This is a Westlake protest, not a SeaTac protest, but the whole movement should take a victory lap. Alex Garland



The media covering the Olympics didn't explain Imane Khelif's situation at all. People wrongly assumed she was transgender based what they know. Only when folks did some digging did they find that Imane is DSD (Intersex). Had that been apparent from the beginning, most of this brouhaha would have been alleviated.


Not sure if Iā€™m losing my mind, but doesn't the AP article say that Medicare meds cost $50B now, and that the deal will save the taxpayer $6B? I found the article kinda confusingly phrased, tbh, wanted to check my work


A good example of Sawant's "concrete demands" arising from her "strong, Marxist principles" is that she is currently using her mailing list to stump, hard, for the Jill Stein presidential campaign.


@1 Eh, not so much. On another forum I frequent where her intersex status was known from the start, she was consistently derided as being a man because of her XY chromosomes.


Kashama Sawant challenging Sarah Nelson is just about the only thing that could get me to vote for Nelsonā€¦.


The media's transformation of Kamala from someone who was basically an in-joke in the party before this to an anointed pioneer who doesn't even need primary votes or interviews has been incredible. Hasn't her sole known responsibility, to be "Border Czar" been an unmitigated disaster? I suppose the one substantive issue we can really pin down her views on is the one both parties support: unlimited weapons and money for Israel with no conditions.

I suppose we'll see if her unparalleled ability to fail upward pulls through this time.


The Stranger should figure out how to cite different social media platforms beyond Twitter/X, but it's especially a bad look when the journalism on display is "Elon Musk transphobic? Let's hop over to Elon Musk's transphobic Twitter/X and participate with transphobic Twitter/X for more info and quotes. "


No one found Khelifā€™s personal medical information by digging around. There is exactly zero public evidence that she is trans or intersex, just a bunch of disgusting bigots online freewheeling about her fucking genitals and chromosomes, all because she made a white woman cry after hitting her in the face in the Olympics event for hitting women in the face. This is a low watermark for some of the lowest online bullies and I hope she takes them for everything theyā€™re worth.


that flip in state polls just cements my belief that swing voters are as dumb as fucking rocks.


Oh god it was worse than I thought LOL. Should have finished reading the news before commenting. The next three stories are ALSO about Musk being terrible.


4,8: Bullying and mistruths flourish when laymen ignorance isn't addressed by a proactive press.


@6: piling it high this morning. Harris isn't "Border Czar".


@6, Itā€™s not ā€œthe mediaā€, itā€™s the democratic party base, the ones who overwhelmingly voted for her ticket to advance to the general election in the fall, and they are extremely pleased with her ascendance to the top of the ticket. As second in command to the president for 4 years she is easily the most qualified person in the country to take the job, and yes I am aware her opponent held the position for 4 years himself.

Show me anybody in this country who can claim ā€œsuccessā€ at the southern border. Trump centered his entire campaign on stopping border crossings and had nothing to show for it beyond an ineffective wall and a precipitous drop in legal immigration, which he alleged to support. If he knows anything at all, itā€™s that itā€™s very easy to scapegoat immigrants, especially ones with brown skin, and he was extremely successful at that.


The Stranger: "Elon Musk sucks. Here's a bunch of Twitter links."


11, Explain exactly how the press is supposed to obtain her personal medical information, genius. Do you want to see pictures of her vagina? Itā€™s none of your fucking business. She passed the IOCā€™s requirements for competing as a woman and that should be the end of the discussion.


@6 I Googled "unparalleled ability to fail upward." It's just pictures of Trump.


Not hearing about the latest stupid, ineffective commie rants by Sawant was nice while it lasted.


Breaking does not belong in the Olympics and neither does boxing, but there's no known, valid reason to consider Khelif anything other than cis-female. And @6 calling Harris the "border czar" is pure Trumpian BS. The term "czar" in modern usage means someone with decision-making authority in a particular area, and Harris has none. She was merely given a diplomatic assignment broadly concerning migration patterns, which doesn't make her the "czar" of anything. (But somehow I suspect you already know this.)


