A throwback photo from 2002, when the Boeing bosses averted a strike at the 11th hour. This year, workers are taking to the picket lines with a similar message. GETTY



Jill Stein gets more intentions of vote than Kamala Harris among American Muslims in swing states

AZ Stein 35% Harris 29%
GA Stein 17% Harris 43% Cornel West 6%
NV Stein 13% Harris 26% West 9%
MI Stein 40% Harris 12% West 2%
PA Stein 25% Harris 37% West 2%
WI Stein 44% Harris 39%



"The [Tesla] battery fire reached temperatures of 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The fire department had to use an aircraft to drop fire retardant on the area. Firefighters closed the highway for 15 hours to ensure the battery had cooled down enough to move the truck."

and MUX's virulently
Anti-social "X" requires
the very same Treatment.

too many Monies
in Too Few hands
gonna Wreck our
little blue Planet:



"Now, a judge has ruled the passenger not only must pay a steep fine for his bad actions, but he must also reimburse the airline for the cost of the wasted fuel. The fuel costs around $5,806 USD."

When this happens in the U.S., A Federal District Judge rules that way, and then after paying a $350 filing fee, the person subject to the fine, gets a Federal Bankruptcy Court Judge to cancel the monetary fines and penalty. Bankruptcy Court gets the last word, putting other courts in the position of pretending to impose a fine, and the defendant pretending to pay it.


Kohberger will get the death penalty no matter where the trial's held in Idaho.


It's still summer Nathalie.


I'm reading this post by averagebob @1 pumping up well-known Russian asset Jill Stein when Stein was not even mentioned in the Slog post:

And I have to wonder, is averagebob here (who has clearly been on these boards before under some other identity they are unwilling to disclose) not some well-meaning concerned citizen with plenty of time on their hands but rather someone who is here under false pretenses under a mission to sabotage progressive causes? No, not a Russian asset, but perhaps a Trump troll. Go back and look over this individual's very brief comment history and ask yourself if there's not something fishy going on:

Let's just remember, all this rage over Gaza and genocide is only ever directed at the Democrats, never at Trump. And rest assured, if Trump does get elected, you'll suddenly find the whole energy around this movement dissipate. (And I say that as someone who believes the Israelis are deliberately waging war against Gaza's civilian population.)


Congrats on new bus line, Capitol Hill. Meanwhile in Wallingford, they're killing ours.


@6- who knew American Muslims were Trump supporters?


@6 sigh ... pointing out that Democrats are taking liberties with the future of democracy by not accounting for all voters in swing states where the elections are decided by 10,000's of vote is not equivalent to "pumping up Stein", especially when the overwhelming majority of people likely to vote for Harris are already for an arms embargo.

I have already said several times that I urged people to vote for Harris in swing states but I have clearly no expectation that you'll get off your high horse and lay off batshit crazy stories about my intent and/or Jill Stein being a Russian asset (dude, really, are you ok?)


omg -- another Election.
those Crazy "Republicans"
just doing what they Always Do.

Why do they
Hate the USA?

"Donald Trump's
racist, deranged, untrue
tirade about Haitian immigrants
stealing and eating pets is having real-life consequences."

it's called Energize
the Base and its Appeal
to the reptilican brainstem
is about all the Reich wing has

other than cutting taxes
on the obscenely Wealthy
undermining Democracy and
appeals to perceived 'Victimhood.'

also look for more and more
calls for stochatic terrorism
and election denialism.



"And I have to wonder,
is averagebob here (who has
clearly been on these boards before... "

if it's so Clear
then Why haven't
You figured out their
fucking Identity already?

"... under some other identity they are unwilling to disclose)... "

you're beginning
to sound a Lot
like Worm-

so: You're a


@9 There is plenty of evidence that Jill Stein is either a Russian asset, or someone they see as a useful fool. She called the 2014 democratic uprising in Ukraine that ousted Putin's puppet as a far-right coup backed by the CIA. While she has always called America imperialistic, sometimes with justification, she has never said so about Putin, no matter how obvious. She still echos Russian propaganda on Ukraine. She was strangely silent on the worst of Trump's abuses, and was never involved in protesting them. Come on, she and known traitor Michael Flynn were the only American guests to dine with Putin at a Moscow RT event.

Now, about that poll. Actually reading all the data shows that the Muslim communities that Jill Stein does best with are the Hispanic and Native American communities? Further, it shows that she has 100% support in the Native American Muslim community? I have a political science degree, and studied polling and statistics. That is a serious WTF that should throw the whole poll into question.

