

Even 200 now.


Impeachment AND a Breaking Bad movie? I feel spoiled today.


Back up in your ass with the resurrection


Fueled by YOUR obsession with WeWork (which I'd never heard of before) I went to its Website to see what it "sells". After I was done gasping at the cost of a single "hot desk" for a month, I kept wondering why not just work from home? Hell, then you don't even have to shower or wear clothes? Or, do as many others do and work from a local coffee shop or even a public library? Heck, there are two coffee shops in my 'burb that each have a free small conference space that can be reserved.

Maybe there's something about WeWork's space mongering that I'm missing. If someone could explain why renting space there as an individual is advantageous, please do so.

Meanwhile, I won't be requesting an offering prospectus.


When it comes to The Trial, in the Senate, all bets are off.

A trial presided over by Chief Justice Roberts -- no relation to Dread Pirate Roberts, or at least that's what he claims -- will sorely test John Roberts' fealty to this little Constitution of ours.

Especially after the Kavanaughtiest Maximus sham 'investigation' cum hearings. Remember how angry he was? And when associate justice Kavanaugh told us someone was gonna hafta Pay for making him so angry? I do. And it wasn't gonna be him paying to go through one of Betty Ford's rehabilation centers -- nah. It was we, the People.

[HOW, exactly, will you make US 'pay,' assc. justice Kavanaugh?]

So if Roberts can shrug all that shit off and be as honest a judge as he Promised us he'd be [is my naivete showing?], then trumpfy's likely a Goner. And rumor has it, Pence was part of the Problem, too.

Leaving . . . Nancy.
No wonder she was Reluctant.

Newt 'Pitbull' Grinsrich wasn't, saw a Place for himself, at the tippy-top of the Heap, and went for it, giving us a Years-long investigation, branching our like the Mississippi Delta used to, before Standard Oil et al decided to make it more compatible with unbridled-by-commom-sense Capitalism, and barges that didn't like to turn; they never found out about Anything of Bill and Hillz, although they looked in places where there were no places, and finally caught Wilf Bill up in a Lie, about a bj, for Gawd's Sake and that's all it took for the serial-philandering, moralizing still-bearing-Nixon's-timely-demise basterds to seek a little Biblical style vengeance....

I see NO similarities between Gingrich's attempted coup and trumpfy's lying, cheating, MEFIRSTness, fuckoff and die Dems. Because there aren't any.


That's Wild Bill C., not Wilf.


Most likely scenario: The House votes to impeach, the Senate doesn't do jack shit, Biden, also implicated in the investigation, drops out to "spend more time with this family," Trump claims victory, his base is so mobilized by what they see as an unfair attack on their man that they show in mass numbers on election day, while moderate Democrats, so disgusted that Socialist/Progressive extremist Elizabeth Warren won the nomination, register their fuck-you vote by staying home.


I fear an impeachment inquiry, even one that ultimately goes nowhere, will have a big negative impact on the upcoming election. Democratic candidates at all levels can be put in serious jeopardy as conservatives, libertarians, right-wingnuts, and unapologetic Trump supporters dig in their heels deeper and rally the troops around an issue they all can agree on.

One can already imagine the vitriolic campaign rhetoric -- Democrats can't win the election so they're trying to steal the Presidency from a GOP President.

Impeachment efforts could very well backfire and keep this numb nuts in office for four more years, as well as win the House back for the GOP. We're entering very dangerous waters by starting an impeachment process now. Maybe we'd all better start praying to the diety(s) of our choice that our ship doesn't go down.


Note, Biden ain't implicated in jack shit. He (and the rest of the U.S. government, and the EU) pushed for the removal of the guy who had REFUSED to investigate Burisma and other corruption.


Let's make sure to impeach Mike Pence, Babyface Kavanaug, ad nauseum, too, while we're at it. Removal of shit from from the White House really should be easier than the hard fight the 99.9% of us have had to wage to regain our democracy. An econo-sized dumpster should do the trick. Hog-tie, gag, and dump Mein Trumpfy / Mein Pencey into the muck at Mar-a-Lunatic, and release the alligators!
@6 kristofarian for the WIN, baybee!!


Nixon wasn't Impeached, but when the evidence became overwhelming, the Repubs in the Senate sent Barry Goldwater (R, AZ) up to visit Nixon and let him know the R's had had their fill, too and that his time had come to vacate the premises.

So Tricky "I'm NOT a Crook!" Dicky's VP was gone (money laundering, you know them Rs), and I think he was Speaker of the House, Jerry 'Fumbles' Brown, whom Nixon picked to succeed (and Pardon) him.

Now the Peoples's House has Investigate Powers over the White House. The Corrupt White House and, well. /le's jsut SEE whither this Inveatigain leads us. To another Blow Job, in three or four long uears?