I, for one, am delighted to see Socialist Alternative fall apart in some sort of leftist purity test deathmatch. I am disappointed that Sawant won't be running for Nelson's seat. I cannot imagine anything more delightful that watching her slow slide into utter irrelevance capped off by her coming in third in the primary.


15: I'm referring to the scenario and the subject matter on a broader level - not the specifics of the athlete.


Isnā€™t what Raygun did sort of like Rand Paul setting up his own medical board to certify himself?


@6 Harris' opponent campaigned on building a giant wall along the Southern border, which was to be funded entirely by Mexico. This wall was supposed to reduce the number of illegal aliens within the United States. Of course, none of that happened.


@8, 15 International boxing is kinda governed by the IBA, which is based in Russia and has close ties to Putin. The IOC disqualified the IBA a few years ago because of rampant corruption. That left the rules for transgender athletes somewhat unclear since the IOC defers to the sports federation to set rules, and there's no accredited sports federation.*

So that's the background. In 2023, the IBA disqualified Khelif because they said she had XY chromosomes and elevated testosterone. Those test results were never published and Khelif says it's a conspiracy. So while test results have not been published, there have been public claims about Khelif's genetic status. Whether those claims are plausible given the lack of results provided and the IBA's history of corruption is up to you. I honestly don't know whether to credit them or not.

@11 Haters are gonna hate no matter what data is put in front of them by the press.

For example, gymnastics and swimming have very clear rules about when people competing in the women's categories have to start a gender transition, as well as limits on blood testosterone. Trans women who don't meet those requirements can compete on the men's side, as can trans men. If the claims about Khelif are true (and again I'm not saying they are), and if the boxing federation adopted similar rules to gymnastics and swimming, then she would likely have been disqualified from the women's competition by the IOC.


Nice to see nekrasova @6 rising from the crypt to resume their pro-Trump trolling. I can only imagine nekrasova here has been so quiet since Harris's replacing Biden because they've been waiting to receive their talking points.

In response to Fantastical Sounding Things @3 mentioning that Kshama Sawant has started shilling for the Jill Stein presidential campaign. Oh, would that be Vladimir Putin dinner guest Jill Stein? Call me paranoid, but I always thought Sawant was a sleeper agent getting paid by Kemper Freeman to sabotage Seattle to drive business to Bellevue. Looks like she's setting her sights higher in her post-City Council incarnation.

Then again, she is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, and boy, if there was ever an organization that had "nefarious motives" written all over it, it's the DSA. Rest assured, if Trump gets elected president, Netanyahu could bomb Gaza back into the Stone Age, and you'd never hear another peep from these folks. I mean, why bother? Their mission has already been accomplished.

But hey, now I'm really sounding paranoid, like that well-known conspiracy theorist Nancy Pelosi.


20, WTF does that even mean? The only relevant piece of information for ā€œthe scenarioā€ is that the IOC allowed her to compete and that was widely reported if not blazingly obvious on its face, but that wasnā€™t enough for certain too-online ā€œfeministsā€ who decided sheā€™s not feminine enough for their liking.

No one has to prove anything to JK Rowling or the legions of rabid TERFs who hang her every word, but now itā€™s her responsibility to prove to the French courts how she knows Khelifā€™s most personal and private information. For years people warned her that her transphobia hurts cisgender women too but sheā€™s been too high on her own supply to hear them. I hope she pays out the nose.


That should be "Sheā€™s beating ex-President Donald Trump [in a string of swing states]." He's now a private citizen.


@24 She is not a member of DSA, she views them as sell outs because they actually work with other parties from time to time. She was a member of Socialist Alternative but according to Westneat's column has actually left them behind as well for not being radical enough in their thinking which is just comical. I think she made a mistake as well by not running last fall for the D3 seat. It would have been so satisfying watching her get her ass handed to her but she saw the writing on the wall and knew the only way her grift could continue was by charting a new path. I'm surprised Westneat bothered to talk about her because no other publication is going to pay her or her movement any mind (with the possible exception of this publication who no doubt misses the clicks she used to generate for them with her shennanigans).


