

Nude pictures of Trump? YEECH!
The only small mushrooms I want to see are the crimini mushrooms next to my steak dinner!


Welcome to Weight Watchers new Attorney General Bill Barf diet plan. You won’t be able to stop puking up everything you’ve ever eaten after seeing Tr666p’s nude pix.


Worth noting is that there is zero chance that $hitler will win the popular vote in 2020 after losing it by almost 3 million ballots in 2016.

He’s never even come close to cracking a 50% approval rating, currently around 38%, and there’s no possibility of expanding beyond his base of Despicables because they’ve declared total war against everyone else.

The only question is whether the Ru$$iapublicans will be able to hack the voting systems or manipulate the loathsome (s)Electoral College to steal the presidency again.


It's only because people have been talking about a certain naked emperor since he took office that he can't concentrate on anything else. #ITMFA


Nitpick: The Examiner didn’t call for Trump’s impeachment, one of their op-ed writers did. Not the same thing.


But ...

What if we like babies and think they're cute?


I could be wrong here, but have always gotten the impression that Nixon's resignation was as much due to his realization that the entire spectacle was just so incredibly distracting and polarizing to the nation as it was about the incriminating evidence amassed against him. Perhaps he was similar to the Dawn here in that he'd probably convinced himself that his actions were, if not legal, then somehow morally justified (and yeah, I obviously realize how absurd that sounds.)

All of which is to say that Dawn COULD conceivably resign and maintain something by way of, uhhhhhh, ha ha, dignity, in so doing. Shit, he could play himself up as a loyal martyr, falling on his sword for the greater national good and further build his victimization brand, which seems to be steadily gaining stature these days.

Of course he won't, but it'd be an out that'd save him the humiliation of forceful removal.


Re: Fox News spin on the talking points:

Juan Williams is the guy making sense in the group. He used to be respectable, when he worked elsewhere. Then he went to Fox to be their token... well, everything.

The guy who goes straight to screaming about Media Matters is Greg Gutfeld. He has never been respectable.


@13: As blip said, he's basically the updated version of Combs (remember when Hannity used to play at "fair-mindedness" by having the embodiment of every negative liberal stereotype on his show to "own?"), only he brings the benefit of also being a person of color.

Also, unrelated to this topic, WTF is with the Stranger website? It's the only site where I can hit F5 to refresh the page and see no update, then manually open the page again to see there are in fact updates.


" ‘I think the whistleblower did the right thing’: Director of National Intelligence Maguire replies "
Oh, sure. But when whatshisnook Snowden did it, int'l shitstorm. And when Chelsea Manning did it, jailtime & torture. Sooo... looks like the IC wants Don the Con to become Don the Convict.

Devin Nunes is a complete tool. And a low-quality, cheaply-made one at that.


Manning and Snowden didn't go through official channels though, as this one did. (Right? My memory is fuzzy on those now, I must admit.)

Totally agreed on Nunes though. I can't believe that imbecile still has his seat, after being caught blatantly running interference for Trump.



I was gonna say what @16 said. Nixon had no intention of resigning until it was a certainty that if he didn't he was going to be removed against his will. At that point, he still wanted to make it look like his decision and he was in charge blah blah blah.

My guess is, if it ever came to something like that, Donnie would do the same, except with less grace and tact. If it were made clear he was going to be forcibly removed, he'd resign with a lot of blaming and scapegoating and saying he's only doing it to protect his true believers but everyone else is out to get him and so forth.


@14 They'll be back, of course. Right now events are moving faster than even Glavset can spin them. I expect the Right Wing Keyboard Warriors will regroup over the weekend, and show up in force with a new narrative.

@17 When you post a comment on SLOG, you end up with a URL with your comment id appended in the query string (the stuff after "?" in a URL). When you load (or refresh or bookmark) a thread URL with that comment id in it, the SLOG software will serve up the comments only up to that id. You have to strip off everything past the "?" to get new comments.

This was probably intended to support a feature at one point, but after a couple site redesigns without the programmer who wrote their server software around, it's now a bug. The quirk that allows Feebles to post anonymous comments with one-off usernames (or "404 troll") is another such relic.

The Stranger could get the most glaring of these issues cleared up with a couple days of contractor labor, but for whatever reason, they don't seem to think the accumulated bugs are particularly urgent.


@23: Ah! Yes, thank you!


Impeaching Trump is the right thing to do and not just for the Ukraine phone call but let's remember that Trump resulted from the last 40 years neoliberal policies such as inequality levels unseen in a century. Replacing Trump by an architect of the last 40 years in 2020 or like minded pro-status quo type a la Clinton will produce another Trump. If the left is incapable of giving what the people want (out of plutocracy), another Trump like demagogue (and the far right) will gladly pretend they would deliver if given the chance.


@20 - Snowden tried to go through official channels, but was denied.
Manning did not. (AFAIK)
Also Snowden worked for the 'None Such Agency' (NSA), Manning worked for the military (Army?).


@27 You're getting a little ahead of yourself there, aren't you?

We're going to have to get a conviction in the Senate and win an election, at the very least, before Congress can start considering proposals to dismantle capitalism.


@27 - Right? It's almost like we have only two pretend parties, both working for the plutocrats, who pretend to tag-team wrestle with each other.

Gosh, if we only had 7 active & vibrant political parties... like France does. But no, the Empire only gets "2".

@23 - Ah! thank you for mentioning those quirks :>)


@30 Germany has at least 5 active parties, and the center-left party has capitulated to the center-right party out of fear of the far-right party, which is small but growing faster than the far-left party.

The United Kingdom has 6 active, vibrant parties, and, um. Cough. So, uh, Israel has four active, vibrant parties...


@29 Capitalism's inability to account for ecosystem limits will be its own undoing

and you are missing the point of my comment, which is that we should focus on electing the right person because just getting rid of Trump won't be enough.


@30 42% turnout at the last parliamentary elections in France. Having more than 2 parties didn't help much as social democrats sold out to neoliberals and the left lost credibility with voters.


trumpfy needs his very own little War with Iran and Venezuela and why not them savage WE-WANT-EVERYTHING=FREE Socialists in the Great Frozen fucking North? O! Canada? They're trying to Steal our Healthcare! (not sure how. it's just something I heard.)

Nothing like a Good War to up one's Numbers (plus own the Libs!) trumpfy's always said/recommended.

Either trumpfy's days are numbered or Iran's and the rest of the Middle East's as we knew. Why not Cuba, too? Think of the Ratings!

Think: Trumpf TeeVee
24/7/36.4 = WENEVERSLEEPtv™
and neither will YOU

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