

Rich Smith is the most powerful journalist in Seattle. The comments threads were full of naysayers, everyone dismissed his accuracy in picking the winners. Yet, almost everyone he endorsed won.

It’s starting to look like Inslee should buy Smith dinner to woo an endorsement out of him.


What's the point of burning Greg Nickels for eternity? Durkan owns this now.


Durkan can’t stop abusing homeless people. She shouldn’t have that kind of power. She is definitely sadistic. Her history as a federal prosecutor certainly illustrates that fact. The people of Seattle need to remove her from office. She had the out right lying nerve to tell the mainstream media that she is compassionate towards unhoused persons when she spends millions to force them out in the streets with no where to go.


Houseless? Most of what you see are vagrant junkies who couldn't afford housing at any price point, so moved to Seattle where they could pitch a tent and shoot smack all day and not be bothered.


5 You just proved to anyone reading your comment that you don’t have a clue about this issue.


Pretty sure Andrew Yang still exists despite all the "Dem candidates so white" articles I keep seeing.

Of course, one has to wonder why the Democrat voters are so sexist and racist that they would not vote for a proud and accomplished WoC like Harris. It has to be sexism and racism, there is nothing else it could be.


The color of their skin nor the junk in their trunk has no bearing on what policies we should support. I don't know why we care so much about what people look like but for perspective, compared with the Republican party which is pretty much all white males I think democrats have been doing a better job of steadily improving at becoming more diverse.


@6 Really? King County in its lawsuit against Purdue pharma says the majority on bums are doped up. Is King County lying?


I wish we could have a reasonable discourse on the homeless, but it always comes down to the "Poop & Needles" crowd and the "Seize The Olympic Hotel For Housing" crowd yelling at each other.



What I support is dialogue, rather than debate. Our pugilistic opponents have absolutely no interest in hearing our perspective. While the dangerous compromisers that dominate the leadership of our party would be all too willing to give everything away to the other side, it is we who understand that the point of a political tug of war is not you’ve everything to ones opponents in exchange for nothing.

If we seem extremist or perhaps “shouty”, it is out of a sense of duty, and an authentic, passionate belief that our line is not mere rhetoric, but truth.

Consider if you will ACT-UP. This group was also shouty, they never compromised. And it is because of that that we now have medications that allow HIV + to live a full life.

The other side has its share of obnoxions as well. Tim Eyman drives us all crazy to the point of distraction, however his persistence has led him to multiple referenda victories. Sometimes obnoxiousness pays off.

Do we annoy you? Then go ahead and be annoyed. Human life is valuable enough to be worth your irritation.

Oh, and by the way, I’d like to remind you again that you lost the recent election in D-3. Just in case you forgot.

Neener. Neener. Neener.


@5, Yes, there are some addicts amongst the homeless and they tend to be the more visible ones (along with the mentally ill), but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't do something to help them get back on their feet and living a productive life. It's also not a reason for us to hurt the people who aren't addicts or mentally ill but just need some support to achieve a minimal standard of living.


Wandering Stars dear, delusions of nobility aside, you just like to hear yourself talk.

In the meantime, we have a real problem with real human impacts, and no one is doing anything about it because of the professional screamers and the Perpetual Outrage Brigade. In the meantime the wealthy and the developers are laughing all the way to the bank.

I am not a resident of District 3. The good voters of that district had their say, as is their right. CM Sawant has their blessing to continue her agenda of angry inactivity and self-promotion.


@8 has any bearing*


@12: Says he supports dialogue ends with neener neener neener.
And before you build a full vituperative head of steam, I more often than not agree with your positions, and you write really well. I also think that your point about ACT-UP is a good one.
All Catalina pointed out was a fairly accurate, if colorful, assessment of how these discussions (at least on line) go, and a wish that we could talk about the issue constructively. That neener neener neener on your part pretty neatly demonstrated the kind of rhetorical atmosphere they were talking about.


@18: You know, whenever someone brings up Andrew Yang, you start rambling about these "incel trolls." I don't know what Andrew Yang did to you, or why you need to constantly rail against the one Asian person in the race, but it's like clockwork.

How big a part of the Democratic base and Democratic voters do you think "incel trolls" are exactly?

As a follow up, how much time per day do you spend online reading what these "incel trolls" think and believe?


" Yes, there are some addicts amongst the homeless "

Not "some addicts", the King County lawsuit claims over 50% are heroin addicts (From the lawsuit: “the majority of the homeless population is addicted to or uses opioids”).

And that's just heroin addicts, not meth addicts, booze addicts and good times addicts. And most refuse treatment when offered.

So what's left, good times in park for the junkies?


@20: So in your mind, people who poll democrat voters are calling and speaking to 8chan/gab "incel trolls" with high regularity (even in polls that sample only registered Dem voters) and these people are solely responsible for up to 6%-10% of the totals (when Gabbard and Yang are added together in a variety of polls)? I'm not talking about all the memes you apparently are viewing on 4chan/8chan, but actual polling numbers.

How many "8chan/gab incel trolls" do you believe exist in America, and how did they get so much political power from their mommy's basements? Is it meme magic or something? Why are they able to do so much, yet have only annoying you personally with Yang memes as their one notable political act?

Sounds pretty nuts and unsourced (though I did find a couple similarly whiny opinion pieces about it), so one thing I would impress upon you is not to assume that everyone else is on 4chan/8chan reading these goofy memes so often like you are. Do not assume your tiny, isolated bubble is the world.



Delusions? We hold actual political power. What do you hold, other than a can of Aquanet?


Wandering Stars Dear, what have you accomplished with all this “political power”? How many units of affordable housing have been constructed? How many people are off the streets? Where’s the head tax? What has been done to address income inequality? How many of CM Sawant’s budget amendments were adopted by the council? How do you holders of political power intend to address the gutting of our transportation infrastructure and the rejection of affirmative action?

The Seattle City Council has limited power, but has done some good things - the $15 minimum wage and sick leave, for example - but their power exists only between 145th st to the north and Roxbury st to the south. King and Snohomish counties are reliably blue, but that’s all you got. Instead of patting yourselves on the back, why don’t you get to work?


@26 You may not be aware of this, since you don't seem to pay much attention to comments that aren't directed at you, but Catalina holds, among other things, a job with the City.

It's not much in the grand scheme of things, but her work, to at least some small degree, has materially benefited the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Your furious political scribblings, to date, have not.


28, a lot more than Egan Orion has, since he’s not the CM and never will be.


29, yeah, but she is a civil servant, not an elected.

We won the election. Egan Orion lost. And that’s true whether she works for the city or doesn’t.


I get it now, Wandering Stars. This is about personality to you, not policy. That's why you don't care that Sawant is largely ineffectual. She's your trump, and Egan Orion is your Hillary.

Personally, I'm more about results than histrionics. But to each his own.



Whatever. I don’t need your approval.


That’s OK, Wandering Stars dear. After all, I’m not your new stepmother.

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