We can hold two thoughts in our heads at the same time. Henry Ford was a raging antisemite and an alleged child molester who streamlined manufacturing and invented car culture. We can ā€œblame him for who he isā€ (a huge piece of shit) while also acknowledging his contributions to global society.

Musk otoh is a huge piece of shit who loves taking credit for other peopleā€™s work and neglecting his dozen children while acting like a tortured engineering genius. But Tesla is not the only electric engine in town and Neuralink is far from established as a treatment for paralysis. Until he gives us a reason to see him as a true society-shaping innovator in addition to being human garbage, human garbage is all we have to go on.


@30, ???? Their contributions to society stand on their own, completely independently of anyoneā€™s opinions of them, but your comment @28 instructs people to not blame them for being shitty people if they do good things for society. This has nothing to do with perfect being the enemy of good because Musk et al can keep doing good things no matter how many people think he sucks as a person. There is no tension to resolve here.


ā€œGo to hell, Muskā€ while TS generates revenue for you - seems a mixed message. Why doesnā€™t TS, and some of the writers specifically, drop zombie twitter like fellow guild member Naomi Ishisaka?

Donā€™t support horrible people who actively work against things you value.


@23: probably disqualified only on the testosterone levels. if she's got 46XY dysgenesis, which is as likely as anything, then she's got all the lady parts except ovaries.

IIRC, track and field athletes can get their testosterone below a certain set point and maintain it for 2 years, then they can compete.


@33 In absence of evidence, I was assuming a testosterone test per standard anti-doping checks, and maybe an associated genetic test after the testosterone test came back high.


Why does Israel own our politicians and our institutions of higher learning? We do not, as far as I know, live in Israel or even The United States of Israel. My passport does not say Israel anywhere on it. Why is Israel allowed to have so much power in this country? And what, exactly, is the United States going to do when Israel, using U.S. taxpayer dollars and U.S. provided weapons, starts a massive war in the Middle east that goes far beyond their current genocide of Palestinians?

Are we going to go to war for the Zionists? I'm pretty certain Iran can and will erase Israel from the face of the earth if Israel starts a war it can't fight without U.S. weapons and U.S. money.

Why are drug deaths only of concern (and lead to arrests and convictions) when a drug addict happens to be a celebrity?

Interesting how all of the "better vote for Joe Biden or else crowd" is now talking shit about Kamala Harris like she has no experience. She is the Vice President. She was the Attorney General of California (a state that has a GDP equivalent to 40 other countries worldwide). She was a prosecutor. I might vote for Harris. I was never going to vote for Biden.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is still a lifelong criminal, racist, rapist, twice impeached former squatter of the White House (when over one million Americans died from COVID because they didn't inject bleach into their veins like he told them to), indicted nearly 100 times, convicted of 34 felonies, shit stain of a botched abortion who owes people in this country hundreds of millions of dollars ($83 million to one of his rape victims alone). He can't string two coherent words together. But Harris is the one that isn't fit to be POTUS?

You fucking people were literally threatening people to vote for Biden OR ELSE and now who exactly do you think has the ability to actually do the job of being President of the United States?

It sure as shit isn't the deranged lunatic who is shitting his pants (literally) while spewing the most vile, racist, misogynist, hate filled vomit all over anyone willing to pay attention to him while he tries desperately, in any way possible, to not go to prison for his crimes.

But by all means, keep talking shit about the current VP of the United States just like the orange shit turd.


LMAO wowwww did Kshama really call Nikita Oliver's 2021 campaign "mealy mouthed" without actually naming them? She's being vague, but I'm pretty sure that was the election that got us Nelson. That's certainly a choice


@9, Harris has picked up a lot of the ā€œdouble noā€ voters who didnā€™t want to vote for Trump, but couldnā€™t bring themselves to commit to supporting Biden when he was less functional than the crypt keeper. A lot of those people are returning to Kamala now which is probably more of an explanation for the swing in the swing state polls than people truly changing their minds.


