

"Well, it’s official then. The Seattle Dragons will go down as the worst team in the history of XFL 2.0."

In trumpterms: We're Number ONE.

"A 1-4 record and the highest point deficit."

Not just The Worst
but the Biggest Losers.

That kinda record's got 'trumpfy' written all over it.

Nevertheless, Sad af for those whose jobs just . . . evaporated, overnight. So many, tens of millions, so far.

So stay Healthy, Ignore trumpfy -- oh, and the Evangelicals, merrily rapturing you off, to Heaven, or wherever, at church -- you can just Ignore them too (send them a check, instead!), for now, if you can. You're not going anywhere.

You can relax --
Bernie's not gonna Outlaw Easter.


Even trump says so.

[Weird, eh?]


So if people go to church and get sick are we allowed to turn them away from receiving medical care and using up precious resources to save other lives, you know, the lives of people who aren't stupid and did not refuse to stay home as ordered? I mean if they want to commit mass suicide, let them, but if they want to attempt to commit mass suicide and then expect to be saved by medical care and science (at which they scoff while worshiping a non-existent entity), fuck that noise.


@6- so, you're willing to apply that standard to junkies? Because they knew it was a bad idea to jam that spike in their arm, didn't they.


@7 false equivalency.


*false equivalence


So if people have unprotected promiscuous homosexual sex and get sick are we allowed to turn them away from receiving medical care and using up precious resources to save other lives, you know, the lives of people who aren't stupid and did not refuse to follow CDC guidelines for preventing STDs? I mean if they want to commit mass suicide, let them, but if they want to attempt to commit mass suicide and then expect to be saved by medical care, fuck that noise.


@11 false equivalence, again, HIV Is not COVID-19, a virus or which there is no treatment and no cure. I get you want to blame huge swaths of people who live their lives in ways in which you disapprove, but those people to whom you refer are not vectors infecting people - getting people sick and killing people - just be walking around or sitting next to each other or going to a church. i don't care how many times you say it or whom you demonize, these groups of people have NOTHING in common with assholes who refuse to stay home because the want to go to church and worship a fake fairy in the sky. gathering in a group like that will create mass outbreaks of COVID-19 and countless vectors who will go out into society and infect and kill others.


@5 No one gave a shit about the homeless until NOW. I mean our society allows people to be homeless and now with a pandemic it's a problem, because OMG they might get people sick! Guess what, if our society chosen to exist in a way that did not allow people to be homeless this would not be a major contributing factor to THIS particular public health problem. Funny how all of the prior public health problems caused by homelessness (or that cause homelessness) have been irrelevant to date.

Seattle could easily fill empty hotels with the homeless. That's what is happening in other cities (NYC and Portland, OR to name two). The ONLY way to mitigate the homeless populations' danger to public health during this pandemic is to HOUSE THEM.

Homeless people are not even remotely the largest threat in this pandemic. Entitled, whiny, why do I have to stay at home, non-believers, kill the old people, hoaxers, liars, idiots, etc. etc. etc. are the largest threat. Trump believing the only metrics he needs to decide whether to unleash more sickness and death on the country are in his head is a grave threat in this pandemic. The refusal to provide health care workers with needed PPE and medical equipment is a grave threat in this pandemic. Forcing people to work in grocery stores and on public transportation and in fucking fast food drive thru windows is a grave threat in this pandemic.

Our society is going to have to change, dramatically, in every possible way. Even if there is success in creating a vaccine for COVID-19 there will be another virus and another and another and another. Humanity has to pull its collective head out of its ass and figure out how to function in a way that does result in the current shit show we are seeing or it is going to be taken down by future viruses, fully. As in extinction event(s).


@11&13 , it would be equivalent , if 11 is is giving VD to granny


Raindrop: hey it's cool for a bunch of Christians to die for their faith. Hey, there's a small chance you might be infected in your home, so by all means go to a church service, creating an unnecessary risk for yourselves and others for no fucking reason. Whatever happened to Christian compassion?


Not sure how the existence or nonexistence of a magical fairy makes it okay to congregate and spread disease. Ever hear of personal prayer? We had this little thing called the Reformation so people could read the bible and talk to the good fairy on their own.


