

Hey, Zombie Loser Cop and Maskless Wonder Who Won't Go Away, Loren Culp: Here's a newsflash: YOU. FUCKING. LOST! GET. OVER. IT, ALREADY. IT'S OVER. GO HOME. GO.
Not even Timmy Eyesore's fixer will change the outcome of the 2020 Washington Gubernatorial race. Get yourself another Pidgeon. You could fry your own squab. and camp out back behind the Ferry County Sheriff's office until your unemployment kicks in.
Oh, but I hear McDonald's is hiring. You'd have to take a substantial pay cut, though. I can just see you working the drive-thru. You could play Mr. McBadass BigMac Warrior! That'd be a hoot.


Quote of the year: Loren Zombie Cop at the McDonald's drive thru window: "You want fries with that?"


"As a member of law enforcement who purports to have evidence of felonies, Mr. Culp should be duty-bound to provide that evidence to the appropriate authorities so these cases can be investigated by county sheriffs and prosecutors, and possibly the FBI."

Every day the Washington State Republican Party doesn’t condemn this sad behavior is a day they reveal their complicity with this toxic nonsense and also their powerlessness to stop a monster they created in the first place. They’re trying to ignore him until he runs out of money and starts a podcast or whatever, but I bet he sticks around a little longer than they’d like. --R.S.

that just Deserved repeating.


"...wrestlers can pin each other down in all kinds of nelsons and whisper sweet nothings in each others' ears."
Don't forget the oil checks and wrestling ragers.


As an ex-cop of questionable sanity myself, Culp has given me hope that I too can be a failed gubernatorial candidate! Just need to add some delusion to the mix, and I'll be there!


Step 1 - go to an office supply store, and wheel a chair out to the parking lot.
Step 2 - deny it ever happened, and blame the libs/George Soros/ the press
Stpe 3 - start a go fund me, or better yet a PAC!
and watch the bucks roll in!


You can’t really blame trump. A guy like that sees Joel Osteen driving a bunch of Ferraris because a bunch of dummies gave him money, what do you expect him to do.


CIA psychological profiler who labeled Trump ‘dangerous’ dies of covid-19 at 86



Heck, they don't even need to try to steal a chair - just SAYING they were accused of stealing a chair is probably enough to open the wallets of the credulous, slack-jawed yokels who usually support these grifters.


& with the Donald going Down
will 'reality teevee'* be far behind?

i wouldn't Bet on it.

*all the lies that seem to, or almost fit
but if you can just sledgehammer
them in they're there for the Life
(or Death)) of the True Believer.


Analysts argue that it'd be less damaging to overdo the federal response than fail to do enough, Dems have come down on the figure they want by over 2/3 ($2 TRILLION less) just to get something out the door, and still the GOP balks. They learned absolutely nothing from the Great Recession. It baffles me that anyone could consider them the better party on fiscal issues, especially when they were all too happy to blithely give away that $2T to the wealthy in 2017.


@11: Exactly. They also suck at fiscal responsibility / deficit spending... And yet here they come again bitch, piss and moaning about spending ... Republicans are the better party.. better at bitching, pissing, and moaning...and being whiny losers.... Conservative is short for insufferable victim


Oh hello everyone....I hope your thanksgiving went well locked up. Mine was good. Nobody got sick. And there were more than 10 of us. Oh and btw. We will all be unemployed if the economy doesn't open up soon, sick or not. Don't count on any of that "simulus" money to get anywhere it's needed, It will go into the big corporation bailouts, brought to you by the Democrats AND Republicans....More wealth transfer coming. So bend over and take it, says the law.


Angry white men, angry white men,
oh GOP the Grand Old Party of angry white men.
Trump is certainly angry, boy is he angry.
He is so angry he just might blow a fuse.
It will all be spittle and bile here in a few hours, can't wait to see it.
Petulant children, acting out, all passion and rage. Rage at what?, the passing of their boners or their disappointment with their children, or their frustration with their stalled careers - what accounts for all this inchoate rage?
Donald, Loren, Lindsay, Rudy, Sean, Rush, come on you guys, life is short. Get over it. Move on.


@Morty -- I bet you'd be a
Cinch for Sheriff or Mayor
of your little hamlet . . . running
on an anti-Corporate-SOCIALISM
platform'd be cinch for converting the Rubes.