That's the Olden Days, bub.
We're gonna be Amazed at what this cat's drug in.

Popcorn sales are UP, baby.

(Thanks, Auntie Gee!)


OMG I just read the news that Robert Hunter has died.
What terrible, sad news.
Known primarily as "Grateful Dead lyricist', he was an accomplished artist in his own right- poet, multi-instrumentalist, wonderful performer, gifted storyteller... a fine man.


@8 That's the way it would go if Aaron Sorkin was a Republican writing the script.

Dare to dream!


@12 kristofarian: re Tricky Dicky: I remember the general election in Vietnam War-torn 1972. As a third grader at the time, my classmates and I could not vote but our teacher held a classroom "mock election" just for fun. She offered two photographs, propped up on the blackboard: one of the RepubliKKKan incumbent, Richard "Tricky Dicky" Milhouse NIxon, and his Democratic challenger, U. S. Senator George McGovern of South Dakota. Our teacher asked us, "Of these two men running for President of the United States, who would YOU choose if you could cast a vote?'
I remember feeling depressed by the feedback from 98% of my fellow third graders. Everybody in my class except for me and one boy from a staunch Democratic family chose Nixon in an enthusiastic landslide, scoffing and ridiculing the two of us "Dems" on our support for McGovern "Eewwww! How come you picked HIM?"). I went K-12 a a small, rural school district, and all I can say is that little Vincey and I had the last laugh when school started the fall of 1974--one month after Nixon's formal resignation from the White House---when we started the fifth grade. Everyone else was shell-shocked, wondering what the hell we knew.
I didn't trust Tricky Dicky's face then, and, like Mein Trumpfy and Dencey Pencey, don't now.
But my local grocery store is indeed, selling a shitload of white cheddar popcorn. It goes great with Cabernet Sauvignon.


@Ahem -- Brown, Ford -- hell, Nixon drove a brown Ford.
Where are they now?
So embarrassed.

So, Ms Expert, howtf did a president appoint
his successor + get pardoned by that same personage?


@9: There was already going to be vitriolic campaign rhetoric from the GOP, fear is all they're able to inspire in Americans anymore (and jingoism).

Impeachment is probably not going to actually happen. However, the investigative process is going to uncover so goddamn much slime from the Trump Organization, the campaign, and the WH cabinet that moderates won't be able to stomach voting for Trump. I've heard that Nadler wants to put this investigation on wheels, but I wouldn't be surprised if Nancy's plan is to rush for the most damaging information first, and draw out the investigation right up to November 2020, hammering the GOP with their findings every single day.


@17 kristofarian: I keep warning raindrop about his sugar intake, but he won't listen.



Was that intended? If so, lol and applause!


@16 Nixon was terrible then, a national embarrassment. But he wasn't that bad by today's standards. Just an unloved, corrupt, paranoid, vindictive bigot. (Oh, and a warmonger, too, but you can't really work in the White House without a little pressure from the boys in Virginia.) Heck, some of Nixon's policies were to the left of Clinton and Obama, and some of the current Democratic candidates; certainly all the Republicans since.

There is some blame for the drop in standards to be shared by the Democrats, who, when they occupied the post-Reagan White House, didn't strive hard enough to counter the vast right-wing conspiracy, but overall, their standards have always been higher.

But the Republican party have seen to it that, led by the John Birchers in the Heritage Foundation and the neocons of the Project for the New American Century, those standards have bolted so far to the right we're talking about nazis and the KKK without batting an eyelid.

And now again we have an unloved, corrupt, paranoid, vindictive bigot in the hot seat. With enthusiastic Republican support, for sure. The nazis have been rebranded to the more palatable "alt-right", and we're talking Unitary Executive now, baby!

Ad astra!


Sorry, not @16 at all. Not @ anything, really. @20, if anything, and yes, yellow Ford indeed.



That's correct... None of Nixon's successors has been caught doing anything that bad.

Reminds me of a line from the movie "Stripes"

Recruiter: "Have either of you ever been convicted of a felony?"
Bill Murray: "Convicted? No, never convicted."


@24 The words "has been caught" are doing a hell of a lot of work there, Kenny. Glavset would be proud.


I love that I always learn new things from you... I had no idea Jerry Brown was the 38th President of The United States of America.


I cant believe dems want to do a Benghazi on trump. Everyone knows the last Benghazi had no negative electoral consequences for the subject of that investigation.


Trump already threw VP Pence under the bus.

But, you did know they are all compromised, no?

All of them.

Start saying President Pelosi now. She will be the caretaker before Presidents Warren and O'Casio serve their terms.


@20: lol Stay off that candy corn, Norman!

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