

Yeah, we tease him a lot
Cause it was written by a bot
Welcome back, welcome back
Welcome back, welcome back


A lot of sitcoms from the 60s and 70s have theme songs that were better than the show. The Jetsons for example.


I kinda miss the days when Charles insisted he used weed strictly for medical reasons, it lent an enervating tension to his rambling pot posts.


The story behind the song is more interesting than the story behind this article.

He sounds like a bot
Cause he smokes so much pot
Welcome back
Welcome back Welcome back
Well come ba-ah-ack


Is this a troll post? Because consider myself trolled! What the hell, Charles.


a muse's amusing musings
nothing to get hung about


Hmm. I think you might be getting just a tad bit high ...


I feel you Charles. I do this with songs, particularly rinsed top 40 and jingles. Stoned of course.

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