

WTF is a nug?


Kent's mayor hired a known harasser for comms recently, It does not shock me that he's taken the aesthetic online.

Incredible lack of judgement from Mayor Bakus, and given his history this cannot end well.


@2 - Mayor Backus is from Auburn, not Kent.


@3 Sorry, meant Mayor Ralph. I get them confused, they have both backed this harasser repeatedly.


Everyone knows that the guy doing this is the disgraced former chair of the King County Democrats, Bailey Stober, right? The guy who was ousted from that job and fired from his job with the King County Assessor after being found to have harassed one of his employees? This isn't cute from the City of Kent, it's city leaders enabling a known abuser.


@4 & @7- proof that it's him, or should we just take your word.


@8 it is him, I work at the City and you can see it on the employee directory:

Dude might be funny on Twitter but he's the biggest asshole in the office. Walks around ignoring people or talking shit about them in a not so quiet whisper, a lawsuit is coming is all I can say.


@9- fair enough. Guy does sound like a douche after reading up on his antics.


I mean, The Stranger wrote about this douche. Stop giving him more ink. It's going straight to his needlessly-overinflated ego.


This piece is detracting from what should be a real, career-making piece of journalism. Mayor Ralph has, throughout her mayoral term, filled City leadership with her cronies. First, police chief Rafael Padilla a close personal friend that the Mayor continues to vacation with. One has to wonder whether their relationship has anything to do with her single-minded focus on funding police in Kent, in opposition to constituent desires. mayor Ralph also hired personal friends Teri Smith (Human Resources Director) and Paula Painter (finance Director) after forcing out Painter’s much more experienced predecessor. Mayor Ralph’s hiring spree culminated with demoting the City’s previous communication director (Dana Neuts) and unilaterally hiring Stober, who managed her campaign (racking up PDC violations during it). Stober and Mayor Ralph are now using the pandemic to conveniently limit public participation in Kent, which, lets face it, was already pathetic.


9: Just wait till it all blows up and he somehow walks away with a settlement. That's how he has ended his tenure at the state and county levels, city was the obvious next step.


So wait - is Kent still a meth-head saturated, paved-flat, shipping container-filled, light industry parking lot stuffed to the gills with failed dreams, superfund sites, and squandered valley-bottom agricultural soil?

Or have things changed, somehow?

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