@12, @18 obviously there is no "czar" title in the US ā€“ (quoting politico when it happened) "Vice President Kamala Harris will be the White Houseā€™s point person on immigration issues at the nationā€™s southern border, President Joe Biden announced Wednesday, tasking her with stemming the rising tide of migrants, many of them unaccompanied children, arriving in the U.S"ā€“ a monumental failure.

@22, among Trumps many issues was not the current levels of illegal migration, which have been colossally higher with Kamala as the point person than the lows he did manage to achieve.


@38 Look, my point is Harris has no power to DO anything about the border. She can suggest policy and procedural changes and undoubtedly has done so, but not being a "czar" means she can't implement them herself. Frankly, not much can be done about the border without thorough reform of the immigration laws, and Republicans have stymied every serious attempt to do so for the past three decades, including two attempts by G.W. Bush. (Yes, Trump tamped the numbers down for a while, but he broke multiple laws in doing so and permanently separated thousands of families. If you think that was a wonderful thing, I have nothing more to say to you.)

Perhaps if you were specific about what Harris, herself, could realistically have done but failed to do, you might deserve to be taken a little more seriously.



do I detect
a little voter Fraud

or have you
truly Two

A. AIPAC's the equivalent
of 'George Soros!'
but for Reals

in a country so
Corrupt we
made it

we set
back & Watch
as a Genocide is
committed in Our Names


There is NOTHING PROGRESSIVE WHATSOEVER in supporting males punching females in the head, which is what happened in the Paris Olympics. Cut the crap, and deal with the facts: the two boxers you praise here were tested, on two separate occasions, by labs certified by the Court for Arbitration in Sport. They were found to have male chromosomes. Neither appealed the disqualifications from prior tournaments. If they had, the lab results would have been made public, and no one - like you fools - would still be claiming that they are anything other than males, with male-specific DSD's, giving them the huge advantage accruing from male puberty. If you support women's sports - sports for FEMALES - then you must support real testing. We don't let Mike Tyson box against featherweights: there are weight restrictions. We don't let MLB baseball players compete in Little League: there are age restrictions, obviously required for fairness. If there is going to be a women's category, then competitors need to prove they are female, or women will no longer have any chance of winning anything. This is not difficult: a cheek swab, done once, is unobtrusive, inexpensive, and the lab work required is simple, nowadays. This has everything to do with supporting the rights of girls and women to fair sport, and nothing to do with "transphobia." Stop trying to muddy the issue with claims about the IBA, Russia, yadda, yadda. The genetic testing was done, it was done well, and it doesn't lie. Many other world athletic federations require proof. All of them should. Either you support men punching women in the head for sport, or you don't. Choose!


speaking of
legalized corruption:
from Democracy Now!

Billionaire Politics:
A Danger to Democracy

Donald Trump was ā€œinterviewedā€ this week on the X social media platform formerly known as Twitter. The interviewer was none other than X owner Elon Musk.

Muskā€™s questions to Trump were so deferential that End Citizens United, an election watchdog group, quickly filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission, calling the two-hour-plus livestream ā€œa flagrant corporate in-kind contribution that violated campaign finance laws.ā€

This event represents just one moment in a highly charged national presidential election, and highlights the increasing power of billionaires attempting to hijack the political process for their own ends.

Elon Musk is the wealthiest person on the planet. The Wall Street Journal has published some of the most revelatory reporting on his increased political activity, especially his newly revealed commitment to helping Trump win in November.

The Journalā€™s Dana Mattioli and colleagues wrote an article published in mid-July, exposing Muskā€™s plans to donate a whopping $45 million per month to elect Trump, or $180 million in all.

ā€œFormed in June, America PAC is focused on registering voters and persuading constituents to vote early and request mail-in ballots in swing states,ā€ they reported.

Mattioliā€™s latest article, headlined ā€œInside Elon Muskā€™s Hands-On Push to Win 800,000 Voters for Trump,ā€ details Muskā€™s direct involvement in the super PACā€™s operations.

