

Imagine making the decision to furlough several young, inspired writers, in the midst of a generational crisis, just so Charles could spend 30 minutes crafting this forgettable, glorified blog entry, and then go get drunk in a south Seattle park.

Shocking that you guys are strapped for cash these days.


I did not notice that there was an improvement in fashion sense in this town. Everyone I know who is not a gay male appears to mostly put on whatever they find bunched up under the bed in the morning.


The caption of the goretex jacket photo (is that from the mohai exhibit) gets at the thing of dressing in pricy but bland REI-ware, not just goretex but Patagonia chinos and windowpane check short sleeve button from shirt at $50-$100 each (or more) rather than $5 each for the exact same look from Value Village.


(button-front/button up)


So Charles, are you honestly claiming that toques, flannels, and combat boots with high-waters is NOT an actual fashion statement?

J/k, those were dismal years


I found at Goodwill a Tony Soprano/Cosmo Kramer-type shirt, dark blue with the big wide verticle stripes (except this one had them on the back, too) and a Palm Springs CC logo and spent the 5 or 6 bucks, washed it, tried it on, perhaps to see what the Allure was and asked my kid what she thought -- 'wow, dad, fashion' and another one agreed, so I hung it up where it's still sits so I guess I'm, still, an unrabid un-fashionist.

Perhaps I shall model it up to the Winco and see what the Gals in Bulk Foods have to say...


Absolutely delighted that The Stranger is having financial difficulties! I'll be even happier when this social justice rag and all it's virtue signalling SJW writers don't have a job!


To each their own, but please forgive me for not celebrating the infiltration of California superficiality and snobbery. I preferred the old, more genuine days when who you were was more important than what you wore.


Man, alright, I never comment, and it's not really important but... Who for any reason honestly dresses a certain way for other people? Besides the way that certain styles change with the times, and perhaps we want to impress someone here and there romantically or otherwise but, ugh, I feel artificial, and embarrassed for you.. did anyone ever care one way or to the goddamn moon what YOU were wearing so long as you were proud of who you were so whatever the hell you wore it didn't matter because you made it look good. Rick Owens don't got shit on some of the value village dropoffs I tucked in my jacket just for the hell of it. I don't know, I understand fashion means more to others, but this is forced. It's everything I hate. This is a dated piece, and you're old and honestly who cares about a party y'all went to in the hills in the 80's lol. Seattle let's just keep being ourselves and dress shitty, or not, because it's what we wanted FIRST of all. I like a Gucci belt, I do, but I feel better selling it off to some wannabes who still think it's going to make any kind of difference, like, at all. Christ. I miss Bukowski.


My mask has frogs, but I could have done without the lady who encroached within my 6 foot bubble at the grocery store to complement me on it.


I dunno, I thought Seattle had a fashion sense. "Nothing matches, but Everything goes" was the style I was told and observed. Still true.
Sure, we're not as well-dressed as people on the streets of Paris or somewhere. c'est la vie,
c'est la guerre.... de la mode de la rue!


"And comfortable clothes are either bland or ugly."

That is an unsubstantiated opinion. My comfortable / "house" clothes are not bland NOR ugly. I own actual pyjamas, pinstriped no less.


@12 - "Who for any reason honestly dresses a certain way for other people?"

Clearly you have not lived in any other countries. Being in PUBLIC means you have a responsibility to improve the aesthetic environment when you are a part of it. Dig?

I'll remember to not invite you to my next party.


@8 -- I neglected Fashion* this am (avoid the rush!) in my now-weekly Winco outing; turns out, if it's Bulk Foods you want, (my) Winco's no longer offering their 'scoop your own.' Sad.

So, where am I gonna get my
(cheap!) (yet still Delicious) Meusli?

*unless you consider Carhartt 'fashion.'


Upon further Investigation, Winco will in fact sell us Bulk Items; you just hafta (in this case, order first, then) buy the whole bagful -- 10 lbs, in this case.



Wow, lots of slobs getting buthurt here. And don't give me that "we're better than you because we aren't materialistic" crap. You can have great fashion from thrift stores, and most of you lazy asses are at a minimum wearing REI or patagonia or some shit. It's not about spending money, it's about spending thought and effort.

And yes, the PNW is a decidedly ugly-dressed area. Maybe the fact that we have such beauty in nature takes away our need to make ourselves look good. But you know, maybe we'll get a backlash after the quarantine, where we actually appreciate the effort.

Or maybe we all go post-apocalypse plague doctor fashion. I could dig it.


Article is great, comments are almost better. Thanks Charles. Can I call you Chuck?


Not sure how this ancient post was resurrected, and no one is watching, but I'm compelled to respond because I am literally listening to the Post Malone Nirvana Tribute at this moment - unbelievable and fantastic, and I have no idea who this guy is. I got here in 1978 at age 25 (do the math) and have lived through all of this. As a lawyer, I went through the Armani suits and red suspenders of the 80's but the early 90's really hit me hard and I still get bummed thinking about how Kurt was selfish enough to literally blow it all away. I really don't give a shit anymore how anybody dresses and do most of my shopping at Goodwill. Fuck all of you for giving even the littlest shit about any of this.

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