

The lesson always seems to be if you are a minority and have a problem, don't call the police, because then you have two problems.


Way overdue.

When are the cops who did it being fired?

Yes, we're still waiting.


More taxpayer dollars being used to pay off people because cops get to murder people. It would be infinitely less costly to fire the cops and take the payoffs out of their budgets and pensions. Yeah it's still taxpayer dollars, but the cops would feel it a lot more. Make the fucking cops pay for every single life they take. When will this country get sick of cops murdering people and everyone else but the murderers having to pay for it all?


So everyone above acknowledges police are not properly trained to deal with mental health issues. Good. We should probably do something about that.


Unfortunately, the only people who said they felt threatened are the people who killed her. And police have lost all benefit of the doubt when it comes to the truth, because of, I don't know, decades of horrible, violent, and dishonest behavior, especially toward people of color. "I feared for my safety" just doesn't carry a lot of weight anymore.

Even if the threat happened as described, SPD admitted there were less-than-lethal options available to the officers, and that one of the cops "forgot" his taser. That tells me neither one of them should be cops if they cannot or will not use the proper tools at their disposal and want to solve everything with a gun.

Let's not act like there is no other way to handle people with mental health issues than to kill them please. As I said in slog pm, police seem to be pretty successful at capturing mass shooters alive (who are usually white men). And someone committing a mass shooting is definitely having a mental health crisis. So why couldn't a Black woman having a crisis be extended the same courtesy?


@14, just comply and you have nothing to worry about right? that's the argument you're going with in 2021 regarding police behavior?


@16 that's exactly what you said you obtuse shithead


4 herrbrahms 100% spot on. Those that have this twisted idea the police were out to get her are equally mentally ill. Not one dime should have been paid out to this family as this is just another in a long line of prosecutorial misconduct by the city in a way to undermine the police in the mind of the citizenry.

The crime is that she was not getting the mental help she needed for whatever reason but the public shouldn't have to pay for the families mistake. The police should never have had to be placed into this situation because the family chose to look the other way while she succumbed to her mental illness that led her to charge the police with a deadly weapon and for that, the family wins, we lose.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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