

Marriage Story is BORING AS FUCK. And the fact that When They See Us got completely snubbed is outrageous.


The Two Popes? Fucking Rocketman? If they really are voting on "accomplishment," what did Rocketman achieve, beyond somehow making a movie that was even worse than Bohemian Rhapsody?


As long as Hollywood remains misMANaged by chauvinist pigs and rape minded sociopaths in power positions (FUCK YOU, ACADEMY), nothing will change. The current Trumpty Dumpty neo-nutzi-fascist regime has only fueled the fire against women. There will have to be a major revolution before anything inclusive to women film directors, producers, and film composers get prominent, long overdue Oscar acknowledgement.


The Golden Globes are a Hollywood in joke. The Foreign Press Association has only a small handful of members. It's often been joked it gave awards to whomever was willing to come to the ceremony.

Getting upset over the make up of the nominee list is a waste of energy. It's not a reflection of anything more than a few reporters from other countries who occasionally write about film and television.

The ceremony is just an excuse to watch a pre-show red carpet where "stars" and "almost stars" in designer duds struggle to answer dumb questions from E News reporters and Ryan Seacrest.


Look at all the whiny, crying snowflakes in this thread. Lololol. Did the churnalists clickbait hurt your fee-fees? Did you want me to call you a waaaaaaaambulance? :( And of course, Grizelda, the star of leftist trolls with her Trump Derangent Syndrome attaching Trump to everything she can because of her illness. Lolski.


@5: Awwww, do intelligent, capable women SCARE youse? Cheer up, li'l Buckaroo--there's always SuperFriends on Channel 4, even if your dank, dark fruit cellar reception isn't the greatest :)


@5: But then, you've always been in the dark for at least fourteen years now, right? :)


Directors of 4 major superhero films are women. Feminists have won! But are they cheering? No! They will never be happy about progress because they NEED problems to exist otherwise their feminist religion, that is built on victimhood, dies.
It doesn't anyway, because women have the same rights men do. That is why they constantly invent new "issues" to bitch about. Like "manspreading". You know REAL issues. Lololol. Otherwise their woke religion has no purpose.


@8: Did these women directors win Oscars for their work, let alone even get nominated by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences? Do women get the same pay as men? No. Your idiotic mansplaining post further validates my comment @7.
Awwwww, did youse get something caught in a zipper, Laughing Boy? No wonder you're not getting it or anything else. Enjoy your Cocoa Puffs and SuperFriends on Channel 4, Captain Caveman. :)


JOKER----for Best Motion Picture?!? Obviously the Academy is on serious crack.
Shit like this is why I am so glad to not own a TV or bother watching the Oscars.


@10. Your cuntsplaining/wokesplaining makes no sense, sweetheart. You obviously never seen The Joker, if you don't think it deserves to win Best Picture. To anyone with eyes and good taste for film it is obvious.

But you know, you probably think that Charlie's Angels was worthy of an Oscar. That is how low brow and unrefined your taste is. Shitty movie no one asked for. But hey! Directed by a wahmen though and, therefore, automatically Oscar-worthy. Lol. Idiot.


@11 A little slow down at juvee? How old are you, fourteen? You must be a riot down at the cup and supporter set down at youth hall.


@11: Scare you, do I? Awwww, cheer up l'il Buckaroo....maybe your mom will let you use the car in another ten years. Or let you do minor errands--the ones she feels you're capable of.


@11: Are you lonely down in that dank, dark fruit cellar? Is the formaldehyde helping preserve your flaccid body parts? Do you ever come up for air once in a while?

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