Rep. Devin Nunes just knows what the Dems are really after.
Rep. Devin Nunes just knows what the Dems are really after. Chip Somodevilla/Getty

The whistle-blower complaint is here: The complaint confirms what the transcript of President Donald Trump's call with the Ukrainian president that was released on Wednesday said; Trump used his position as president to try to persuade Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election. According to the complaint, Attorney General William Barr and Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani were heavily involved. An unclassified version of the complaint was shown to bipartisan senior lawmakers as well as the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. You can read the full document here.

Hold on to your hats, it just got bigger: The information is steadily leaking out throughout the morning. The complaint, according to a Washington Post journalist, also alleges that politically troubling highly classified calls from throughout Trump's presidency have been pushed under the rug and stored in a secret server (a, um, private server???) to hide them from scrutiny. The Stranger's Christopher Frizzelle has more.

The director of national intelligence is testifying before Congress: Joseph Maguire is currently starting his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. He will be talking about the whistle-blower complaint. Maguire also has the power to green-light a hearing with the whistle-blower. Under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act, the whistle-blower isn't allowed to discuss the contents of their complaint or even testify publicly unless authorized by senior intelligence community officials. I'll add some Maguire updates as they happen further in the post. As for now, there is, somehow, other news to discuss.

So far: Representative Adam Schiff is heaping praise on the whistle-blower:

Um, before we get to that, the Washington Examiner has... turned on Trump?: The conservative rag released an op-ed today calling for his impeachment.

And Fox News is trying its best to somehow spin this: Watch them fracture in this clip when a panelist brings up the talking points that the White House accidentally sent to the Democrats. Without even being accused of having received the talking points, the cohosts jump to the defensive. "Where'd you get that?" one spits (I literally have no idea what their names are, sorry), "Media Matters?"

A hard pivot to some sad Mariners news: FĂ©lix HernĂĄndez's last game with the Seattle Mariners is Thursday. HernĂĄndez pitched the first perfect game in Mariners' history. King FĂ©lix was one of the best and will see out his legacy at the tail end of a losing season. He also, sadly, never pitched in a playoff game.

Facebook gets heated over Everett taco shop: Tacobook Taqueria sounded a little bit too much like Facebook. And then the thumbs-up logo they made to go with the name... well, it had to go. At least according to Facebook, which sent them a letter about their “unauthorized use of Facebook intellectual property.” They ended up changing the color scheme, the logo, and adding a hyphen: Taco-Book was born.

Fall weather is here: With a touch of some winter weather, too, it seems. There will be rain this morning but then the day should be mostly dry. Tomorrow is a different story.

Representative Devin Nunes thinks we're after Trump's nudes: No, Devin, we want impeachment. He can have his nudes. You can have his nudes. The people do not want his nudes! Just transparency, justice, and swift action. No nudes.

Former French president is dead: Jacques Chirac died at 86.

McDonald's is trying out the plant-based patty: The Beyond Meat craze is real. McDonald's will test out its version—the P.L.T. (Plant, Lettuce, Tomato)—in 28 restaurants. The catch is that the burger is $6.49 and the taste test will only be at restaurants in Ontario, Canada, starting Monday. I must say how much I enjoy that the "P" in P.L.T. just stands for "plant." It's so general. So ominous. What am I eating? Plant.

South Korea mayor dumped a ton of trash on beach cleanup day: He did it so that environmental campaigners would have something to pick up on International Coastal Cleanup Day.

Want to see if you're above or below Seattle's median income? If you make less than $93,500, you're below the median! That many people are making more than me?? Yep, that's how many people are making more than you. That median jumped nearly $7,000 since last year. The bigger takeaway, from Gene Balk at the Seattle Times, is that 48 percent of households in Seattle make six figures. Additionally, there's a racial disparity here. White households in Seattle's median income ($105,100) is more than twice that of black households ($42,500).

News you can use: Japan Airlines is releasing a seat map that includes seats where babies are seated so you can avoid being near them when booking.

The man who created the labradoodle regrets it: He's afraid that his 1989 breeding breakthrough has led to an influx of crossover dogs with a myriad of health defects.

The whistle-blower did the right thing: According to Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

Today's EverOut picks are: A musical comedy show with the master of the catty sick burn, Randy Rainbow; a chance to walk around Colleen Louise Barry's site-specific installation The Trophy Room; and a Wayward Music Series concert with one of Seattle’s most important curators of experimental music, Steve Peters. See more on our EverOut Things To Do calendar.