The loneliness epidemic had spread to dolphins. We had to look at this photo so now you do too. kylieellway/Getty Images



Perhaps people have forgotten that UW was downtown by University Street before moving to Montlake.
The new Symphony name makes sense, although if you walk from Westlake to Pioneer Square on 3rd Ave at 9pm (which I did last Wednesday) the only symphony you'll see is a symphony of drug use.


Poor healthcare access and not being proactive enough to thwart a worst case scenario should just be assumed to be a factor in our response to anything, including the above mentioned overlapping drug epidemics.


As a callback to Seattle's early aspirations to be the NYC of the west coast, rename U-District station to Brooklyn. Only one UW-named station will remain. When rail runs out to NE Seattle, it will run through Chelsea and Morningside, further tying it all together.


"Harris said was that she would place a Republican in her cabinet"
No, she did not say that. She said she'd think about it. She absolutely did not say it was a done deal. Maybe she will, in the end, but she did not say anything other than she was willing to consider it.
She considered Josh Shapiro for VP. She gets to consider a lot of things, and not all of them come to fruition.


“Rest in hell, University Street Station”

That it took Sound Transit decades to make such an obvious and widely demanded change is an example of why most people view government as inefficient and incompetent.



OTOH, if they HAD changed it sooner, all the usual gang of complainers would have started kvetching about the expense of changing signage, maps, audio announcements, etc., and invoking those same "inefficient and incompetent" arguments.


said was
that she would
place a Republican in her cabinet"

a Locked
Cabinet. the
very Best kind.

did she happen
to say which
One? cuz


Trump announced he's voting to make abortion a constitutional right in Florida. He is now more or less officially pro-choice.


@2 just out of curiousity what do you mean by being more proactive?


Trump is lying his ass off to save his sorry campaign. The only pro-choice Trump believes in is the choice to stay out of jail.


@5 "people view government as inefficient and incompetent"

You can thank anti-republican conservatives for that (aka Reagan and his political offspring). Not only do they keep spewing the propaganda about inefficient and incompetent government compared to mythical efficient markets, but they broke it and defunded it to make sure it doesn't work (aka "drowning it in the proverbial bathtub")


Trump spent 4 years promising affordable healthcare for everyone and surely there were idiots who believed him then, too. He also told contractors he was going to pay them, veterans he was going to donate to their charity, and “students” that his university was going to teach them about real estate. Everyone should know by now how all that worked out.

I can’t believe this even needs to be said but the guy who’s been bragging about getting Roe overturned is not in fact pro-choice. The man just says whatever he thinks people want to hear and it works out well for him because believers are born every minute.



fooled you.
your 1st time?


There is one sure thing about Trump: he has and will say everything and its opposite at one moment or another. Even Trumpers don't believe him.


@11 - yes, we can “thank anti-republican conservatives” for promoting the idea the government is inefficient and incompetent… but ostensibly progressive government orgs like Sound Transit don’t help matters with their unforced errors…


Trump is "officially pro-choice" in the same sense that @8 is officially pro-Harris, which is to say he's not. But he knows how to read a room.


"ostensibly progressive government orgs like Sound Transit"

???? Progressives are strong proponents of public transit and they are often the strongest defenders of public governance in the neoliberal era, but I fail to see how the Sound Transit agency is progressive.

"unforced errors"

this is kind of a broad statement


It's not just Sorkin. Obama had four Republicans in his Cabinet.


Sound Transit Fun Fact:
The new station numbers are based partly on "certain beliefs or superstitions about specific numbers." Which is why Westlake is station number 50, because (for cultural sensitivity reasons) they didn't want to use the numbers 4, 13 or 39 in the numbering system. So fucking dumb.


Trump brags about how he got Roe v. Wade overturned. Anyone who believes he even believes women are human beings who have basic human rights is dumber than Trump is.


Kamala Harris said she'd consider putting a Republican on her cabinet. I can see her considering it, remembering that Republicans are horrible people, and then moving on.

Pat L dear, with so many alternate routes, why would you choose Third Avenue for your little trip? I would have gone via Second or First. Third is a horror show, which is a real pity.


@21 dear Catalina-
I lived on 3rd Ave (in Belltown) over 2 decades ago. It was awful then, and is now.
As I had a 15 minute wait for a 3rd avenue bus near Westlake, a stroll through downtown seemed in order. Between the length of 3rd Ave, and 12th and Jackson, there were several hundred people strung through downtown, a number I was not expecting.


I think you missed the cubicle death at the Wells Fargo back office down in Tempe:


Cancel your

(and cover your eyes):


In rallies and other public forums, Mr. Trump continues to use off-color language, deploying the phrase “son of a bitch” at least a dozen times since he announced his re-election campaign in November 2022, and variations of the word “shit” dozens of times in that span.

the word
“fucking” twice in one
speech last year in North Carolina.

looks like the Gray Lady’s
discovered the crotch-
less Underware

--@Ben Dover


@10 pat L, @13 kristofarian, and @20 xina: +3 for the WIN!!!!!
'Nuf very well said. I needn't add any more.


Just think: if the lonely dolphin bit off the Orange Turd's toxic lil 'shroom, it could be an overnight global hero!

Wanna bring the GOP and Trump Reich to heel? One word: CASTRATION.


I'm with Dustin Hoffman's Dorothy Michaels [in Tootsie, 1982]. 'Tis time for women and girls to become equipped with electric cattle prods. RepubliKKKan cavemen are just dying for a zap in the badoobies.


I'm not ready for the forthcoming season of pumpkin spice hatred.


@19 What's wrong about 4 and 39? (isn't 4 lucky? 39 is 3 x 13?)

Is the numbering scheme because some folk become anxious when they take superstitions too seriously?

For precedent, I believe that 13th floors are uncommon.


I have heard that the Mandarin character for four is similar to the one for death (hence the number 4 is considered inauspicious) whereas the character for 8 is similar to luck(or good fortune) and is esteemed.


@32: Down, raindrop dear, down. Your cowardice is telling.
Tell us--what are you going to do when the Orange Turd turns its ugly back on you, too, in its
vindictive, globally destructive race to the bottom?


is bibi's reign of
terror nearly


Israel Prepares for Major
Labor Strike Over
Hostage Killings

Much of the country is set to shut down,
a dramatic reflection of outrage over the
deaths of six hostages in Gaza. The strike
follows massive protests calling for
Israel to reach a hostage deal
with Hamas.

Much of Israel’s economy was set to grind to a halt Monday morning as a labor strike to protest the government’s Gaza strategy laid bare a growing schism among Israelis over their leaders’ reluctance to swiftly agree to a cease-fire with Hamas.

In the broadest expression of anti-government dissent since the war began, union chiefs and business leaders were joining forces to pressure Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to agree to a truce in Gaza that could facilitate the release of roughly 100 hostages still held there by Hamas.

Most schools, many businesses and the nation’s largest airport were set to close.


End the



I needn't
"Deal with it" (oh
Echoer of Wormtongue).
looks like those Millions of
(what You'd term 'Anti-semite!')
Israelis're gonna hafta -- beginning
with bibi. will they be Successful and
get their Loved Ones back? bibi's Gotta
keep outta Prison, so, unlikely, til bibi's Gone

Working on
even whilst we speak.

are your
skills any better
than your others?

not, for
Israel's -- and
the Hostages' -- sakes.


Ahhh look at all the lonely dolphins...

(Dolphin sounds in time with strings)


@37 CDizzle (Garb Garblar?) for the WIN!!!
Clever use of Beatles' lyrics.

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