

That's an extremely dickish non-correction, Katie.


I also thought the usage and focus upon the term detracted from the subject of the article. The person behind the initiation of the campaign may self identify as they choose, but many of us chose to participate free from metaphysical guidance, grounded in social justice.


Like I said on your first post regarding this: the witch angle was a distraction. Sorry making fun of people trying to do something about this guy didn't work out for you Katie. And yes, how you've handled this non-correction correction is pretty childish. But hey! Unlike that teacher who claimed they can't teach Picasso you did at least follow up and verify. So good for you.


Just for the record, we all got called Nazi witches. As an anarcho-capitalist atheist, I took great offense, I can tell you!


I want more quotes from the dumb crazy guy rambling about his magic Halloween powers.

Otherwise, why even have Slog? The news coverage is already partisan hack garbage, might as well have fun with it.

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