A Wuhan railway station before the lockdown was lifted today.
A Wuhan railway station before the lockdown was lifted today. Getty Images

Wuhan's lockdown has ended: After more than 10 weeks of lockdown, Wuhan, the COVID-19 epicenter where thousands died, reopened on Wednesday. Normalcy did not snap back into place. People's movements are still being monitored and they can only leave the city if a special phone app lists them as a non-contagion risk. Schools are still closed. Companies are slowly calling people back to work. There's more here.

BREAKING: Bernie has suspended his race for president. He is dropping out. The New York Times has a whole piece on it already.

We turn now to watch Senator Sanders address the nation from his home in Vermont:

Wup, sorry, wrong channel:

That dystopic facial recognition firm has ties to the far right: Clearview AI, an app that touts a library filled with billions of photos of people including probably you reading this, is creepy. It's been used by law enforcement and I guess now the far right. According to a Huffington Post report, one of the app's associates was allegedly working on a product that could "be useful for mass deportations." On top of that, Clearview's founder has wined and dined with name brand alt-right douche bags like Richard Spencer. The story goes on. Hint: it gets more disturbing.

Dick's donors abound: Customers at Dick's Drive-In have donated around 24,000 burgers to frontline healthcare workers and first responders in just four days.

Grocery store workers are dying: According to reports across the Midwest and East Coast. Grocery store workers want more protections. That looks like personal protection equipment (give these people some masks, dammit!), putting up plexiglass partitions at check-out lanes, and limiting how many customers are in the store at a time. We should also maybe consider giving them more pay and benefits.

The weather is torture! It's going to be sunny and warm! Keep social distancing. Don't picnic. Please. No picnics.

When it's nice outside but you can't hang out with your friends:

When can kids return to Washington schools? The rest of this academic year is a bust, we know that thanks to Gov. Jay Inslee's announcement on Monday. But surely kids will be back in schools in the fall... right? Not so fast, state schools chief Chris Reykdal said. There's a possibility that closures will "bleed into fall." While Washington appears to have flattened the curve, that will only stay true is people keep up with social distancing.

Spare us, fire season: Ugh. We're supposed to burn this summer. Oregon and Washington are slated to be lit up like tinderboxes around July. Hopefully, shelter-in-place has cooled down by then so there isn't a mask shortage for when we go outside and need to breathe.

Stop clogging the pipes! If we've learned anything from this pandemic it's that we should all invest in bidets. Especially because some geniuses keep flushing wipes down the toilet and clogging pipes. King County Wastewater Treatment is urging people to please, please, do not flush anything except toilet paper down the toilet. They posted a gross photo of all the wipes they pull out from the pipes daily but I think it's too early to expose you to that.

Did you catch the moon last night? It was a pink super moon. I love her.

Your suspiscion that Dennis Quaid sucked was right: Dennis Quaid, the dad from The Parent Trap and the poor man's Harrison Ford, has sucks. Here's an extensive interview about how Quaid thinks Trump is doing a really good job with this whole COVID-19 outbreak.

Want to see a shark bite a boat? Take it.

Rise of the robots: Students at a Japanese school were still able to graduate despite social distancing rules. They use remote-controlled robots to attend their graduation ceremony. Similarly, dressed up robots will replace fans in the stands for the start of baseball season in Taiwan.

A good, sobering read: This is how New York bungled its COVID-19 response.

Want to see kitties at an aquarium? Yeah, I know you do, you sick fuck.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson: Is still in the ICU.