

But... but... but they canā€™t really legally legislate ā€˜cause we canā€™t see their hands on the Bible and some of them maybe didnā€™t even really say the right words. I can read lips. One of them was pledging allegiance to Satan.


@1 Garb Garbler for the WIN! Agreed and seconded. And thank you, too, for providing the informative link.:)


Reassuring to see young women of color like Sen. T'wina Nobles joining our distinguished state congressional delegation, with hopefully many more minority newcomers in the years that lie ahead, as Washington State and America gradually expel this fascist, intolerant Trumpism and all the evil intellectual retrograde it portends. Let us continue to vote for women and minority candidates, and eschew these hairy ogres who represent business as usual. Support younger, more socially attuned candidates and displace all the old illiterate Republican weirdos like that Culp clodhopper, who drive around on their tractors naked and harass minorities. In fact, Culp is so ignorant and inbred, he didnā€™t even bother to submit a Voterā€™s pamphlet statement when he supposedly ā€œranā€ against Governor Inslee, who is a total progressive gubernatorial stud and proceeded to flatten him like an aluminum can runover by an earthmover. Hopefully we can continue to expel some of the ignorant crackers serving out in the desert, as educational levels continue to increase, thanks to Democratic Party policies that encourage free thought and intellectual development, not disturbing Freudian gun fetishes and adherence to foolish rumors and mythologies. Consider the sea change in electoral behavior we saw in usually conservative domains like Arizona and Georgia. You can feel the country and our beautiful green state gently swaying leftward, away from anger, ignorance and inbred hillbilliism, with the inauguration of Biden-Harris in the offing, and the delightful prospect of Trump, the orange screeching howler-monkey being extricated from office in the most dehumanizing fashion, shaved with an industrial-grade livestock shaver, sprayed for lice, swabbed with alcohol and injected with mind-altering sedatives, forced to wear an orange jumpsuit that coordinates with his oddball orangeish crown, and sent off to federal prison with the rest of the detritus and miscreants of his administration for an extended period. No Presidential Library or lifetime pension for your, Mr. Trump, only life in prison.

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