You are not making an effective argument that you are not a troll.


averagebob @6, I'm surprised you couldn't hold to your usual pattern of completely ignoring me. As long as you're no longer able to ignore me, how about this question, "What username did you previously post as before you were banned?"

Regarding: " I have clearly no expectation that you'll get off your high horse and lay off batshit crazy stories about my intent and/or Jill Stein being a Russian asset (dude, really, are you ok?)".

If you think it is batshit crazy to refer to Jill Stein as a Russian asset, then you could just as well claim that it is batshit crazy to refer to Donald Trump as a Russian asset.

And don't be disingenuous when you say that you are really truly a Kamala Harris supporter (our resident Trump concern troll nekrasova makes the same claim) and that you're only encouraging Democrats to cater to an overlooked constituency. Anyone who is not a complete fool can see that, if somebody is posting completely out of context some cooked-up questionable poll results showing Jill Stein taking votes away from Harris among American Muslims, they're not doing that out of a sincere desire to help the Democrats win; they're doing that to sow doubt among Harris-leaning voters and sway those voters to Jill Stein. And the only reason anyone would be doing such a thing is that they want to see Donald Trump win.

averagebob, you are lying to us. You are not who you claim to be. You should be banned yet again from this board. And I encourage people to read your comment history and see for themselves that you are merely here to engage in anti-progressive trolling:


@13 There are lots of people critical of US policy in Ukraine and it doesn't make them Russian assets and I seriously doubt that a Russian asset would publicly attend a diner with Putin. I personally oppose Russian invasion of Ukraine but I don't necessarily agree with the policies that followed Maidan especially w.r.t. Eastern Ukraine

There are probably very few Native American Muslims in that poll of 1200 odd voters and I wouldn't be surprised in the least that they (if there are more than 1) would all vote for Stein. I suspect a similar scenario for Hispanics. Anyhow this is pretty weak sauce to dismiss a poll conducted by a reputable organization. I guess you believe what you want to believe but it's your problem.



"You should be banned yet again from this board."

so (to According you) ab Was here before.

so: who Were they
when they were

so many

so Few Facts.

tesorna you
'clearly' ARE
or merely a most
Excellent impersonator.


I'm not convinced that 'Portland mayoral candidate's bad driving record' isn't more like financial/poverty-type crimes:

"The tickets were largely due to unpaid or expired meters, along with her car registration being expired."

That said, "As reported by the Oregonian/OregonLive.com, Rubio was earning $100,000 annually as the executive director of Latino Network during the times she accrued the most tickets."

"Rubio has since paid all tickets and overdue fines she accrued over the past two decades."



averagebob @14, you can try to finesse this all you want. You have a record on these threads, just as Jill Stein has a record in her public life, of doing everything you can to undermine sabotage Democrats and progressives.

No normal person with a life is taking time out of their day to share out of thin air a questionable poll showing Jill Stein taking American Muslim votes away from Kamala Harris. The only sort of person who would go to the trouble to communicate this is someone who is part of a disinformation campaign designed to get Donald Trump elected. Hey, that's one thing you and Jill Stein certainly have in common.

I'll let you get the last word, since I have to get back to my own normal life. And in fact, I encourage people to read your comments to get the full picture:


@13 "you could just as well claim that it is batshit crazy to refer to Donald Trump as a Russian asset."

As a matter of fact, I think it is crazy. There is no actual evidence for it that I know of. There is however plenty of evidence that he is a neo-fascist that should be fought every step of the way.

"you are really truly a Kamala Harris supporter "

I never said i was. I said that people should vote for her in swing states to block Trump. I also said that she will be a game changer for billions of brown people, especially women. I hope that she'll turn out more progressive than her campaigning indicates but I doubt it.

" You should be banned yet again"

It's going to be difficult because I was never banned. I always tell the truth or I say nothing.

"you are merely here to engage in anti-progressive trolling"

You seem confused about what being a progressive means but do let me know when you think I am being "anti-progressive"



"You have a record
on these threads ... of
doing everything you can to under-
mine sabotage Democrats and progressives."


Tell us
who ab 'was'
and Why they
were "banned."




