

It'll be pretty messed up if businesses can't reopen because of shit like (non-taxed) churches spreading disease and over-packed prisons. Good people shouldn't have to suffer from the actions of bad people.


Please rename it Auntie J


@1 -- Yeah, the history of Aunt Jemima is interesting (worth checking out on Wikipedia). It was inspired by the minstrel song "Old Aunt Jemima". Offensive as fuck and clearly outdated. The company has tried to keep the name, and hide the history by updating the image (several times) but I guess they finally decided to make a complete change.


The rape kit story is great journalism and infuriating.


@4 - the image of Betty Crocker is not prominently featured on the box, and has been updated many, many times over the years, as has the syrup spokesperson. And yes, Betty actually does look welcoming over many decades. An image from the dominant culture is by nature not suspect. As an older Slogger, I'm sure you remember the pictures of the Aunt Jemima of our youth...


Screw the artificially flavored corn syrup!
Switch to real maple syrup!
Problem solved!


This would be a great time to start printing those $20 bills with Harriet Tubman on them. Don't forget that munchkin is still sitting on that.


There are various things floating around that are so blatantly racist it just boggles the mind -- Uncle Ben's rice and Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix / Syrup are two of the most shocking. How either of those made it out of the 20th Century is a mystery to me.


@19 I think that a lot of people (myself included) thought they were named after the person that created the recipe.


Gads, that Fox News clip is just over the top.
I think it would be fair to characterize them as being the television equivalent of the National Enquirer.
At times i have wished that the Left had as an effective a propaganda arm as Fox, envying their reach, their market share.
But then I look at something like that, and... no thanks.
If the right wing seriously wants to advance the argument that CNN or the NY Times corresponds to that level of distortion and manipulation then it really shows their complete intellectual dishonesty.


"A judge in the Democratic Republic of Congo . . . was in the middle of overseeing a corruption case involving the president's chief of staff. This is known as a pre-existing condition."


Oh, and if it were up to me
I'd start by re-naming Saars.


i remember the side eye moms gave me 45 years ago when i requested to update and make the switch from my grandmother’s beloved ‘alaga syrup’ to jemima’s.


What I hadn’t realize is that everyone moves in slo-mo in CHOP. Who knew?


Re: racist labels/Twitter: “I guess the Leftists
just can’t stand having a positive role model.”

[Is it just me or does that sound remarkably like resident
far far FAR ‘right’ wing trollingtrollyTrolleytroll Adriana]?

Well, you guys got trumpf/Mussolini cum Adolph
Hitler – would you suggest Joseph Stalin?

I bet y’alls Would.

“I always thought of Aunt Jemima as comforting
and portrayed a strong Black woman.”

It musta been quite the Comfort to know you’d Always have a live-in housemaid cum cook, bottle-washer and go-to chilecare worker who never Once complained, even when she was the butt of all jokes, and never Ever asked for a Raise, either.

And 'Strong'? Why, she couldda twisted/broke
Your dick off before breakfast and
never broken a sweat.

“Make America ‘Great’ Again?”

on the


Have her pick up Uncle Ben on her way out...


Nathalie, your talent has grown--is growing.



I thought DC shouldn't have stopped at that BLM mural on the road outside the White House. They should have surrounded the White House with murals of prominent African American women, starting with Harriet Tubman.


"Remember that 75-year-old man shoved down by Buffalo police?

The officer who shoved the man was suspended and, in response, the entire emergency response team within the Buffalo Police Department resigned."

So, head injuries are predicted to
go Down exponentially.

Excellent -- ALL Lives Matter.
Including those protesting for BLM.

When did WE decide
Police could remove the
Right to Peacefully Assemble
to Protest our Grievances? If We
the Peeps don't take back The Power
we got No One to Blame but Ourselves.

Just say FUCK NO to Fascism.
You'll be Glad ya did.


If Tucker thinks CHOP looks scary ..
has he ever seen "Wal-Mart People"?


@21A and @24: My initial reaction was to hope someone does a similar video misrepresenting a MAGA rally (I can picture a terrific version, complete with music) but I have a tendency to take the high road - the route is lonely but the views are better.


@35 - we hit post at the same time. Is there an actual video with that title? If so, I'll check it out...


@26 Uncle Ben has been retired as well. I’m surprised both of them made it this long. Now if we could just get Quaker to take Barbara Bush’s picture off the oat box...

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