

gonna be Wet this wknd*
Tues / Wed lookin' Prime
for a fresh new coat

did they ever figure out
how-to Properly Protect

*Mother Nature
scoffs at your Plans


Is the mural being sealed with the blood of Brianna Taylor and preserved with charges of reckless endangerment (which is what white guys like me get charged with for waving loaded weapons at a crowd)?

Oh, sorry.

I forgot we're pretending everything is ok today.


@2 -- USSC Chief Justice John Roberts

''we may be a shithole third-world country
but by GAWD we're a Post-Racial
shithole third world country!''

on tossing out a Key part of the Voting Rights Act.

so. yeah.
it's all Kosher
copascetic Hunky dory

Move on.


paint the Abyss
with trumpf's
America on
the Precipice

and speakiing of
wet parades
rainy et al
trolls tugging
Mightily from Below.

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