

Rather than saying we need a new tool, I would say we need a new story. That way, an important fact becomes clear: a culture doesn’t post hoc create an origin story, a culture is built from, upon, an origin story. Have story, e.g., bible, build culture, e.g., white supremacy. This resolution passed at a town meeting in Milford, CT in 1640 demonstrates this principle in action:

Voted, That the earth is the Lord’s and fullness thereof.
Voted, That the earth is given to the saints.
Voted, That we are the saints.

We need a new origin story, a new mythology, upon which to build a new culture.


"We need a new origin story, a new mythology, upon which to build a new culture."

outta the Covid crawled a New American
one unfazed by one hundred Millions dead
and counting one disbelieving in the Power
in one's skin and instead for the Soul within

when the 'white' people got the final count
they were moved to side with those alive
and to choose from them a kindred tribe

no longer moved by fear and hate
of those standing outside the Gate
they asked the Lords and Ladies
within if they were gonna be late
for Dinner?


My take on the 2020 census wasn't the decline in the white percentage of the population, rather the increase in multiracial population.
For decades, mixed race relations were not talked about - and in some states were outlawed. That's one group that has really come out of the closet!


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