Theres so much content on streaming services that even this fork is getting its own show.
There's so much content on streaming services that even this fork spork is getting its own show. Courtesy Disney/Pixar

Impeachment! The House passed its impeachment resolution this morning. What's that mean? From the New York Times:

Practically speaking, the resolution outlines the rights and procedures that will guide the process from here on out, including the public presentation of evidence and how Mr. Trump and his legal team will be able to eventually mount a defense.

But its significance was more profound: After five weeks of private fact-finding, an almost completely unified Democratic caucus signaled that, despite Republican opposition, they now have enough confidence in the severity of the underlying facts about Mr. Trump’s dealings with Ukraine to start making their case for impeachment in public.

Partisanship! Republicans unanimously opposed the measure, signaling an impossible battle in the Senate. A White House spokesperson reiterated the Republican line that this is “a sham impeachment" and “a blatantly partisan attempt to destroy the president.”

Batman! Where are you trick-or-treating tonight? Let's rent a bus and go down to Olympia.

Zombies! They're alive! Back from the dead! My Chemical Romance is getting back together for a reunion show. I know, you're so excited.

BAD! Today, in a radio interview with Brexit Party leader/euroskeptic Nigel Farage, Trump said that the leader of the left-wing Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, would be "so bad" for the UK if he wins the upcoming election. “Corbyn would be so bad for your country. He’d be so bad, he’d take you in such a bad way. He’d take you into such bad places." Honestly, "he'd take you in such a bad way" sounds hot. Corbyn responded with:

Death! The higher-dose flu vaccination created for seniors won't be widely available until mid- to late-November. The vaccine usually begins appearing around July and September, but the vaccine's manufacturer held off until it could determine which strains were circulating this year. Seniors can still get the normal flu vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourages everyone over 6 months old to get a vaccination.

Gasp! This afternoon, no-nonsense tech journalism legend Kara Swisher highlighted Stranger reporter Eli Sanders's award-winning reporting on Facebook and Google's resistance to follow political ad requirements in Washington state. We were thrilled to get the recognition.

Bombs! What a stunt!

TMI! Overwhelmed by the amount of (garbage) TV on streaming services? A new Bellevue, Wash.-based company, Likewise, has popped up to help people deal with finding a good thing to watch on streaming services. The app was created out of the office of Bill Gates, reports GeekWire. I predict more and more companies will start cropping up to help people deal with our streaming overload. (If you need unstreamable recommendations, we've got you covered.)

Forks! Sporks! Okay, this is cute.

Misogyny! Katie Hill, the House Democrat who resigned because of an "allegedly inappropriate relationship with a staffer and after nude pictures of her were published online" (per NBC), delivered her final speech on the House floor today. "I'm leaving because of a misogynistic culture that gleefully consumed my naked pictures, capitalized on my sexuality and enabled my abusive ex to continue that abuse, this time with the entire country watching," Hill said.

Discrimination! WeWork and its former CEO Adam Neumann are facing a complaint from Neumann’s former chief of staff Medina Bardhi over alleged pregnancy and gender discrimination. Some of the complaint, via Gizmodo:

The complaint states that during her initial interview in October 2013, Neumann “unlawfully and intrusively” asked Bardhi “when she was going to get married and become pregnant.” Three years later in 2016, the document says, she said that she was forced to announce a pregnancy early to avoid accompanying Neumann on business travel—at the time, he was reportedly fond of smoking weed on jets. Bardhi said that Neumann immediately told other members of staff that she was pregnant without her consent. She also said that an HR official referred to her planned maternity leave as a “problem” in need of a “solution,” and Neumann made comments such as “I hope you’re going to have fun on your vacation while we’re here working.”

Deep fake! You can't trust anything these days. Not even the Great Wheel.