

Based on that pic, I can only assume he's fighting a football sized turd that he's trying to squeeze out of his ass while seated in the chamber.


Ms. Lindsey knows she’s cold product.

Time to defeat $hitler’s snarling poodle.

Any $ to Jaime Harrison’s campaign helps!
Act Blue makes it super-easy.


As a guy who admittedly hates both parties and all politicians, there is a special place in hell for Lindsey Graham politicians with their particularly ugly brand of pro war, pro incarceration and anti Constitutional (The EARN IT act) brand of politics. While that's a dirty-platform shared by all but a tiny number of ethical politicians out there(such as Ron Wyden from the great state of Oregon), Lindsey Graham is Kamala Harris level nasty (no surprise they worked together on the anti-1st amendment FISA/FOSTA act and are both former DAs, which consistently make up the lowest of the low in politics).

I know nothing of Harrison, but can't imagine it's possible for him to be any lower than Lindsey Graham. God I hope he wins.


It's an objectively factual statement that kicking his ass to the curb would be cause for celebration, though if forced to choose, I think I'd still rather have McGrath take Kentucky. She was polling well pretty recently, though 538 currently has her at <5%. Oof.


@ 3,

Harrison’s actually great—we need more people like him at all levels of government! And he’s well worth our support.


I look forward to Miss Lindsay being the first closeted but widely known to be gay US Senator to be fired for incompetence.

And replaced by a Democratic Senator.


I don't get it. Lindsay's become quite wealthy in recent years, and he's no spring chicken. Why doesn't he just retire and move to Palm Springs or Miami Beach or someplace, and get himself a few twinks (or a leather daddy, if that's what his thing is). I would retire in a hot second if I could afford it.



Power is a heady aphrodisiac - and I would imagine the trade in D.C. is somewhat less discriminating for that very reason...


@3 - You don't like Kamala??? Everyone knows she's PERFECT, just as ask treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin


It's Lindsley and i do hope he took a
decent pic of that massive Turd.


@11 Based on how accustomed Lindsley no doubt is with having his rectum stretched, I'm guessing it's something else...


Trump is going to need someone to visit him in prison, and Lindsey will have lots of free time.


@13 -- a brown baby Lindsley
gawd, i wonder if it's got L's lyin' eyes...


To whomever wrote that caption, BEAUTIFUL!

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