According to Wikipedia there are about 4,454,000 Muslims in the U.S. The 2020 Public Religion Research Institute census (https://www.prri.org/research/2020-census-of-american-religion/) estimated that Native Americans comprise about 1.1% of that group, so roughly 49,000 - 50,000 individuals currently. Based on that I share your skepticism regarding that 100% support figure, for one thing because the probable sample size of individuals fitting that demographic would have been incredibly small, like, maybe one or two out of the total, which isn't anywhere close to enough from which to extrapolate a reliable percentage.


@17 Thank you for asking people to read my comments. I stand 100% behind them even If I wish I wrote better prose.

I shared these poll results exactly for the reasons I cited previously, and as a follow up to several discussions regarding the importance of Gaza in swing states. Democrats won't be able to say they didn't know or that it's the fault of voters if Trump were to win thanks to a thin margin in swing states.


@2, The European mantra is not "tax the rich", as most U.S. progressives believe, its, "tax everyone."

Europe has one of the flattest effective net tax rates, across income groups, of any area in the world.

I am not saying that's bad or good, I am just stating what is. We could choose it if we wanted.

So what would that look like in the U.S. if we chose it? The sales tax would rise to between 25% and 35% to get the poor and middle paying more of what they earn to the government. Income Tax rates would rise and things like the home mortgage interest deduction and personal exemptions would go away. Fuel taxes would go way up.

Whatever your income level in Europe, if you divide total taxes paid (sales, income, fuel, other) by income, you get the same percentage, no matter your income level and it is 35% to 45% of income.


@1, There are lot more Jews in most of those states, where 10,000 or tens of thousands of votes will swing the state.

So going against Israel being able to more cheaply and effectively continue after Hamas, likely costs Democrats more votes than they gain from Muslims.


A flat net tax is the ideal, meaning the tax burden is comparable across the socioeconomic spectrum. That entails progressive income tax brackets to offset regressive consumption-based taxes (sales, etc). The top marginal rate in many Western Europe countries is in excess of 50%.



@20 Good of you to provide numbers to explain better what I was trying to say @14 in response to @12


It is perfectly fair and rational to criticize the party who most closely represent your interests. But this thing where people accuse anyone of criticizing democrats as being a Russian operative feels like a way for people to dodge criticism and accountability rather than engaging directly with the argument.

That said, re @1: I don’t doubt democrats are struggling with Muslim voters but the methodology on that survey is crazy. It’s a self-selecting subset of about 1000 voters from a target population of 40K — one out of every 40 recipients who chose to respond, and the numbers get even smaller when you tabulate by state. For context, a survey should have at least a 20% response rate to be considered acceptable. This is 1/10 of that and then broken down by state. The margin of error for each sate is probably double digits.

And that’s not even considering the potential bias in favor of people who are motivated to vent their frustrations, or the population size of Muslims in the state. Michigan has the highest and it’s about 2%. Every vote counts but it’s unlikely Muslims will tip the balance in any state unless they go all in for Trump instead of Stein. A Green vote is no different than not voting at all, beyond an opportunity to formally register your disgust with democrats.


@26 The sample size (~1000) is similar to that of most polls. The population of 40,000 was randomly selected from an unspecified number of registered Muslim voters but CAIR also says they identified 2.5 millions registered Muslim voters (at link below)

FWIW CAIR also conducted a poll when Biden was still running with very similar results (actually worse for Biden) for a sample size of almost 3000: https://www.cair.com/press_releases/cair-2024-election-survey-of-american-muslims-shows-jill-stein-kamala-harris-tied-at-29-gaza-genocide-a-top-concern/


barth @26: "But this thing where people accuse anyone of criticizing democrats as being a Russian operative feels like a way for people to dodge criticism and accountability rather than engaging directly with the argument."

I'm accusing only two individuals of being Russian operatives: Jill Stein and Donald Trump. But something tells me you already know what I meant and you are deliberately confusing what I said.

I'm accusing averagebob here of being someone who is actively engaged in a disinformation campaign in support of Donald Trump. But sure, normal concerned citizens who are genuinely concerned about the plight of the Palestinian people just happen to go on blog comment threads to post obscure polls from the dark cobwebs of the Internet showing Jill Stein of all people surging with Muslim Americans. The only reason Jill Stein even exists in this context is to entice Muslim Americans into voting for someone other than Kamala Harris.


@26 I hope you are right regarding Muslims tipping the balance but "just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."


The self-selecting is the problem, not the sample size. It’s by definition not random and naturally biased, and it gets even worse when you split the survey population by state because the sample size further diminishes and error margin increases.

