

@1: It's our current system of campaign financing which is inherently immoral. It is legalized bribery in all but name (and that inherent dishonesty does not help, either). Democracy Vouchers make it easier for every citizen to get involved in the selection process for elected employees of our government, and decrease the enticement value of each individual bribe.

Participate or not, that is your right, but I'm voting with my Democracy Voucher dollars to the fullest extent, every time. We cannot make the entire process publicly funded, but we can "flood the zone" with money from all citizens.


@4: Thank you for your simplistic non-solution to a serious problem; it's so unlike you. The Supreme Court has ruled that money spent on political advertising, and donated to candidates to be spent for that purpose, is protected political speech under our First Amendment. Therefore, we cannot "get rid of" our current system of political donations. What we can do, via Democracy Vouchers, is reduce the advantage rich persons and corporations have in our current system. Complain about that all you want; you do not seem to be enjoying much success at getting the citizens of Seattle to stop using our vouchers.

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