--by Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan; 8/15/24


Reich-wing Billionairs're
gonna OWN this Planet
to destroy howsoever
they see Fit . and
YOU are In Their
Way, pal


"Yesterday, prosecuters dropped charges against 46 anti-genocide protesters arrested this spring for blocking the Airport Expressway entrance at SeaTac." --@tS


if you're
you Gotta be PRO-Hamas!

it's been Proven!
right Here on
derr Schlogg!

Every mother-


@27: "She was a member of Socialist Alternative but according to Westneat's column has actually left them behind as well for not being radical enough in their thinking which is just comical."

Well, of course. Like the fictional bird which flies in tighter and tighter circles until it disappears inside of itself, the only solution to failure of radicalism is to adopt an even more radical radicalism, because radicalism cannot fail, it can only be failed, by insufficient ardor for the cause of radicalism.

Speaking of which...

@44: "Yesterday, prosecuters dropped charges against 46 anti-genocide protesters arrested this spring for blocking the Airport Expressway entrance at SeaTac."

While I have sympathy for persons who had their travel disrupted, and had hoped for some legal action against these protestors, in the end I can see some utility in our not discouraging them from their self-indulgently obstreperous posturing. Every time they inconvenience random folks with such nonsense, they alienate persons who might otherwise have sympathy for their cause. (I just hope they don't block any more ambulances, as they did during their I-5 protest.)


"their self-indulgently
obstreperous posturing"

moral monsters
guiding America
enabling genociders
making America a country
chock full monsters like themselves

are the Real Victims here.

"Every time they inconvenience
random folks with such nonsense"

another 25 children
are slaughterd in the
name of revenge retribution
ethnic cleansing & territorial confiscation


"(I just hope
they don't block
any more ambulances,
as they did during their I-5 protest.)"

your deeply-felt
concern trolling for
your fellow human beings
is both duly noted & hysterically mocked


@46: So, all of the persons, without exception, who these protests have inconvenienced ā€” they completely fit your description?

ā€œmoral monsters
guiding America
enabling genociders
making America a country
chock full monsters like themselvesā€

Thanks again, for doing everything you can to alienate persons who might otherwise agree with you!


you win,


from the nytā€™s

a Deal in Gaza?

now sees Benjamin
Netanyahu as the chief obstacle.

For weeks, the White House said the stars were aligned for a cease-fire agreement that would free the hostages held in Gaza. The framework of a deal first announced by President Biden has been in place since July.

Since then, a phalanx of American officials has traveled frequently to the region, pushing Israel and Hamas to sign on. So far, they have failed.

The last time I wrote this newsletter about the hostage talks, at the start of May, U.S. officials were describing Hamas as the holdout.

(Israel had just made a major concession, dropping a demand to maintain checkpoints inside Gaza.) But by early last month, Hamas had shifted its position, made some concessions and signaled it was ready to move forward.

Now, Washington sees Israelā€™s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, as the chief obstacle to a deal.

--by Julian E. Barnes; Aug. 16, 2024

tonnes more, disturbingly (for bibi):

as others
have noted
right here @tS
Mr. nutnyahooā€™s
gambit has condemned
Palestinians to evermore Genocide

End the Genocide:
Depose bibi. oh
and Save


@42 So women punching women in the head is perfectly OK?

Boxing is an intrinsically brutal, barbaric activity that has no legitimate place in the modern Olympics or civilized society at large. It is not a sport and cannot be made "safe" for women or anyone else. Obsessing over the sex or gender of individual participants serves no purpose other than to obscure that essential truth.


@51: I was also surprised to discover boxing was still an Olympic sport, for exactly the reasons you gave.

@47: Is AIPAC paying you a dime per comment here? Why on earth are you mocking a safety concern? Do you really not care if the next ambulance blockade these protestors cause results in a death?

Again, thanks for showing exactly how much you and these protestors really care about innocent human lives.