We see this with crosstabs every election. We are always told the black vote for republicans is going to double or even triple and every time it never exceeds 10%. Polls lose their ability to predict with any accuracy when you start splitting the sample into sub-populations. Again, that’s on top of the selection bias which is a big enough problem on its own.


@24, Flat net tax rates, is the ideal; however, Europe does not "offset" regressive taxes (i.e. Use the former to reduce the latter) with high income tax rates on top earners. They have everyone pay. The poor through a minimum 25% VAT (a kind of sales tax), the wealthy through high marginal income tax rates.
End result, total taxes paid by the poor, divided by income, yields the same percentage as does the total taxes paid by the wealth, divided by income.

It's not progressive at all when all is netted together, its flat, even if some forms of taxation (e.g. the income tax) have progressive components.. Only Ireland, Portugal, and Italy have tax systems more progressive than the U.S., and then by only a negligible difference.

EVERYONE PAYS. There is no offset.

We could choose that here, but don't. Instead we want programs, but want someone else's taxes to go up to pay for them, and not our own. That is not a very European way of thinking about it. In Europe, if government spending increases, everyone's tax burden rises to pay for it.


@28, I understand exactly what you said, I just disagree with your framing.

I think Putin wants Trump to win every election he’s in. I know for a fact he initiated disinformation campaigns to advance that agenda. I also know for a fact the Trump campaign made great efforts to build back channel communications with Russia.

But IMO this doesn’t make him a “Russian asset”. That would suggest he is being paid or manipulated to advance someone else’s agenda. His and Putin’s interests naturally align and that’s the motivation behind the relationship.

Jill Stein otoh is more of a useful idiot than anything else, possibly a grifter considering she raised millions off a 2016 recount that never materialized. In either case she is either a stooge or a scam artist whose interests/self-importance put her objectives in line with Putin’s. Also not an asset. Just my take.


31, marginal tax brackets = progressive taxation (increasing tax percentage as income increases)

sales taxes, et al = regressive taxation (poor people pay a greater percentage of their total income compared to rich people)

In combination these yield the net tax, and when correctly designed they flatten out the tax burden across SES strata. This is what people are calling for when they say they want the rich to pay their fair share.


barth @32, you're entitled to have your own interpretation of Jill Stein and Donald Trump's motivations for their fealty to Vladimir Putin. But that is not what I was calling you out on.

This is what you wrote: "But this thing where people accuse anyone of criticizing democrats as being a Russian operative feels like a way for people to dodge criticism and accountability rather than engaging directly with the argument."

You misrepresented what I said, like somehow I'm accusing other people on this board of being Russian assets, and instead of owning up to your misrepresentation, you tried to change the subject and move the goalposts.

Why do you find it so difficult to avoid misrepresenting people who are challenging your narrative?


Sorry but yes I also think “Russian asset” is a way of avoiding engaging with an argument, eg that the democratic party’s stance on Israel is alienating some of their core constituencies. Also just my opinion.


It's impossible to say if any given commenter is expressing their sincerely-held dumb and wrong beliefs, is parodying dumb and wrong beliefs, is a bot trained on dumb and wrong beliefs, or is a Russian op promulgating dumb and wrong beliefs in the service of some political agenda.

Who cares what an anonymous commenter's motives are for expressing dumb and wrong beliefs? The point is they are saying things that are wrong and also dumb.


Any "American Muslim" who votes for Jill Stein is an idiot and deserves every bad thing a trump administration would do for them. I don't know if she's a "Russian Asset" or just a useful idiot. All I know is that the Green Party is a really dumb movement, that shows up every four years to be moral scolds, and who can't even be bothered to get a new candidate. They just re-run that old woman.


to hell
with the
TWO Parties
and to Glory
with Ranked
Choice Voting.

OWN the usofa
and we Gave it to
them thru two fuck-
ing corporate Parties.

RCV or
Bust, baby.
say, that Reminds
me: is it Hot Enough
for you? ok. just Wait.


@30 "The self-selecting is the problem"

It's a problem with all polls. Only people who wants to participate among those randomly chosen make up poll results. Anyhow, numbers don't have to be very accurate to indicate a potential problem.


You know how that pet eating bullshit started? A white woman posted the lie on Facebook. Now she's crying and saying she's not racist and didn't realize it would cause so many problems and she's not racist because she has a mixed race child and gay friends. FUCK RACIST WHITE WOMEN AND THEIR HORRIFIC HATE FILLED BULLSHIT.