The United States has 4% of the world’s population (330 million out of 7.8 billion). Although we have only 4% of the world’s population, we have 30% of the world’s coronavirus cases (500,000 out of 1.7 million) and 18% of the global deaths (18,000 out of 100,000). On what planet is that considered “good performance?"


Actually, yes, I believe the videos of the idiot children insisting their spring break was more important than the pandemic and they did not care if they got COVID-19 or spread it to others should indeed preclude them from receiving medical care.

You do realize due to the horrifying lack of medical equipment decisions are being made such as that person is old and sick so let them die (happened to hundreds if not thousands in Italy alone) and that person is disabled (with cystic fibrosis, for example) so let them die, right?

So yeah, I DO believe that people who purposely refuse to behave like they live in a society, where their behavior affects the health and well being of others, and they willingly and purposefully choose to disobey orders everyone else is following and when they do so they get sick, get other sick, and either die themselves or kill other people, yes I absolutely believe they deserve to be refused medical care. A pandemic is no time for bigotry towards anyone? THIS pandemic has done nothing but expose the bigotry that exists and how deeply damaging it is and the cost we will ALL pay because of it.

Raindrop's fake concern for anyone in any post is not just laughable it's downright offensive. Just like Trump he does not give a fuck about anyone other than himself. Concern trolling at its finest. The ultimate hypocrisy.

And being called a troll by raindrop is pure projection.


Last then I checked you can’t get HIV from door knobs. You actually have to go out of way to get it.


“ Seattle could easily fill empty hotels with the homeless. ”

Pretty sure most aren’t house trained enough for anything above a shabby motel on Aurora Ave. I mean, you can’t smoke in your room at the Hyatt, let alone smoke your meth in your room or shoot heroin in the lobby bar.


@14- You're the one wanting to dole out medical assistance based on behavior, or is that just for the groups of people you don't like?


@24 based on willful refusal to follow directives given to all people. i know people who go to church. none of them are going to church right now. there are plenty of people i don't like (a number of Trumpers live in my building), but guess what, they're following the directive to stay home and save lives just like everyone else. People who refuse to follow directives during a pandemic when their behavior can and will result in harming others should be punished for doing so. They do not value their own lives and they do not value the lives of others and their decisions can and will directly and immediately cause grave harm to others. The groups you keep trotting out are not people whose behavior will cause a death by them sitting next to someone else in a church pew. Facts matter. Your BS doesn't.


We've got TONS of empty homes, condos and apartments, begging for Occupants -- let's fill them up, first, and, don't worry, we'll figure the rest out later.


People going to church (or wherever), willfully ignoring stay at home and social distancing directives should all be treated like criminals, just like the list of assholes in this article:


@17 & @18
Yes, we need more Christian compassion.
And we need more compassion, period.
I sincerely believe ancient people were far smarter than we are - because they knew they were not God.
We are human- which means we fuck up all the time, and sadly, we always will. That's not meant as an excuse.
My prayer to the sky-god is that we get a fucking clue, and learn how to care for each other. Even the people you can't stand.


xina & kristofarian for the WIN.
@28 pat L: I'll have to think about adding Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, Kay Ivey, Brett Kavanaugh, Rudy Guiliani, and Bill Barr among other devoted members of the GOP to my list of people to ever be compassionate about.

If Ammon Bundy and others stubbornly insist on attending their Church of Whatever it Takes--and die of coronavirus, the Gates of Hell were the thresholds through the front doors of their own places of worship. It won't be my fault if someone licked the doorknobs before services commenced. They're taking their own chances, and no amount of prayer will save them, even if the reverend says 'It's their time'.

Common sense, people. Everyone stay healthy, safe--and sane.


When Jesus said love your enemies - Matthew chapter 5 -
the sad fact is there are so god-damned many to choose from!


I'm so tired of the phrase "stay safe" - I know people know well, but it has become so trite.


@31 pat L: Sad but true. Sigh. Can I get back to you about forgiving Trump / Pence and their Evil Empire minions?


