

"quietly" haha.

Secret super weapons and other hail mary plays are the strategy of losers.


"Operation Warp Speed". Riiiiiiiiiiight. Like Dr, Snake Oil Has Found A Miracle Cure! To go with its Smoke and Mirrors.
I hope what actually ensues is that finally, Trump, Pence, McConnell, Kavanaugh, and the entire MAGA Evil Empire go bankrupt and die off like flies from the COVID-19 pandemic, the idiots who all voted for Trump are denied voting eligibility, and our tragically damaged country enters recovery from the worst federal administration in U.S. History.


@1 Garb Garbler & @2 Alden: Yep. Agreed and seconded.


I'm not surprised they came up with a commemorative coin. There's nothing Trump likes more than picking out curtains and carpets for his golf resorts. He probably spent a full week "designing" that coin in his executive time.


@7 I know. The two sentences I wrote about that stupid coin are correct.


wait a cotton picking' minute!
you promised us the virus was going to kill off Trump's base....



I'm pretty sure they went straight to plaid about three years ago...

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