White women put Donald Trump in the White House.

And of course to make it worse a woman (not Haitian, but of course not white) having a psychotic episode was found eating a cat (fur and all, so no not preparing the pet for dinner, eating it out on the ground like the dude in Florida who ate another person's face). So now all of the maggots will of COURSE say "see, Trump was right!!!" Honestly, I have never hated this country so much. We will never, ever escape Trump because even when he's long dead and gone and rotting in the landfill they put him in, all of his maggots will live on, perpetuating his fucked up batshit crazy racist woman hating shit spewing psychosis until the end of time. WE WILL NEVER BE RID OF HIM. NEVER.

And it's not just here. Humanity is so fucking out of control it must be eradicated. A man in France drugged his wife (starting when she was 58) and let over 80 men rape her over a period of at least 10 years (if not more). And another guy, he murdered his wife, chopped her up, and blended her in his blender.

I want the apocalypse I was promised as a child of the '80s. Nuclear eradication - quick and over in a flash and that's it goodbye.


that's Weird xina

we were Promised
if we hid under our desks
periodically we might have
Flying Cars and nukular Energy
so damn cheap the lines'd be more
Expensive than all the rest combined.

maybe we need
a common enemy
to fend off to come
together as a Species

why not

perhaps they'll
harvest US


@41 did you hear about the otter in Kitsap Bay that attacked a child and mother walking on the dock - pulled the child under the water and then bit the fuck out of them both when the mother snatched the child out of the water? I think animals are fed the fuck up!

We've got killer whales attacking yachts.
We've got sharks biting and eating people.
We've got more previously thought to be eradicated diseases being spread by mosquitos.

Nature WILL take us down (if we don't take each other down first).
It's just going to take WAY too long and it is going to be excruciating in every possible way.
Any life that exists anywhere else in the universe won't come near this planet with a 10 million light year pole. Can you blame them?


xina dear, we can all have our own personal apocalypse anytime we want.


River otters are nasty fucking animals.


42 - My goodness xina. I need a drink now.


cats are too
be they Figure it out.

we allow the
sociopathic and
psychopathic dominion
over the Planet good ole
Mother Nature be Damned

hubris + greed
the reptilican
us all

be Pissed.

He'll Cancel


@43 are you telling me to kill myself? not wanting to live in this fucked up world is not the same as not wanting to live. not gonna happen. i have people who love me, you know. i realize you may find that difficult to believe, but i do.


Of course not, xina dear. I was just responding to melodrama with melodrama.


@cressona: This is hardly the first thread where averagebob has waved sketchy poll results, bought and paid for pro-Palestinian groups, as gospel truths we all must Recognize Or Else. (https://www.thestranger.com/news/2024/08/19/79655571/not-another-bomb-rally-pressures-democrats-to-listen-to-their-base-on-palestine/comments) Nor is it the first time he's stated as fact howlers like, "the overwhelming majority of people likely to vote for Harris are already for an arms embargo." We all know that "Gaza Isn't Driving Votes," that all American Arabs and Muslims don't vote in a single, unquestioning Pro-Palestinian bloc, etc. He doesn't like any of this, so he constantly scrounges for 'evidence' to support his predetermined conclusion. If we debunk one poll, he'll just find another one. Blather, rinse, repeat.


“I 100% understand and know the dangers of a Donald Trump presidency,” said Elabed [an Uncommitted National Movement founder]. “That is why the uncommitted movement has worked so diligently about showing the Democratic party that they were going to be in trouble because of this disastrous Gaza policy under Biden. They might not have the support from their Democratic base in order to beat Trump in November.”


Note the mention of the poll cited above to discuss what may happen in swing states in which case there would be no rightful blaming of "idiot" voters, just blaming of "idiot" party leaders.


“The reality is that the public is far more in favor of stopping arms sales to Israel than opposed,” Yousef Munayyer, head of the Palestine/Israel Program at Arab Center Washington D.C., told The Intercept. He pointed to a June poll from CBS that showed 61 percent of all Americans said the U.S. should not send weapons to Israel, including 77 percent of Democrats and nearly 40 percent of Republicans. "



"Trump is such a sad wannabe despot. How can he be so close to Kamala in the polls?"
First Dog on the Moon



"If we debunk one poll, he'll just find another one. Blather, rinse, repeat."

