Harris calls it.

Senator Kamala Harris drops out of the presidential race: You want some takes? I got some takes. (1) She ran out of money. (2) Blame the billionaires. (3) "With Kamala Harris out, the debate stage in December at this point will be all white candidates." (4) "Now Tulsi." (5) And my personal favorite: "I’m sad that Kamala Harris dropped out because the dream of a student loan debt forgiveness program for Pell Grant recipients who start a business that operates for three years in disadvantaged communities is now dead..."

House Intelligence Committee drops impeachment report: Representative Adam Schiff and the rest of the committee recommend impeaching the president for putting his personal/political interests over the national security interests of the country, and for obstructing the entire inquiry, according to the New York Times. The House Judiciary Committee will take up the recommendation tomorrow and begin drawing up the articles so we can finally ITMFA. Then we'll all get to perform our disappointment with Republican senators (plus Democratic senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema) for not voting to convict the president for obvious impeachable offenses. Kidding aside, half of the country wants to impeach and remove the president from office, and while that's not an overwhelming number, that's still something, especially considering that most "persuadable" voters aren't even paying attention.

Fun little detail from the impeachment report: Records show that Representative Devin Nunes was taking calls from Lev Parnas, "one of the two indicted operatives Giuliani sent to Ukraine to research about the Bidens," reports the Week. I wonder what Nunes said to Giuliani's goon?

Meanwhile, Trump just sort of casually implied he wouldn't defend Canada: Just because they don't pay into NATO enough for his liking. Rude.

He also claimed "many" ISIS fighters come from France, but Macron wasn't having it:

McKinsey consultants proposed strategies for making the concentration camps more cruel: When Trump signed executive orders to beef up the "detention facilities" at the border, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement asked McKinsey to help with the rollout. The firm "proposed cuts in spending on food for migrants, as well as on medical care and supervision of detainees," which made even "some career ICE staff uncomfortable," according to a must-read investigation from ProPublica. Mayor Pete worked for the firm before all this went down, but his campaign says he can't talk about his work there because he's still under an NDA.

Oh, interesting: "People hate shopping for health insurance," says Axios. And here I thought people yearned for choice.

Related: "Man, so if you're poor, you're dead:"

On its worst day this year, Seattle's air quality was: "Unhealthy for sensitive groups," according to a new visualization tool in the New York Times, which allows readers to compare their city's air pollution to other cities around the world.

ICYMI, we won: More complete precinct-level data for the general election is out, giving us a clearer picture of The Stranger's 5–1* victory over the Seattle Times, Amazon, Tim Burgess, etc. (*Both papers endorsed Council Member Debora Juarez.)

Ugh, North Kitsap School District settles sexual misconduct lawsuit for $5 million: Last year, the district was sued for not providing "adequate supervision," according to the AP, as "four developmentally disabled children were [allegedly] assaulted by a 10- or 11-year-old behaviorally disabled student during the 2014-2015 school year."

The youth jail is nearing completion: And it has a new name, says Capitol Hill Seattle Blog. The Judge Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center will open "in the next several weeks," though they still need to demolish the old building, construct a parking garage, and decorate the cages. Read more about the years-long debate here.

Protest planned to protect Nickelsville Northlake Tiny House Village: For months, Nickelsville staff have clashed with the city and the Low-Income Housing Institute (LIHI) over who gets to run the facility, which has 19 beds, according to the Seattle Times. The homes are on city land, and LIHI is supposed to be running it, but Nickelsville, which is composed of formerly homeless people and volunteers, wants to maintain control. You can protest the sweep next Monday.