

Do they not understand that people under 18 have a .00002% hospitalization rate for Covid and even lower death rate?

Kids are getting it more now- hospitalized are mainly the unvaccinated with Covid. Hospitalizations up since omicron started sweeping through.


@2 guesty:+1

I can't imagine being a parent of public school aged children, especially in the third year of COVID and with Omicron being so contagious. Keep up the good fight Cleveland, Garfield, and Lincoln High schoolers! Asking for N-95 masks, on-campus COVID testing sites and treatment centers is not asking too much. SPS do your job--vaccinate as well as educate your kids! Everyone stay healthy and safe.


@4: Correction: Add to the list of SPS schools protesting: Franklin High School.
Keep up the good fight and stay healthy, everyone.


@1 Not sure where you got that number, current data shows 0.1%–1.6% of infected children have been hospitalized. Much lower than that of adults, but since children tend to live with adults and attend schools run by adults...


While I didn’t make the sign in question I am the one holding it and I did write the original comment it’s copied off of. I wouldn’t expect anyone over the age of 25 to think it’s funny. its not a serious comment on sps staffs virginity. the implication is supposed to be they are doing a horrible job (they are) and the joke is that the reason they are doing a horrible job is they get no bitches. literally everyone in that photo is genderqueer we drove to that queer ass protest in my queer ass truck and i honestly do not give a fuck what you terfs think is funny. old people really think sex is important and they shame us for it in all sorts of ways i think it’s hilarious to do it back to them. i don’t care if you take us seriously you are old and we will replace you soon enough hopefully gender will die with you.


@11: i genuinely enjoyed this comment thank you. old in this case is referring to more of a mentality than a real physical age.


@10 genderqueers for more bitches!!! Hope to see the queer ass truck at the next protest against rape culture at SPS bitch!


@14: the queer ass truck will be at every event if can bitch

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