@51-53: Thanks for illustrating my point perfectly. (Double points for citing The Intercept as if it was still as good as when Glenn Greenwald first worked there. The modern version provides the perfectly one-sided version of Arab-Israeli conflict history that xina just won't stop spouting.)

"They might not have the support from their Democratic base in order to beat Trump in November."

Where have we heard that before? Oh yeah, at the URL @49, which also has this comment: 'How can you call a group that constitutes just 30 delegates at the DNC out of the available 4,000 and only two of the state’s 111 delegates “the base” of the Democratic Party?'


@53 You have not debunked anything. You only showed you'll say anything or its opposite when convenient.


then follows the inevitable 300 words response filled with non-sense


of cressona’s
Attacks on averagebob
(& our leaders’ [possible] misguidance)

let’s take
a little trip
down Memory Lane:

“First, I'm reading the comment @2, and it's so sickening and so evil, I feel dirty giving it any more attention.”

well then
allow Me

surely hope ol'
Smokin Joe ain't
reachin' for a little War
just to Stay in the Oval Office

kristofarian on February 18, 2022 at 8:36 PM

here’s my followup:

Biden’ll get no Pass from History
if he sets off WWIII – there won’t
BE any more ‘History.’

Ex-U.S. Ambassador to USSR:
Ukraine Crisis Stems Directly from
Post-Cold War Push to Expand NATO:


A Call for Peace: Russian & U.S.
Women Push for Diplomacy, Not
Military Action, to Resolve Crisis:


'wag the dog'?
don't Poke
the dawg.

kristofarian on February 19, 2022 at 8:45 AM

(I Shouldda said
‘don’t Poke the
Bear.’ guess I
just Did.)

back to cressona/

“It takes a depraved, delusional, hateful mind to see what Joe Biden is doing in response to the Ukraine crisis and interpret that as some ‘wag the dog’ incitement of war.”

is That my
are we not Allowed
to question our President’s
motives? And DID I say biden
was Indeed “Wagging the dog”?

“Kristofarian, I feel sorry for you. You seem to exist in a fog that prevents you from understanding anything about anything. Seek help, friend. Or maybe just find some other interests or perspectives.”

cressona on February 19, 2022 at 10:59 AM


and now
you and Wormtongue
are trying to get averagebob
Banned because you don’t happen
to agree with his questioning of our un-
bridled assistance to bibi nutnyahoo’s Genocide

and Kamala’s perhaps-insufficient
calls for a stronger dissociation
from OUR Support for bibi’s
Genocide on Palestinians

which is exceedingly
Likely to sway perhaps just
Enough Voters in Key Swing States.

it looks to Me like
You and wormtongue
are the ones trying to elect


@54 -- Bingo. which's why
he'll always be Worm-
tongue to me.


@54-55: I referenced the thread where I noted the questionable origins and methodology of the poll you waved there. In this thread, cressona and barth have examined the flaws in the poll you offered @1. No one else ever need keep addressing every poll you happen to wave. The results of recent actual elections showed, "Gaza Isn't Driving Votes," and you have yet to offer anything to show that result has changed.


@56 "and now
you and Wormtongue
are trying to get averagebob

Naw, I think they are only trying to discredit my comments for different reasons because it is all they can do. FWIW, Cressona is pretty much a one-issue commenter here, Ukraine. He/she occasionally comments on other topics but that's not why he/she is here. He apparently thinks of himself as a progressive, which is good, I hope. He claimed, according to some seriously twisted logic, that my comments were too progressive for me to be a real honest progressive so I had to be a troll for Trump. As far as I know, I have middle of the road left wing views on most topics and my comments reflect it. If Cressona wants to tell me which comments of mine make progressives look bad, he/she should but I am not holding my breath on this one.

In turn. Tensorna (aka Wormtongue) is the most offensive and very prolific conservative commenter here. He appears to believe that stringing many words in seemingly ordered fashion will seed doubt in his readers and he may be right about that given trump is said to have ~50% of intentions of vote. His comments on Palestine are sociopathic insofar he is incapable of any compassion and systematically blames the victims. He has a deep hate for the left/progressives as shown by his constant baseless attacks of anything left of the average corporatist (from The Stranger to Kshama Sawant). He occasionally peppers his interventions with declaration of being for fair remuneration, which I assume is quite shallow positioning, because he is otherwise a classic law and order, Seattle is dying wingnut (to express it succinctly)


@57 You are again lying. There is nothing in the comment thread you cited @49 about any of the polls I cited on this page. Don't worry though, nobody is likely to check, right? You are some piece of work.


