

Wow, Matt. What an amazing article and well deserved tribute to Rita Moreno!

Bravo, Rita Moreno! Congratulations on all your amazing lifetime achievements, speaking out and supporting so many causes and still going strong (happy recent 90th birthday!!). I grew up watching The Electric Company on PBS and will always love your delightfully choreographed rooftop dancing scenes with George Chakiris---oy! oy! oy!


Saw the new WSS last night - Rita is terrific in this new role, truly the glue that holds it all together. I loved the feel of this film: I was 8 years old when the original came out, and this version recaptures the big over-the-top musicals and spectacles I remember seeing as a kid at the drive-in in the summer as the sun was setting. And I think leaving out the subtitles for the Spanish dialogue actually helps the movie and forces you to pay attention to the acting. Bravo.

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