

OK Boomers.


Ever wonder how owners of voting machines (Republicans) know who's gonna win, well before the votes are counted?

Yeah, we (WA) could go back to having Private
Parties OWNing OUR machines/Elections.
But, fuck that.


The first rule of Conservatism: Always, ALWAYS, be a victim.

I blame their mothers. It’s not natural for a woman to be a Republican. It perverts their maternal instincts.


only morons don’t know this, why would you even post an article like this?


"The first rule of Conservatism: Always, ALWAYS, be a victim."

That must explain why they march around town demanding free rent, free transit, free college, free daycare, free-everything all the while streaming about being oppressed because some people think their testicles make them look, well, not very lady-like.

And when they don't get it's smash windows.


Not screaming victims.



I blame the Founding Fuckers for setting us up with an idiocracy that gives mouth-breathing, glassy-eyed morons disproportionate voting power.

Flying Spaghetti Monster help those asshole dumb fux once someone figures out how to anally electrocute them through their keyboards. Just shove those honkers up there and max out the juice; they’ve got it coming big time.


@7 Unoriginal Andrew, it's always a sad day for me when you don't work a "KKK" into one of your rants. What gives?



Ok Boomer


Look, after an election, it gets lonely in Russia. You are supposed to raise tensions, but since we count slow, it's really hard.

So you just down some vodka and act as if there's an election controversy, when you were unable to hack the actual vote itself, and even your comrades at Amazon totally failed.



What if I read it, but just let the words wash meaninglessly over me, understanding nothing? Do I get to comment then?


“The first rule of Conservatism: Always, ALWAYS, be a victim."

Surely, if you are marching around town demanding other people pay for your preschool, daycare, college, healthcare, housing, transportation, and general nappy changing, isn’t the only reason you can demand that is because you’re claiming to be a victim?. Because if you’re not a victim, why should you get free shit from me?


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.



Be best.


I’m waiting for someone to say “ok, X’er” to me so I can just shrug.


The best part of Edge Gen is being able to laugh at everyone so obsessed with age.

Pro tip: you'll all be buried or cremated or whatever, it's just a fact, it's not like most of you are dooming human life on this planet due to selfishness ... oh.

Never mind.


I think that I am technically a GenXer, but my parents were definitely "greatest generation", so I suppose I was raised like a boomer. (Mother Vel-DuRay always called me her "bonus" baby". She was forty when she had me, which was practically unheard-of in those days)

But yes, Conservatism, such as it is these days, is nothing but victimization, projection and blaming others for your own personal failings. That's why it appeals to stupid people.


"Conservatism, such as it is these days, is nothing but victimization, projection and blaming others for your own personal failings"

Don't confuse conservatism with Trumpism. Remember, it was the labor left who opposed open immigration for decades (driving down wages), opposed opening US borders to foreign goods and free trade, opposed foreign wars and US military overseas alliances and commitments.

And if you're not claiming victim status, why should you get special welfare programs and free stuff?

I mean, you're either a "victim" in need of taxpayer charity or you're a fuckup. Pick one.


Happy RINO dear, where are all the hale and hearty Conservatives when it comes to trump?

But really attempt at deflection.


"... Conservatism, such as it is these days, is nothing but victimization, projection and blaming others for your own personal failings."

Put that on the damn wall.


".. if you're not claiming victim status, why should you
get special welfare programs and free stuff?"
--disgruntled RINO, above

Exactly. This, from today's NYT:
"The Billionaires Are Getting Nervous

Bill Gates and others warn that higher taxes would
lead to lower growth. They have their facts backward."

From two comments on the article:

"The question is not whether or not we should allow billionaires to exist. The question is whether we want to live in a democracy or an oligarchy. Extreme concentrations of wealth demonstrably tilt democratic institutions to the concerns of the rich.

Extreme wealth and democracy are not compatible. So sorry, Mr. Gates. I have no problem dubiously sacrificing some innovation in order to restore a robust democracy. No problem at all." --CV Danes, Upstate NY, Nov. 8


"If your only interest is in growth, if democracy and justice mean nothing to you, then lower taxes are your prescription. We have sacrificed justice to achieve growth.
It was not a good choice." --Michael, Virginia, Nov. 8


Would be interesting to try and trace foreign involvement in local elections it may be happening if only thru online Conspiracy mongering. Now fb and google flaunting our election ad transparency law but maybe Eli sanders will find out with his great reporting on the issue.


So I am interested in why later-counted votes do swing left (we had a couple of races flip a few days later in Whatcom Co. too), simply out of idle curiosity. Is it just that the progressive-slanted young and poor (who may be trying to juggle some combo of multiple jobs, school, and/or childcare, and who probably don't have stamps laying around the house), are a whole lot busier than the conservative-trending rich and retired and so wait til the last minute to vote?

I'm a millennial, and don't think I've ever mailed a ballot - I always put them in the drop box, usually towards the end of election day. So there's one anecdote in support of my hypothesis. I would think that rural areas' mailed ballots would arrive last of all and would trend conservative, but numerically maybe those just don't make a dent in the late-voting urban progressive numbers. Anyone else have ideas?


@31 early voters tend to be older and more set in their beliefs, and as such tend to skew more conservative. you're mostly right in your thinking. i'm a millennial as well, but i vote and mail in my ballot pretty much as soon as i get it because my adhd ass will forget if i don't

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