"Do you really not care
if the next ambulance blockade
these protestors cause results in a death?"



tears do Nothing to
erase your full-throated
Support for bibi's Massacre.



fwiw the charges were not dropped against the airport protestors, they agreed to a plea deal and if they complete the terms of that deal the charges will be dismissed. The terms include attending all court hearings, having no further criminal charges for three months and no stepping on airport property except to travel. They can also complete 10 hours of community service. So if any of these people participate in another blocking protest the charges will be reinstated. Personally I think there should be a monetary fine as well but its a start.

For a different look here is how SF is handling the protestors who blocked the Golden Gate Bridge a couple months ago:

From the article "The San Francisco district attorneyā€™s office announced the charges against 26 protesters early Saturday, saying the April 15 demonstration went beyond an exercise of free speech and endangered members of the public. Eight of the protesters stand accused of a count each of felony conspiracy, trespassing, obstructing a thoroughfare, refusal to disperse a riot and failure to obey a lawful police order, and 38 counts of false imprisonment. Eighteen others are charged with misdemeanor versions of the same charges."

@46 here's a couple of the moral monsters. They should be so ashamed of themselves

"The affidavit cites one woman who missed a pre-op appointment for brain surgery to remove a tumor in her temporal lobe. Another woman told investigators she ran out of water for infant formula and missed a pre-surgery doctor visit for her baby."




ā€˜moral monsters
guiding America
enabling genociders
making America a country
chock full [of] monsters like themselvesā€™

was not an indictment
of those Affected By

has so skillfully done
in so claiming is to Deflect
my words away from Himself

the actual Target
of my 'moral

see what he did there?
and you fell for it
hook line &


@57 my apologies then. They are not anti-genocide protestors however since the cause they support and the slogans they chant call for actual genocide.


Wormtongue, jr.

d13r. well-


@59 are you seriously trying to pretend the protestors aren't out chanting genocidal slogans and advocating for the elimination of the Israel? You can be against the war but at least be honest about what is happening.


I Encourage ALL of the
Protesters -- I do Not
Endorse Elimination
of Israel nor the
Genocide of
Either side

but only
is Currently
the Other side
speaking of Elimination

& being
does NOT make
one an Anti-semite
NOR Pro-Hamas as you
insidiously repeatedly like to claim


@61: If youā€™re encouraging the Pro-Palestinian protestors, then you are also endorsing their eliminationism against Israel.

ā€œbut only
is Currently
the Other sideā€

Youā€™ve stated repeatedly that by your definition of ā€œgenocide,ā€(whatever it is) that you could not say whether or not Hamasā€™ actions on 10/7 and afterwards (e.g. firing rockets indiscriminately into Israel from Rafah) constituted ā€œgenocide.ā€ Now youā€™re saying youā€™ve made that determination, that Hamas killing of Jews, for being Jews, on land Hamas has vowed to cleanse of Jews, is indeed not ā€œgenocide.ā€

Thank you, that clears things up considerably.


@42 So women punching women in the head is perfectly OK?

"Boxing is an intrinsically brutal, barbaric activity that has no legitimate place in the modern Olympics or civilized society at large. It is not a sport and cannot be made "safe" for women or anyone else. Obsessing over the sex or gender of individual participants serves no purpose other than to obscure that essential truth."
Congratulations, for giving an answer to a question that was not asked. The issue here is not boxing. It is women's sports, as a category, being preserved, OR NOT, for women. Are you OK with weightlifting as a sport? Well, in the last Olympics, the misogynists in the IOC welcomed Gavin "Laurel" Hubbard, the 41 year old white male son of a millionaire New Zealand politician, into the women's weightlifting competition. He displaced a teenage Pacific Islander woman. You OK with that? Or how about track? Does that sport meet your tender sensibilities? We already had the episode of Caster Semenya and two other males with DSD taking all three medals in the Olympic 800 meter race; the first actual woman is listed in the records as coming in fourth. And now we have this prick, a 51 year old man, who is about to compete in the women's category in the paralympics, after winning championships for years in the male category, where he belongs. Were you alright with "Lia" Thomas, who swam on the U Penn men's team for three years, ranking something like 450th nationally (i.e. mediocre) declaring himself to have woman feels, and the NCAA permitting him to compete against women? Where he somehow, miraculously, was defeating actual Olympians, and threatening women's national and world records? Nothing about him changed, except the sex of his competition.
Wake the F up: this is an assault on the rights of girls and women. It's an assault on gays and lesbians, too: you can't protect same-sex rights in law and society when you can't define sex.
So, go back to my original question, and deal with it on a broader basis: are you alright with men punching women in the head? With men stealing spots in the races and weightlifting competitions that are supposed to be for women? With men spiking volleyballs so hard that women are hurt so badly their careers are ended? Do you think women are deserving of their own category, or not? Choose!


