

When are all our resident Trump humping trolls crying about Inslees oppression going to condemn the federal government trying to tell a private company how it should operate?


Perhaps the very first thing Twitter will do, to ensure they will not be sued, is ban Trump.


Brittany Packnett Cunningham (activist and so much more) asked these questions in a course she taught at Harvard.

WHAT IS VIOLENCE? Everyday, systemic white supremacy enacts actual emotional, psychological, and physical violence on oppressed people, up to & including death. But some bemoan the loss of property as if it means more. Inanimate objects are protected & will be replaced. #GeorgeFloyd won’t be. Osterweil posits that property damage isn’t even close to violent like white supremacy. Rather, it is “not-non-violent.” Chew on it.
WHO DECIDED HOW WE WEIGH “VIOLENCE?” Each year, American kids are taught the Boston Tea Party as an exemplar of liberatory creativity. Was that tea not property that was “looted” and destroyed? What’s the difference? Think on it.
IS ANY BLACK PROTEST “ACCEPTABLE” HERE? Black people are told we are wrong when march, rally, disrupt, drop a banner, turn our backs, sit in OR walk out. We can’t even kneel, in silence, as the veterans we supposedly offended told us to. Ask @Kaepernick7. When does America ever approve of Black protest? Consider it.
WHAT COULD WE ACCOMPLISH TOGETHER IF WE CURE THE CONDITIONS INSTEAD OF JUDGE THE REACTION? I don’t have to participate to understand & not condescend others. What if we chose to end “looting” by ending systemic racism? Ponder it.


@3 "In what industry/business/private sector job could an employee lose minimum $300Million (of tax payer money) and STILL have that job?"

Anything on Wall Street.


His tweet about mail-in voting already has the fact check link removed. Did the implementation really roll out that quickly? Or maybe he just posted it again and they haven't yet gotten around to editing it yet?


@6 -- he claims mail-in-voting's Fradulent 'cause he himself voted from his home in Mal-a-Ragu -- which is not a residence by code -- so if anyone knows where there's m-i-v Fraud going on, it'd be Fake "prez."

"Also, ICYMI, there's no such thing as a flushable wipe."

Then why does it say Flushable* on the container?
It also says feel clean and fresh and I gotta say I've
never felt fresher.

"If Chase Burns lost $30,000 of The Stranger's money to his Nigerian Prince friend, he'd be out on the streets with the rest of us."

Seems like he'd be in Nigeria.

*(bidetless) septic tank livin'!


"What if we chose to end 'looting' by ending systemic racism?"

Nah. Who'd we tsk tsk at?

or Bust

Also -- END the Slave Patrols
cum KKK / 2nd Amendment

Right Wing Terrorism
tis a Thing. Even the FBI's
catching the fuck On. Finally.



Just more bullshit posturing by Trump. This new 'policy' is going nowhere and everyone knows it.
This is just more political theater, no more real than professional wrestling - the only 'sport' Trump really enjoys.
The rest of the world is on to what an impotent clown he is and they call his bluff with increasing frequency- witness Iran & Venezuela.
I mean just wait until someone posts some Holocaust denial and then watch them twist themselves into pretzels.


Trump can't change the law with an Exec. Order. This is just to help get his sad, sad, cretinous base fired up about social media being mean to conservatives. Boo fucking hoo. And I agree that banning Trump is the FIRST thing that Twitter ought to do.

In other news, no one graduating from high school this year should even consider student loans to go to a private college. If you have to borrow the money to go to school at least be smart about how much you have to spend. You'll be a hell of a lot happier if you graduate owing $30k than if it is $75k (or whatever).

And (this is just a suggestion) you might want to look carefully into job prospects before you borrow the $$ to get that English or Art History degree. You will also be a lot happier if you are making those loan payments out of your tech company/engineering firm/banking salary than if you are scraping them out of your barista tip jar.


@14 kallipugos and @15 dvs99: Agreed and seconded. I'm so glad I never opened a Twitter account. It sounds like a total zoo fueled by propaganda, lies, and hatred. Trumpty Dumpty's so full of hot, foul air if someone poked him with a pin he'd pop like a giant deflated blimp. There would certainly be an Earth shaking KABOOM!! immediately followed by global cheering.

Wonderful news about $300 million being recovered from the Nigerian hackers, and that 26 Washington State counties are up to Phase 2. I'm looking forward to when my county gets the green light.


@7 - "free speech and all that." Social media companies are private and do not have to respect free speech. They can restrict speech all the live long day and to their heart's content. They can ban words, phrases, books, quotes, speeches, etc. all they want, and it's all 100% legal. Only government entities cannot restrict (most) speech.

It's surprising to me that this has to be explained to people over and over...and over.


@17: STFU, already, MAGA fool.


So now we've recently had racial murders in the Deep South and the Upper Midwest: both places where I've lived. I can testify that in the South, even with its legacy and currency of racism, Black people are nonetheless considered Southerners; offering at least a glimmer of hope. A century after the Great Migration, white Midwesterners still refuse to see Black people to be fellow Midwesterners. (actually, they fail to see themselves as Midwesterners: their self-perception being more accurately "the only true form of human being.")



Maybe because it wasn't a state employee, as in one single identifiable individual, who allowed scammers to skim $300 mm from WA ESD, but rather that the fault lies with having to rely on an antiquated, massively overwhelmed reporting system that was never designed to handle the sudden influx of claims by nearly 30% of the total state population?

If pre-pandemic, Employment Security had proposed an upgrade to with an associated price tag likely somewhere in the tens of millions of dollars, you and your vacuous ilk would have screamed bloody murder over the "waste of taxpayer dollars on a pointless, unnecessary expenditure". Because that's all you-all know how to do - complain about problems you wouldn't have dreamed of fixing BEFORE they became the problem you complain about, because then you'd have NOTHING to complain about.


@23: Oh, so you'd rather open everything back up again and spike the COVID-19 pandemic in Washington State, BernieBro? Are you flocking to the beach soon because it's your right, dammit? You're proud not to wear a mask and laugh at those of us who do? And now that Bernie's ceded the Democratic nomination to Joe Biden--wait for it---you're voting for Trumpty Dumpty because, GEE! you were going to all along. I can read your trolling bullshit from 100 miles away. Choke on it, MAGA. Governor Jay Inslee is taking the responsible approach to flattening the curve of this global disaster, and graciously stepping aside to let the scientists advise what proper steps to atke. Inslee is one of the best governors in the U.S.

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