I bet they're pretty fond of Romney Care (were it remonikered)
& the Social Security cum Medicare (Medicaid too!) handouts
though just calling them that's prolly (almost!) enough to make
them reject alll handouts in the name of the Rugged individualism.

except: there's a Fucking PanfuckingDemic going on
and we could all use a little Help. even them. how bout that?

so, good luck. oh & let me know if
you want me to Vote over there.
We're all pullin' for ya!


politicallyunaffiliated dear, there's still time for someone to get sick. You must keep your hopes up.

But really, your "both sides do it" schtick is so old-timey.



Bad news, friend. The economy cannot "open up" until the pandemic is over/under control. Glad to hear nobody in your gathering is sick (yet). There are 14.4 million people (and counting) in this country who haven't been so lucky.


Interesting read about Japan, its businesses and the COVID pandemic.

Japan is an old-business superpower. The country is home to more than 33,000 with at least 100 years of history — over 40 percent of the world’s total, according to a study by the Tokyo-based Research Institute of Centennial Management. Over 3,100 have been running for at least two centuries. Around 140 have existed for more than 500 years. And at least 19 claim to have been continuously operating since the first millennium.

Such enterprises may seem less dynamic than those in other countries. But their resilience offers lessons for businesses in places like the U.S., where the coronavirus has forced tens of thousands into bankruptcy.


COVID is going to affect our health care system for 50 years or more. 60 minutes did a feature on this (COVID long haulers), too.

I’m 33 Years Old. I Got COVID-19 Eight Months Ago. I’m Still Sick.
I’m just one of the thousands of Americans who have long-term post-COVID symptoms. This crisis won't end with a vaccine.


Yeah the article is not about me asshat.


it ain't xina who's
Unwell dodger.


@5: There's a new Sheriff in town. Go, Morty, GO! We're all rooting for you! :)

@23 kristofarian: It's more like @20 & @22 is Over and Out of It. Methinks it must be the overdose of hydroxychloroquine prescribed by Trumpty Dumpty on TeeVee.


yeah, auntie Gee they're still guzzlin' the Kool-
aide cum hydroxy cocktails like it's Prohibition
and they been 86'd from every Joint in town...


"Though Culp lost his race against Jay Inslee by well over half a million votes, the campaign for the former small-town cop has apparently hired Tim Eyman’s lawyer, Steven Pidgeon, to maintain the fiction that Culp may have actually won the contest."

just like they do in the White House!
so culp's not Culpable but just playing
a game of Follow thy 'Leader' and having
Chairman Eyemann's Personal Lawyer* at the
Helm's seems nearly as good as trumpfy having Rudy
the National Embarrassment for representation (Rudy 'means
well' but somehow it don't Ever work out that way. what an horrific
fall for the former Mayor of 9/11). Sad.

*However -- never forget -- he kept timmy (who looks almost 'passable' in orange but's way too pretty for prison) outta prison for rustling mobile chairs in that national Scandal down at the Office Depot.


@20 & @22 Over & Out of It: Here's a classic from Randy Rainbow for you and your fellow misinformed MAGA bozos (follow the bouncing ball):

A spoonful of Clorox makes your temperature go down, your temperature go down, your temperature go down. Just a spoonful of Clorox makes your temperature go down.
It's the latest COVID craze!

Hey, Over and Out of It---Trumpty Dumpty has admitted he's NO DOCTOR. He just "plays" one on TeeVee. Read the labels of your household cleaners carefully BEFORE mixing your cocktails.


@25 kristofarian: I wonder if MAGAs actually have any functioning brain tissue left.


Don't worry. When they form the state of Liberty, Culp can be the Governor of that. Of course they have no real tax base, and are heavily dependent on the federal government (which I'm sure they will reject), so it will be a hard scrabble to maintain their freedumbs.



Speaking of unbalanced - where did you get the delusional notion that @22 was referring to AG in their post?


naw, Mrs. Vel-DuRay -- if 'liberty' means Anything
it means Freedom FROM Taxes
you can evan ask the Kochs
Murdochs Addledsons
etc. pretty much Any
Billionaire, Multi-
Millionaire you
happen to


@30 -- objection:
as per




One of Karen's Trumpie boys fired into a crowd in Olympia.


yet another overly well armed
most likely maskless far
far Far 'right' Terrorist
for how Long shall
we continue to
Tolerate their



if 'doktor' Nelson were any good he'd
Cure tS of its Virusy trolls trolling
tS for 'doktor' Nelson.


@30: .....said the trolling MAGA fool with the dangerously high triglyceride level. Stop snorting Kool-Aid, Rainy, before you lose consciousness.

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