@57: I stand by my interpretation of your statement @46, because in it, you sneer that all persons inconvenienced by the protestors "are the Real Victims here." But maybe I'm attributing to your writing a clarity it normally lacks. Let's say you were not referring to all persons inconvenienced by the protestors. To whom did you refer?

Perhaps your 'moral monsters' are not persons inconvenienced (or worse) by "[the protestors'] self-indulgently
obstreperous posturing," but rather those persons who complain about "[the protestors'] self-indulgently
obstreperous posturing"? If that is the correct interpretation of @46, then the persons referenced @55 are indeed your 'moral monsters,' because they're not merely complaining about "[the protestors'] self-indulgently obstreperous posturing," they're complaining about it in a legal document, as part of an effort to prove felony charges against the protestors, for the "[the protestors'] self-indulgently obstreperous posturing".

Such monsters!



your mirror
is actually thee
best place to look
for those moral monsters

twist that
you Like.


@65: I never claimed the protestors' self-indulgently obstreperous posturing had ever inconvenienced me in the slightest, so your sneering reference to "moral monsters" who are "are the Real Victims here" could not possibly have referred to me. That you've now ham-handedly declared it did -- but only after you got called on sneering at actual victims of the protestors' self-indulgently obstreperous posturing -- just adds to the humor value you provide here.

On the topic of "moral monsters," well, the SF protestors trapped a small child in a car for hours without food. Yet you don't seem to have any words of condemnation for those protestors, not even after their self-indulgently obstreperous posturing recklessly endangered a child. Perhaps your own moral sensibilities aren't as worthy of respect as you seem to believe they are?



burrowed too Deeply:


an "argument"
from a Fool . pass

with extreme predjudice.


Best of


@67: Still not a word of criticism for the protestors' self-indulgently obstreperous posturing having recklessly endangered a child, eh?

Your actual commitment to preserving innocent human lives has been well noted.



to preserving innocent
human lives has been well noted."

yet more Irony from bibi's
Favorite propagandist.
keep digging,

you'll discover
a Genocide victim
buried under the rubble


@69: Yeah, bibiā€™s paying me by the hour. (When all you have is sneers and smears, thatā€™s all you can use.) Meanwhile, Iā€™ll continue with the facts:

Keep posting. Sinwar may someday appreciate your support. (You can always hope!)


"... bibiā€™s paying me by the hour."

looks like
we were right
all along. have you
registered as a foreign agent yet?


@71: Nah, we Secret Agents of AIPAC donā€™t ever have to register, because we control your government. We control you. (Weā€™d even control your brain, in the ludicrously unlikely event you could ever possibly have hoped to have had one.) Weā€™re everywhere, all the time, and no one will ever believe you when you tell them about us. Go ahead, try!

Our absolute control of your ā€œthinkingā€ can be seen in this very thread. We caused you to sneer at the suffering of a young child, who was trapped by the self-indulgently obstreperous posturing of Pro-Palestinian protestors. Why would we want to make you look like such a hopelessly depraved ghoul? Because we Secret Agents of AIPAC want you to exemplify all that is wrong about the Pro-Palestinian protestors in America, thatā€™s why.

