

Trump and Bolsonaro would be a twofer


@2 spunkbutter: Let's add Pence and make it a 3-fer.


@3 Auntie:

Hey kids, can you say "acting president pro tem Pelosi"?

I'm in


It's not even that Trump doesn't know what he's doing- he's INSANE! Psychotic and insane.
All he can do is wave his little hands, and declare that he is a stable genius!
Yes, we are screwed - it's every one for themselves, in our One Nation Under Ayn Rand!
All hail the Stable Genius!


But ....but didn't he wear a tan suit?


Jesus Horatio Kee-RIST, I miss President Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama.

@4 spunkbutter: And there ya have it----Pelosi / Warren 2020! Democracy is finally restored after 3 years of the Dark Ages.


Expect stocks to drop again tomorrow. Nobody's gonna stock up on a Friday the 13th after a week like this.


@5: That is just about the most concise and eyes-wide-open assessment of the situation I have read. Thank you.


George W. Bush looks like Winston Churchill compared to Trump.


@3 - the beauty of that plan is that Trump & Co. can't replace a dead Pence without a majority vote of BOTH houses.


@14 What planet do you live on that 55-year-olds are “soon to retire”? Most people that age have at least 10 working years ahead of them, and they’ll make their money back and then some when the market rebounds. Which it will, as usual. If you’re 65 or older, or if you fantasized about retiring at 60, then sure, you should be stressed out right now.


I live in portland and popped in the library yesterday to hopefully grab a copy of The Plague. All 16 in the entire city system checked out with 5 holds in wait. Go figure. Also checked Powell's though and they have it in stock.


@15 dvs99: ...and thus, true democracy---of the people, for the people, by the people (NOT corporations!) is restored!! It is indeed, a lovely thought. To be safe, we should also add Mitch McConnell, Bill Barr, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh to make it into an 8-fer. Finally a SCOTUS that serves the people again. Rock on, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg!
@16 Escapee from S. Idaho: I'm turning 56 this summer. So....I have little to worry about? Thank heavens I already did my taxes and have no outstanding loans or credit debts to pay off...


Joy Behar should’ve thought of that before she insulted nurses.


"... monkeys fight over a single banana: That's us fighting over toilet paper." Yep. And back there, why that's Fake 'prez,' with a pickup load, from Costco, tossing them out one roll at a time to the Serfs, a little noblesse largesse for the unwiped (yet still surprisingly frisky) Masses. FOX "news" really eats that shit up.


"Sanders, meanwhile, said there is an 'absolute moral imperative that our response as a government, as a society, as a business community and as individual citizens meet the enormity of this crisis.'

The senator from Vermont railed against the Trump administration's 'incompetence and recklessness,' which he said has 'threatened the lives of many people in our country.'

He called on Trump to declare a national emergency and convene a bipartisan authority of experts to lead the response, which should be based 'first and foremost on science and fact.'

"Reiterating his support for 'Medicare for All,' Sanders said everyone in the country 'must be able to get all of the health care they need without cost,' that emergency funding must be passed for paid sick leave and that the U.S. must make sure it is using the latest and most effective testing possible, among other prescriptions, such as a moratorium on evictions."

He's STILL My Guy.


Damn. Bernie just makes Sense.
it's just too bad that it's


You know: FREE SHIT

Oh, well
we surely do
love our capitalism.
Must be what we Deserve


@17 In Italy, everyone's re-reading "The Betrothed." They've got a lot of long afternoons to get through.


@23 blip: ........and if Trumpty Dumpty could just take Dencey Pencey and all their RepubliKKKan co-conspirators down with him.....
New update: coronavirus spreads to Mar-a-Lago and all of Trump properties. Donald Trump was last seen screaming undecipherable gibberish while making a putt on the first tee. Since the pandemic has been officially declared nationwide, a large group of alligators was seen surrounding the green and fairways areas of Mar-a-Lago. Were they confused by the hideous orange rug? Maybe they want to make a trophy out of Mein Trumpfy's fat, pompous head? That would be one helluva booby prize....Film update at 11!


@20 kristofarian: I've got a better headline: "Alligators chew up a bloated ignoramus with a bad hairpiece at Mar-a-Lago. Film at 11."


@28 -- yeah, God forbid.

Imagine the Funeral/Wake/PARTY
on the Mall in DC -- BIGGEST
Event in Human History!

He'd finally have his Day.


Every time Raindrop posts anything, I donate a hundred dollars to Bernie.


@30 You could donate your entire income and savings to Bernie Sanders and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. Sanders is through.


