

Ah, so many memories:

Inga Muscio writing a snarky review of a play I directed called "A Couple Of White Chicks Sitting Around Talking" and complaining that it only had a cast of two.

Annex Theatre winning a Seattle Pretty Inclusive Theatre (SPIT) Award

A long-running battle I had with theatre critic Brendan Kiley over his policy of spelling all versions of "theatre" as "theater", including the official names of producing companies, because (as he claimed) the stoned, minimum wage copy readers they hired were too confused by the alternate spellings

The hilarious - and extremely blasphemous - Dina Martina as The Virgin Mary cover

Taking a tour of the old Capitol Hill offices and being literally afraid for staff upon seeing Mudede's teetering "bookcase of death"

SLOG Happies

Still wondering what that image of a weird, toilet seat shaped thing was Dan Savage posted in an edition of Savage Love

Being interviewed on a ladder by Christopher Frizzelle while I was painting the outside of Annex Theatre just down the block

Brendan Kiley getting pied-in-the-face at that same Annex Theatre during an edition of "Spin The Bottle"

Former Arts & Music Editor Sean Nelson playing the piano at my birthday party

Seriously, I could go on - 30 years is a long time to collect memories.

Happy 30th birthday, The Stranger. You're staggering into middle age, but still fighting like a drunken sailor on shore leave to maintain that same irreverent, "fuck you" attitude you've had from the beginning. Keep it up, kids - you have big shoes to fill, but seriously, spray them with a generous dose of Odor X before you slip them on.


A decade or so ago at Lifelong thrift (when it was a smaller space on Union) I spotted an old issue of the Stranger they were selling. It was the issue with Dan Savage in Drag on the cover, I'm not sure what year that was. But the store saw it as a collector's item so the price was bumped up ($5? I don't remember). I still sometimes wonder who bought that issue and if they still have it.


Passing through Seattle, I first read the Stranger at RKCNDY in May 1992. I moved here 3 months later.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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