In many other threads, weā€™ve easily forced you to do Hamasā€™ bidding: blame Israel for all casualties in Gaza. Treat every causality there as an innocent civilian, ignoring all the Hamas terrorists killed. Shout the word ā€œgenocideā€ like you could ever possibly hope to know what it means. Shout the word ā€œgenocideā€ at Israel and only at Israel, even as Hamas continues to kill Jews, for being Jews, on land Hamas has vowed to cleanse of Jews. We have forced you to express all of these thoughts, and many, many other depraved thoughts, and even to believe they were your ideas ā€” as if you could ever possibly hope to have such a thing! So fully do we command America. And you.

Now run along, and continue to do whatever we Secret Agents of AIPAC tell you to do. (Itā€™s not like you could ever possibly have had a choiceā€¦)


"Our absolute control of your ā€œthinkingā€ can be seen in this very thread. We caused you to sneer at the suffering of a young child, who was trapped by the self-indulgently obstreperous posturing of Pro-Palestinian protestors."

another Lie:
that suffering young child
you placed into an ambulance
is/was nothing more than your
very own Strawman (Strawchild?).

you're one
twisted sistah
but Thanks! for
Finally admitting
you 'work' for the
nutnyahoo. that makes

sense. not on This planet
but maybe Somewhere,
I suppose.


you keep selling
us that phrase:

posturing." I believe
it's burrowed into you
so deeply not even Science
may extract it now. good luck!


speaking of "obstreperous
posturing" against
our collective

one comment on the nytā€™s

Democratsā€™ Unity Convention
Has One Giant Exception:
The Gaza War

Harris campaign officials and Democratic leaders have stepped up outreach to Arab and Jewish voters before the event, but large protests are still expected.

that Stood Out to
(not just) me:

"It's disgraceful that our nation is not just allowing another country to do to an ethnicity what we did to indigenous American, genocide, ethnic cleansing, expansionist settlement colonization, segregation, and other war crimes, crimes against humanity, and violations of international [laws] without any consequences, but we are also arming and funding those racist motivated violent crimes and doing it against our own export laws.

It makes our national leaders complicit in all of those crimes, proves their violent racism, and proves that we haven't fundamentally changed since the 19th century."

--Christina; Los Angeles, CA

fucking Bravissima,

now, explain to us just
how Wrong she Is,
wouldja wormmy?

and don't Forget to worm a little
obstreperous posturing into
your response pretty
pretty please?


@73: ā€œanother Lie:
that suffering young child
you placed into an ambulance
is/was nothing more than your
very own Strawman (Strawchild?).ā€

WTF? The quote and URL are @55. Hereā€™s the quote again:

"The affidavit cites one woman who missed a pre-op appointment for brain surgery to remove a tumor in her temporal lobe. Another woman told investigators she ran out of water for infant formula and missed a pre-surgery doctor visit for her baby."

The Pro-Palestinian protestorsā€™ ā€˜needā€™ to prance, preen, and pose their purity in public meant an infant had to go without food, and miss a medical appointment. For someone always moaning about children in Gaza, you certainly do not seem to care about a child here in the United States, needlessly endangered by the self-indulgently obstreperous posturing of Pro-Palestinian protestors.

(And, all joking aside, your lack of expressed concern is your decision, not anyone elseā€™s.)


do not seem
to care about a child
here in the United States"

you moron
your strawchild
is Your creation &
YOU Own it your-Self.


and your
little "proofs."

Also: your
vile projections?

here's my
who can diagnose
pathologies (like yours) blindfolded:

"The phrase 'every accusation is a confession' has been thrown around a lot since October, and for good reason. People who are deeply messed up and dysfunctional inside donā€™t typically have the internal resources and creativity to come up with accusations out of thin air, so they tend to just accuse people they donā€™t like of whatever they have going on inside themselves.

If you ever have to deal with a malignant narcissist or sociopath in your personal life, you can often understand their behavior a lot better by mentally reversing the accusations they level at people and interpreting them as confessions about themselves."

--@Caitlin Johnstone

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