

"The President of the United States is using the language of ethnic cleansing. If we allow him to continue, who would he use it on next?" --AOC

Well, whomever trumpfy perceives as Powerless:
the Homosexual Aganda
the Fourth Estate
-- excluding FOX
Anyone non-Corporate
oh, and Libs.

He'll most likely get to YOU later.
(Unless, your filthy Rich!)


It's going to be pretty funny to see President Pelosi hosting the G-7 summit at Doral.


Sorry -- Aganda may (or may not be!) gay.
Agenda, however IS.


Donnie is more like Nero, not Hitler


Trumpty Dumpty schemed for a Wall.
Trumpty Dumpty had a Great Fall.
None of its lawyers or Russian Yes-Men
Can keep Trumpty out of the Gator Pen.



G-7 Summit - Hello Emoluments clause? The sad fact is that our grifter-in- chief (and family) will rake in profits, regardless of what happens to Trump.
And as deeply depressing as our wannabe nazi leadership is, please let me take a moment to say thanks to the Stramger, and the press in general.
It's increasingly hard to get actual news, but I cling to the idea of a free press, both inside and outside the U S. That's somewhere in the Constitution too, I think.


Re Trump: Has anyone seen this?

Maybe it's time we left the echo chamber and started paying closer attention to the people we don't agree with. This is scaring the shit out of me.


@7 last election Moody’s predicted a Clinton win. Trump had a very narrow margin regardless of the electoral vote count. Moody’s (like many others including the DNC) still seem to be using the same metrics and strategy as pre 2016. A year is a long time, particularly under Trump.


@9 -- Gosh!
All of 'em?


"Troubled" works. WeWork has $47B in long-term lease commitments. Even a mild recession will have a lot of their short-term start-up subtenants packing up and leaving in the middle of the night, though they'll likely leave the foosball tables behind. So there will be some salvage value.


What @2 said.


@2 DOUG: I'm stocking up on white cheddar popcorn and good red wine. :)


"we do pay attention to the people we don't agree with.
That's how we know they're deplorable nazi fuckwits."

Disagreeing makes one a deplorable nazi fuckwit?

I disagree.
I disagree with Senator Elizabeth Warren.
I disagree with with NPR.

Gosh! Lookit all the Nazi!
Shall we Hate them all?

Not sure I can pull that one off.
What makes it easy for you?


Methinks Wally Gator and crew will have the last laugh when Mar-a-Lunatic becomes the world's second largest sinkhole (only to Trumpty Dumpty's toxic mouth).

Final Score: Florida Gators 20
Trumpty Dumpty / Dencey Pencey 0
Film highlights at 11!!


I had my first outbreaks and was tested back in 2010 for both HSV-1 and HSV-2.  Both my husband and i tested positive for HSV-1 but negative for HSV-2.  Last year I found out my husband was cheating, so I decided to do a retest on all STDS including HSV-1 and HSV-2.  Only difference is that this time went to a different clinic.  Anyway, I tested positive for HSV-1 which i knew i had but surprisingly HSV-2 as well.  I was so upset and got divorced with my husband.  4 months ago a friend recommended me to an African herbalist Dr Irabor, I explained my problems to him and he encouraged me that will be cured.  ordered for his herbal protocol and used it accordingly to his directions I'm so relieved to say that I've not had even one outbreak and was tested negative by my doctor I'm feeling great from within.  I truly endorse this product, it really works.  You can contact him on email: or WhatsApp: +2348159922297

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