

Powell's. So what? We patronize Washington independent booksellers. We don't go to Portland or Powell's to get books.



An Angel Soft Angle Cake.



Yeah, I live in Portland and will read a hard copy of the paper, but rarely visit the blog. Pretty sure it's one of those things where nobody goes to the blog b/c it's not popular, but it can't increase it's popularity b/c nobody goes to the blog. I tried commenting there once or twice, but got caught up in needing to register a new profile. Given their ownership, I was surprised my registered slog profile didn't carry over there and wound up being too busy/lazy to register a new one.


Your readership is regional and Powell's is a PNW institution, for better or worse.


“Ain’t no Sunshine”. Doesn’t get much sweeter than that. Thanks Bill W.


Guillotine sounds like a fun weekend project. Hi, Kshama! Step right up!


Oh, poor Switfy --
once again you
have it 'zactly

Billionaires taste like Chicken.
(Democratic!) socialists taste like


@9 Socialists taste more like Hungary. Democracy! Who knew? Here, take a few Bolivares for your trouble.


Trump is behaving like a despot and Republicans are enabling him.
Despots typically come to a bad end precisely because they have systematically dismantled normal judicial processes.
The guillotine is a very colorful evocation of the extra-legal fate awaiting those who methodically loot the public treasury and destroy norms and conventions.
It could be the fate of a Qaddafi or a Mussolini or a Caesar, any one of a number of unkind ends.
But since we are modern, squeamish people perhaps it could be similar to the fate of the Shah- sent abroad for 'treatment'.
Personally I like keeping guillotine language in play- maybe it moves that Overton window a smidge.


/seen online/

"Evilungelical ChrISIStians declare Prezirapist AntiChrist their supreme Messiah,
Gawd replies with tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, and a plague."


@Switfy -- So, you're saying We the People are Too Stupid to differentiate between Good socialism and Bad? Dammit, Switfy -- you Projecting. Again. We don't gotta for all out Totalitarianism, dummy.

Why does the so-called "right" always
choose The Worst Possible Option?

God let us Hope there's a Cure.


10: What's funny about you is you're a basically a hard-right Biden supporter. Miss the old Cold Warrior age much?


I thought he was illustrating your point beautifully


For all of you die-hard Cliff Mass fans out there, check out his blog post from March 13 on CV-19.
Usual Mass pablum, absolutely in sync with his climate-denialism-lite approach. Scolding all of you alarmists and fear-mongers.
Cliff reassures us it is really nothing to worry about, we should hurry and re-open schools.
As an example of what he calls alarmism he gives a screen shot of a headline from the Times from March 11-
"Without social distancing, state death toll could hit 400 by April 9"
That headline is turning out to be prescient and Mr Mass now really looks like an idiot.


The 6Ps: Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance


It's about fucking TIME FOX TeeVee execs got their sorry asses sued for misinformation.
I'd love to give Trump, Pence, Jeff Bezos, and all their yes men a swift kick in the balls.
May they all go broke.

@9 kristofarian, @11 kallipugos, and @12 Original Andrew: Agreed and seconded. Well said.


@25 If you are relying on a meteorologist for public health advice, you are doing it wrong.


But if rainy quits lecturing
where on Earth will I get
my (pearl-clutching)
Lectures? Didja
ever think a'


Remember, don't try to 3D print guillotines.

They need strong Pacific NW beams and timbers, and steel grown in Spokane (uses less GHG emissions).

Sharpen twice, cut once.

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