Damn shame you couldn't squash that damn Medicare for All once and for all that sweeping the country, right on the heels of the Pandemic, eh, Switfy?

Think how much more Money you might have
if we just let Nature take its devasting course.

And, I don't think Bernie's going anywhere, soon.


Me neither: from "Most People Never Saw the Best of Bernie Sanders’s Campaign" By Eric Lach, March 13, 2020 in the New Yorker magazine.

"During the first week of January, Bernie Sanders held a town hall in Grundy Center, Iowa, a dot on the map, eighty miles northeast of Des Moines. Just twenty-seven hundred people live in Grundy Center, and maybe two hundred people had packed into the town’s community center.

Sanders is known for delivering fiery civic sermons in front of arena-size crowds, and his critics like to obsess over the sometimes noxious behavior of his most ardent online fans, but it was in these smaller rooms that his 2020 campaign was at its best.

The same electricity that shot through the big events was there, but the connection between candidate and citizen was direct and personal. Halfway through his stump speech, right when he would get to the section on Medicare for All—his signature policy proposal—and the arguments about how it would be paid for, Sanders would stop and cede the floor to his audience.
‘How are you going to pay for Medicare for All?’ Fair enough. Fair question,' he said. 'Somebody help me out here. How much do you pay a month in premiums? Who wants to volunteer?'

As if at some radical Quaker meeting, people stood up to speak when injustice moved them. 'A mike is coming,' Sanders told them, as campaign staff members trotted through the audience.

'Just give us your name, and tell us your story.'

A woman named Rachel stood up. Her husband was a patent attorney. They were paying nineteen hundred and eleven dollars a month in premiums for a family of four, for a plan with a five-thousand-dollar deductible. 'This is crazy!'
Rachel shouted.

A man named Ryan stood up. 'I just went to the emergency room this last Sunday, feeling like I was going to have a heart attack,' he said. He spoke of being afraid of getting too many tests done, of getting too much treatment, because he couldn’t afford it and didn’t want to leave his wife responsible for his medical debts.

'It’s humiliating,' Ryan said. 'I felt like I was a little kid, poor, and I had the different-colored lunch card.'

A woman stood up, without giving her name, and with a shaky voice she said that her husband’s union job provided them with a plan that costs a thousand dollars a month in premiums, with a seven-thousand-dollar deductible. 'I’m not healthy,' she said, softly. 'We can’t do other things.'

Sanders listened, occasionally interjecting to do some arithmetic, translating monthly costs into yearly totals. This was Sandersism with the ideology all stripped away, starting from a place of common human need.

'More discussion on the cost of health care and how we are paying for it right now?' Sanders asked, calling for more stories. 'We’re hearing we’re paying for it with people who have no health insurance. We’re hearing we’re paying for it with outrageous premiums, outrageous deductibles.

He sounnds pretty goddamn Presidential, to me.
But, maybe, that's just me...


Call me an crazy but I don't think trump will be taken out by this virus. I still have my money on him going out like Elvis. On the shitter, straining for stool. Or possibly like David Caradine, hanging by a belt in his closet with his pants down. Gonna be wild after he dies and all the stories come out. Sorry you're on record, you don't get to pretend you weren't all in for this shit after he dies.


Restaurants are closing.
Cruise ships will not appeal to vacationers
Pike Place market is almost empty.
Trump threatened to stop travel to coronavirus areas - i.e.WA and CA.
The Dow has (currently) lost 8,000 points in the last few weeks.
Businesses and schools, libraries sports venues closed for the next 6 weeks.
How is this not a recession?


Good thing I also have Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security (they let you retire at 65 there and have healthcare, plus I get certain benefits as a veteran) in addition to Social Security.


@33 "Most People Never Saw the Best of Bernie Sanders’s Campaign"

And most people never will.


The Fourth Estate is now
Extinct. Thanks, Switfy.

Cons never did like a Free Press.
An uninformed Electorate
serves NO ONE.

'Cept for Fascists.



How’s your cytokine count lately?



To be fair, we are long overdue for a market correction, especially in real estate, which is ridiculously overpriced. This has been true for a few year now, and the longer we delay this, the more painful it will be.

COVID isn’t a species ending event. However, it could be the straw that broke an already weary camel’s back.

I’m not suggesting the bond market, however, hedge funds are looking great right now.


@Ducky -- "Which means, probably, bye bye Trump,
that's why people on here are so happy."

Here we are, in the begining of a PANDEMIC
and I've never been Happier.

Thnx, for clearing that up.

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