

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed to pass legislation to codify the right to an abortion into federal law."

Kinda late for that. Why wasn't this legislation done at any point in the past decade or two during the rise of the nut jobs? It's no secret the GOP has been gunning for Roe v. Wade for a while. I'm pretty over the Democratic party being absolute dogshit at strategy.


@2 I do often roll my eyes when people say it's just Manchin or Synema causing problems. It's definitely not. When Democrats had 57 votes in the Senate they still passed a GOP healthcare plan.


The GOP have moved beyond a death cult. They have now moved into something truly more evil. They want to force women to bring life into this world (making women and the lives they bring into the world suffer), for the sole reason of controlling women and their bodies and forcing them to do what they want them to do - so they can then turn around and deny those lives anything and everything - no safety, security, housing, food, clothing, health care, education, etc. so their lives will be miserable and full of suffering and then they will die horrific deaths. THAT IS PURE FUCKING EVIL. In a country, in a world, on a planet that is literally burning to the ground because of too many fucking people and all of the damage done. Fuck this corrupt and compromised SCOTUS, all of the GOP cult members, and every motherfucker who votes for these sick fucks. It's really time to take to the streets and literally take down every single one of these shit bags. Enough bullshit.


How is a civil bounty even possible, when the plaintiff has no standing - no harm incurred?


@6 because Texas believes it has the right to deputize people (meaning men) to hunt women (and their doctors) as vigilantes for harm done against fetal cells (or god or whatever they're going to say the harm done is). Any aggrieved man will find a reason for harm done.

Texas at the same time has decided that anyone in Texas can carry a gun - without a license, training, or background check. So in the name of protecting all of those fetal cells they have literally decided that if you shoot and kill a woman who you think i s some sort of whore who got an abortion, then you get $10K for the kill.

It's literally like the 1800s. Just wait for the wanted signs, "dead or alive."

Every man in Texas should be rounded up and sterilized to ensure there are no unwanted pregnancies cause by any Texans. Fuck that, every sperm producing male human being should be rounded up and sterilized, no more pregnancies. No more abortions. No more humans.


Wilhelm Reich warned about this in "Mass Psychology of Fascism" when we drew the link between sexual and economic oppression and warned that all fascists governments begin with what Foucault called biopolitics, of the state repression of sexual autonomy, which is always women.

Once the government enters biopolitics, the darkest perverts will come to power to exercise that control. The Texas abortion ban is one of many examples.


@4 & @7 xina: +1 Thank you for beating me to it. Perfectly well said and summarized.


Can Texaco be sued for providing gasoline to the Uber driver who drove the woman to the clinic?


It occurs to me that the only way these bounty-hunting lawsuits can go forward is if Texas has made abortion records some kind of exception to medical confidentiality. It would be a darn shame if someone at Planned Parenthood were to go through their files & pull out registered Republicans, legislators' family members etc. I'd sure hate to see that information accidentally released.


A 1971 initiative, you mean. Washington state legalized abortion before Roe v. Wade. This is important, because it means our rights don't go away if Roe v. Wade does.


@13: Yes and no. The 1971 law was a liberalization of abortion law. Roe was more explicit and more thorough, which is why in 1991 voters passed I-120, which codified Roe into state law.


Xina documents what we're mad enough to think.


“This lunacy is why the conservatives on the
Supreme Court are now looking so culpable.”

they’re not ‘conservatives’
they’re FAR ‘right’ judicial Activists.

‘Fuck that, every sperm producing male human being should be rounded up and sterilized, no more pregnancies. No more abortions. No more humans.”

not to worry.
Big Chemical’s
Sterilizing all Life
as we Know it - it’s
just unbridled Capitalism
but the result is Identical.


I'll let you in on a little secret, we Republicans aren't averse to the occasional discrete abortion to cover up a sexual indiscretion. We just can't have openly legal abortion on demand because that gives women a choice about whether to reproduce or not and that is a decision a man should be making for them.


so very Thoughtful of 'republicans' keepin' an eye on the womenfolk, handmaidens all and other Helpless hapless creatures and to think it's all just a Part of God's own Plan so Nice to Know -- we're being Taken Care of! and of course our Billionaire$ being RICH will know the Right Way to do things things we commoners might never Hope to know...

such a Comfort.
thanks Hero!


Well you know, K, the Catholic Church is one of the most anti-choice institution in the world, they're not even down w/ birth control and yet . . .

So you see, anti-choice doesn't mean anti-abortion.


@20 & @22 This Bozo is Full of Feces: Run along, lil MAGA-troll.

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