"...indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths. Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9..."

That footnote leads to the only source for this statement, a report from 2008 about armed conflicts of the four years prior. Given there have been many armed conflicts since 2008, why the Lancet (and you) call figures from 16-20 years ago 'recent' leaves another mystery for you to solve for us. In addition, there is no indication the conflicts studied in that report in any way resemble the current conflict in Gaza, where Hamas both targets civilians on the other side, and operates intentionally and illegally in such a way as to increase the civilian casualty count on the Palestinian side. Once again, if the unstated the assumption you've made isn't validated, then the entire multiplicative effect doesn't apply either, and your entire set of figures is thus garbage. So, good luck with validating the dogpile of assumptions behind this 'scientific' analysis. Until then, it's just "some obscure fatality amplification factor" with absolutely no justification whatsoever.

"who don't Love
'em a little

on The
Right People?"

On 10/7, Hamas raped and killed Jews, for being Jews, on land Hamas has vowed to cleanse of Jews. Does this meet your definition of "genocide," or do you give a pass to Hamas for raping and killing "on The Right People?"

@38: I like Johnstone's claiming something will happen, without any attempt to show if it has happened. Coming from your go-to source of information on 'events' which have not actually happened, this makes for quite a reveal. Thanks for the laughs!


@50 Your little distraction act won't change the fact that a very large number, and very likely the overwhelming majority, of present and future casualties are innocent civilians that Israel has the legal and moral duty to protect according to international institutions. Yet, the fast becoming pariah state chose to murder these people and it is still doing so everyday while you attempt to whitewash an ongoing genocide in these comment pages.


@51: Nice try. Showing that your 'scientific' survey rested upon a dogpile of unvalidated assumptions means no one has to take it seriously, especially since the multiplicative factor you're claiming would count every last terrorist killed as a civilian, many times over.

Right now, the only indefensibly large number we can even quantify here is the rapidly-rising count of posts and comments the Stranger and you make about Gaza which do not include the word, "Hamas." Pretending Hamas does not exist, let alone ignoring how Hamas intentionally drives the civilian casualty count far upwards, does nothing for whatever credibility you somehow imagine you might still possibly have.


@52 You have shown nothing but your willingness to condone murder of innocent civilians and genocide.


"Does this meet your definition of 'genocide,' or do you give a pass to Hamas for raping and killing 'on The Right People?'"

you can debate that Shit for the
rest of your miserable "life"
Wormtongue but it's the
that's got empathetic
Human Being Most

the one that's STILL
Happening stance
is what's fucked

but what Else
might we Expect
from the Sociopathic?

go fight for bibi
in Israel. I'm
certain he'll
like you.


@53: Oh, please. We haven't even started on how you've somehow applied casualty figures from Gaza to a ruling which covered "the West Bank and East Jerusalem."

On the topic of "murder of innocent civilians and genocide," do those words cover the events of 10/7? After all, Hamas' killing Jews, for being Jews, on land Hamas has vowed to cleanse of Jews, seems to satisfy the Genocide Convention (even the parts you have't yet quoted). Please do tell.


@54: "you can debate"

So then, your definition of "genocide," (whatever it might be, you've never given it) doesn't allow you to decide whether Hamas' killing Jews, for being Jews, on land Hamas has vowed to cleanse of Jews, qualifies as "genocide" or not? Wow. I mean, everyone here can see you're just not good with the words, but that's a poor literary performance you've posted, even by your miserable standards.

It appears you have chosen a very poor definition of "genocide." Maybe you should just use the one in the, um, Genocide Convention, like averagebob does? Perhaps then you could resolve issues like this in fewer than nine months. Or at all.

Until you choose or provide a definition of "genocide" which allows you to decide, in a timely manner, whether Hamas' killing Jews, for being Jews, on land Hamas has vowed to cleanse of Jews, qualifies as "genocide" or not, I literally do not know what you mean when you say my stance is "Pro-GENOCIDE".

Good luck with the word, "genocide". You're going to need it.


do not know
what you mean when
you say my stance is 'Pro-GENOCIDE.'"

you don't wormmy.


@57: Once you’ve at last completed your “debate” about whether Hamas' killing Jews, for being Jews, on land Hamas has vowed to cleanse of Jews, qualifies as "genocide" or not, please do publish your results here.

I’m very interested in knowing whether Hamas' killing Jews, for being Jews, on land Hamas has vowed to cleanse of Jews, meets your definition of “genocide" — or not.


ffs Wormtongue
your query to me
queried multitudinously
was Answered AGES ago.

go look
you'll Find it

you can bugger
off til then



@59: Then why do you keep responding as if you’ve never answered?

Also, I’ve actually made two queries: one, whether Hamas' killing Jews, for being Jews, on land Hamas has vowed to cleanse of Jews, meets your definition of “genocide" — or not. Two, what your definition of “genocide” is.

Please feel free to answer, or to provide URLs for your previous answers, anytime. Thanks!


as tedious
as ever



@54: "go fight for bibi
in Israel. I'm
certain he'll
like you."

"High civilian casualties would create worldwide pressure on Israel, Sinwar said."


Just keep up the pressure on Israel. That's all Sinwar asks of you. Glad to see you're soldiering on in his service.


ol' Wormtongue
services the Genociders

love you


@49: Thanks, Swifty, but I already voted.
Nice try though.

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