

No other news?


at least Nat would give us a cute baby video or something


It's so appropriate that the Bie-bel held by Tr666p was upside down and backwards--just like American Christianity! He doesn't Bie-bel good.

I’d like to see our soulless, lying Prezinazi AntiChrist say the contents of his vile twits to the protesters’ faces. What a despicable, pathetic, bullying coward.

The only question at this point is whether the American military will follow Tr666p's illegal orders and join the police in attacking American citizens.

Unfortunately, we already know the answer.


Rich- this was a detailed account that could have been an a la carte article under a different title, not the entire content of this one.


Hey all, sorry about the one-note Slog AM. I was doing double duty last night and had to choose between a write-up of the protest I covered and the round-up. We will have a morning news piece soon, though.


All the news that's fit to print


You might want to update the tweet that says the reporter was hit by fireworks. MSNBC says it was a flashbang:


This, from the NYT, just in:

"[President] Joe Biden Laces Into
Trump for Fanning ‘the Flames of Hate’

Mr. Biden, traveling to Philadelphia for a speech on the crises in America, declared the president had 'the duty to care' as he assailed his handling of the protests over racial justice."

Smokin' Fuckin' Joe
Showin' Fuckin' UP.

Welcome, Mr. President.
And not a moment too soon.


Here's a rather Apt comment by 'FromTheFarm,' from Hawaii; from the NYT's Paul Krugman's excellent "Trump Takes Us to the Brink: Will weaponized racism destroy America?"

"Until the right to avoid public execution
by the police on suspicion of passing a
fake $20 is upheld as dutifully as the right
to carry assault weapons while occupying
government buildings these protests should

Fawking BINGO.


@11 -- you made the right choice.
Apology accepted.
Thank you.


@amy l nutrat cum 2x4

We Welcome your scorn
now get back out thar and
Loot/Riot to your 'heart's'
content -- the cops are
on YOUR side!

Oh, and this IS the Revolution.
Say hello to Smokin' fuckin' Joe.


No, you idiots prefer to vote then into the ground. Every. Single. Time.


Your tone deafness'd
be Alarming were you
a Thinking Human Being.

Go trumpf?
Yes. Prison.


@28 -- I highly recommend
a 2-day-waiting period, rainy.
That should Help. Good luck!


@30 kristofarian, ha! he walked right into that one. What a fucking idiot.


@17 kristofarian: So we finally have a real president--Joe Biden just reported in?
Thank heavens. It's about fucking time. Although I would have preferred Warren / Harris 2020, I'm fine with staying Democrat no matter who. May Trumpty Dumpty, Dencey Pencey, Mooch McDumbbell, Babyface Kavanaugh, Bill Barrf, their fixers, lawyers, lobbyists, trophy bimbos, bitches, and snot-nosed heirs, down to the dumbest of MAGA rubes all choke on it and go down in flames. These last tragic three years and five months should be the death of the GOP.


a. we have No doubt
b. projecting


a. we have No doubt
b. projecting again
c. see @30.

[Lovin' this new Edit feature!]


If you want to know who is causing the riots, look at who came dressed for a riot.


@39 why aren't you out protesting then if you believe your rights are being curtailed? be a good patriot.


@40 police in multiple cities are attacking people before the curfews even begin, but I know you need to ignore that for your reality to remain credible


you forgot cops killing Negroes mellowmuff
I hear it's a sport is what some people are saying


Can we PLEASE address KOMO 4's atrocious reporting of this incident? It's clear the police incited this, yet KOMO realizes this couldn't fit their narrative and completely cuts the umbrella part from the their video and lays all the blame on the crowd:

What kind of journalism is KOMO doing?! It's unbelievable that they couldn't even let the viewer form their opinion.


"What kind of journalism is KOMO doing?!"

You'll hafta ask KOMO's
Minister of Mis- and Disinformation.

All the 'news' what 'fits'
their pro-capitalist/patriarchial
pro-Corporate Worldview™:

Money Always
trumps Humanity
basically. Think:
Shareholder. Value.

"It's unbelievable that they couldn't
even let the viewer form their opinion."

Well, Somebuddy's
Gotta be
The Strong Daddy.

Why not them?

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