

And yet they continually block funding for mental health coverage:

FTA: "mental health services were excluded in most private health insurance coverage."

Go away, fascists.


Jebuz Fucking Keereyest, EVERYBODY has gotten fucking lonely during this pandemic - but we haven't all gone rushing out to buy semi-auto military-knockoff assault rifles with high-capacity magazines and then immediately start randomly killing people, nor did we BEFORE the fucking pandemic when mostly paranoid, white, racist, misogynist RWNJ's with persecution complexes were still fucking killing people.


Since mentally ill human beings are literally thrown out in the streets to fend for themselves in this present system this article brings up a very valid point that services for the mentally ill are
vital for all of us and are needed RIGHT NOW!

Again. the Durkan regime is unable to fill out federal forms that would pay for services for vulnerable, some with mental illness, homeless persons that San Francisco had no problem doing. So does the mayor believe that not having shelter is ok for mental health? Neo liberals are no friends of ours either.


Stranger. can you print up my comment? Or am I being banned by the mayor?


What @1 said. I’m open to the idea that mental health issues in this country are a huge problem, and are a major driver of things like homelessness as well as crime/murder. But for a Republican to flag it as an issue we Must Do Something About after all the many times they actively opposed initiatives, bills, and policies which could actually help address the problem, well...fuck them.

It’s nothing but a transparent, spineless dodge, designed to steer the conversation away from gun control, ANOTHER obvious problem these useless motherfuckers refuse to do a goddamn thing about.


Republicans are horrible people, but to be fair: Democrats have majorities in both chambers of the WA Legislature, and control each of the committees those gun-control bills died in.


I thought mass murder was done because of mental health problems? That's what this whole post was about.

Sounds to me like conservatives are lying.

/but I already knew they were.


@1 Urgutha Forka, @2 COMTE, @5 Schmacky, and @6 Professor_Hiztory for the WIN!

@12 Professor Hiztory: ...if the toddlers reaching into Mommy's handbag aren't already shooting the dangerously crazy QAnon RWNJs first in the average WAL*MART parking lot...
We have got to stop the crazy people!

@14 guesty: That, and do-nothing RepubliKKKans are probably holding out for subsidized EPA clean up money on top of their KKKorprate billion$ in dirty laundry.

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