@58, 59 -- agreed.

his insidious poisonings
of these pages gives
tS a very bad name.


@59: Read harder: "I referenced the thread where I noted the questionable origins and methodology of the poll you waved there." The antecedent of "there" is "the thread where...", not this current thread. Just in case someone somehow managed to get that wrong, the very next sentence reads, in full, "In this thread, cressona and barth have examined the flaws in the poll you offered @1." (Note: I made no claim to have examined any poll in this thread.)

I understand you've condemned yourself to endlessly scrounging for something, anything to justify your predetermined conclusions. Accusing someone else of "lying," simply because you can't demonstrate sufficient command of the English language normally required for a high school diploma, goes even beyond your usual intentional distortions. (You may now expect to receive cheers and applause from kristo' in three, two, one...)


@61 "all and any poll, including past. present and future polls, showing that enabling a genocide could pose a problem for Harris in swing states are bad polls that have been debunked."

there, you have got all bases covered without ambiguity now



still Here?


btw, so there is no uncertainty the other poll showing a problem for Harris in swing states is a YouGov/IMEU poll

The so-called "debunking" by Tensorna of that poll consisted of his claiming that IMEU was pro-Palestinian even though the organization that conducted the poll (YouGov) is a prominent market research corporation


@ "averagebob"
aka ab

I don't know who you
Are or were or wtf
but your counter
to wormmy's
narrative is
Most Ap-



@65 Likewise Kristo. Your comments are right on and I appreciate that you bring much humor to what is too often "a world of shit"


@64: "The so-called "debunking" by Tensorna of that poll consisted of his claiming that IMEU was pro-Palestinian..."

As you could so easily have read in that thread, I did not make that claim. The Los Angeles Times made that determination:

“A pro-Palestinian group, the Institute for Middle East Understanding,” (https://www.latimes.com/world/worldnow/la-fg-wn-kerry-apartheid-israel-20140428-story.html)

"...the organization that conducted the poll (YouGov) is a prominent market research corporation..."

So, your understanding of capitalism states the entity paying the money will have no effect upon the outcome? (Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight...)

Also, an advocacy group, especially one intentionally hiding behind an innocuous-sounding name, should certainly be trusted in their honest evaluation of the poll's results.



See, as I said, his so called "debunking" of that poll amounts to saying that whoever commissioned the poll is not neutral because "capitalism" (wrf?). So don't trust any poll commissioned by say, Democrats or any organization that isn't neutral. Yes, a patently stupid argument but par for the course for an opportunist like tensorna who'll come up with any ad-hoc explanation as needed


bingo ab
all that Promise
and in Service to what

what a
waste of Talent


from Above,

hubris + greed + Impunity
& the reptilican brain-
stem'll Extinctify
us ALL

and so as they
Say it goes


@68: The poll results you're waving contradict the actual behavior recently exhibited by real voters in real elections, nicely summarized as, "Gaza Isn't Driving Votes." That's why there's no reason to believe those poll results. Supporting such disbelief, the poll was commissioned by a political advocacy group with a very anodyne name, telling you from the start they're out to fool you. (If the Democrats pretended to be a non-political educational group, your analogy might have merit. But they don't, so it doesn't.)

We have at least two reasons not to believe these poll results. What's your reason(s) for believing them? You want to? You can't ever find any real evidence to support your beliefs?




'good people are pummeled
to the point of exhaustion
by a relentless onslaught
of insidious awfulness
delivered directly to
your doorstep on
the Daily.'

--lifted & lightly paraphrased
from some reader's
nyt comment
likely famil-
iar with tS




Oops, I meant Vote HARRIS!


The right to exist is not zero-sum


and in Magatoonsvlle News

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Says He Is Being
Investigated for
Whale Carcass

He made the claim at a campaign event for former President Donald J. Trump, whom he endorsed after ending his troubled independent bid for the presidency.

“Make America healthy again!” Mr. Kennedy, a vaccine skeptic who has promoted a disproved link between vaccines and autism, declared to applause from hundreds in the gymnasium of Arizona Christian University.

“He’s going to end the
chronic disease epidemic,
and he wanted my help to do it.”


yeah. that’ll
Pan out

so: Secretary of the
Asylum perhaps
or FDA eltrum-
pfser knows

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