@32 Phoebe in Wallingford: How about just stay healthy and well?


@34 - Anything like that. A tad of variety makes it more sincere and a less dystopian.


@35: Phoebe, we're all in this together. Healthy, safe and sane, healthy and well. It's all part of the same alphabet soup. Music, my sweet beloved little VW, good jokes, cartoons, reading, movies, cats, and the good people in my life--even if I can only communicate from a safe distance--help keep me healthy, safe, and yes--sane.
You can always use the scroll command if my comments are irksome.


@35: I don't see anything dystopian in my comments. Did you get a chance to enjoy the sunshine today? Have you seen anything good on TV?


@37 - Yes, we're in a twilight zone episode and I desperately want to change the channel!

Yes, cats and old movies.


@38 Phoebe in Wallingford: I'm going for classic movies. Two tonight featuring Dustin Hoffman: The Graduate and Rain Man.
Here's to you, ,Mrs. Robinson! :)


Church does not warrant discussion. Truly faithful people pray where ever they are. Truly good people don’t endanger their communities. As for the negative comments about the homeless population, it could have been dealt with long ago. So many problems of our society could have been addressed. Just think back to a few months ago, when someone rolled their eyes at the thought of Medicare for all. How would we pay for it, they said in a condescending tone. Turns out we have trillions of dollars to throw at crisises. It’s only our own limits of perspective that keep us from solving so many of our societal problems. I hope with all of my heart that we learn something from this and build a better world.


"their right to worship in person" I'm wondering how they came up with that "right"?
"Congress shall make no law concerning the establishment of religion"; Ok, you have a right not to be singled out for persecution because you don't follow the proper religion, but it works both ways, you don't get special privileges because of your religion either. If public safety requires limiting gatherings then all gatherings should be limited equally.


@42 --
That's deficit 'Thinking.'
Rainy: Always ready with
the 'good Excuse' you are.


It can’t be a deficit if the president is not black so can we just do Medicare for all and he can call it trump care?


@44 -- Well, that's a Giant
BINGO, Seattle in Alaska.

And he just might Not go down
as Thee Worst 'president' EVER.


@24- "They do not value their own lives and they do not value the lives of others and their decisions can and will directly and immediately cause grave harm to others."- you talking about churchy people or every junkie ever?


It's just about praying time on Easter Sunday. I'm looking forward to reading the stories of congregations being arrested for not adhering to social distancing mandates, assuming they put their money where their mouth is.



There are certainly some odd and unfortunate similarities between those two groups. But far more important and starkly unique differences as well.

"Junkies" are battling an incomprehensibly powerful physical addiction and simply seeking some regular respite from the devastating and painful symptoms of withdrawal that they're forced to endure on a daily basis. "Churchy people," on the other hand, are acting out of some combination of willful ignorance and a sad, bitter desire to stick it to uppity libtards urging them not to do something out of a sense of common decency.

There's also quite the gulf in the actual and realized danger to the public that the respective groups present. Nice try, though.


Pastors holding Easter meetings are just assholes who are willing to endanger others, including children.

The Christian congregation that I am related to through a family member (but that I am not part of) has been holding their services online. These members include probably at least a dozen members in their 60s to 90s. These people are very devout, somewhat conservative in some respects (don't think they are down with the gays, but otherwise are generous with community concerns and helping those in need).


@46 kristofarian: Indeed, Trumpty Dumpty is no president. It is the biggest and deadliest threat to the people of the Deeply Divided States. But I think that's your point.
@48 Knat: Yep, right along with all the idiots in Florida still flocking to the beaches, bars, and amusement parks. Many will be dropping like flies. They won't be able to laugh at those of us hunkering down and staying home if they can't breathe.
Ammon Bundy appears to be putting up a pathetically stubborn fight to uphold services in his Church of Whatever it Takes.


Cons pwning Libs
whilst COVIDemic
pwns the Cons. tsk tsk*

Seems a Damn shame,
plugging up the Hospitals
& sickening Staffs, etc, etc, for
such a (seemingly) unnecessary
Ritual -- speaking Pandemically (obviously).

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