

"There are bear traps. There are mouse traps. And there is this, which is, of course, a Mudede trap."

Erica, I hardly knew ye...


Wouldn't have done much good to bomb Germany instead of Japan since they had already surrendered three months earlier.


how on Earth can you call
gee dubya bush a War Criminal

without mentioning
the Dick* Cheney?

*the dick tole me to
Bomb the Wrong
Country Cheney
--@gee dubya


@2- Beat me to it. Charles should at least pretend to know the facts.


well that's certainly One interpretation
another is & I take little Delight in say-
ing so You're a full blown 100% idiot.


Man, rainbows are overrated. Give me a sunset any day, spanning the whole damn horizon and layering on a bunch of oddly shaped clouds and the far more intense, deep, dark orange, red and yellow hues. So gorgeous. Bunch of faded ass stripes that are around for like 20 seconds can go eat some shit.


/seen online/

Rainbows are gay space lasers—that’s why they’re not straight ; )



The bomb was developed in response to reports that Germany was pursuing one. Nothing Charles said was factually inaccurate (though I guess one could maybe delve into semantics and debate the intentions of the scientists involved in the Manhattan Project ).

Maybe you should at least pretend to know how to read?


Gee, Charles do you have early onset?

So what color are the people of the former Yugoslavia? We dropped bombs in Serbia, Albania, and Kosovo.

In fact I recall you saying to me in person about how shocked you were that the US was dropping bombs on white people. You doing okay? Your go to 1990’s party observation fled your memory old chap?

Besides most white people nations have been strategic allies of ours and key trading partners for 77 years and a few have nukes.

So it’s a facile and patently incorrect observation.


@9 no. That’s not really accurate.

The Einstein–Szilard letter was written in 1939. It was known that Germany was strategically done by late 1943. We just needed to beat the Russians to Berlin.

The Manhattan project had been going on for since 1942. So it was just over year they operated in the assumption that Germany could be a target. And that was heatedly debated since they did not know what the bomb would do on the continent of the allies we were attempting to save and where our soldiers were currently invading. And most of the scientists, Einstein included, wanted merely a demonstration detonation somewhere where the Axis could see what they were up against and never wanted it dropped on ANYONE except last resort.

So Japan, with no US soldiers on the ground, and being an island, was pretty much always going to be the target. By July and Trinity the debate had been settled. They saw how huge the bomb was. And no way could they do that with US and allied troops only kilometers from Berlin.


Given a choice between cars and a "street drummer", I'd take the cars any day.


@9. I can read quite well and my reading includes history. The first test detonation of the bomb was July 45, two months after Germany surrendered. To allege it was racism which led to bombing Japan vs Germany is wrong.


Guy walks into the doctor's office and says "doctor, it hurts when I do this". Doctor says "so don't do that".


looks like you been
smokin' that Paraquat again
maybe try a Dispensiary next time


this just in:
Coach’s Prayers
Prompt Supreme Court
Test of Religious Freedom

Joseph Kennedy, a football coach at [Bremerton] public high school in Washington State, lost his job after praying on the 50-yard line after games.

best gird your loins America
our ‘christian’ Soldiers are a’ comin’


The Japanese government, controlled by the military, even after the bombing of Hiroshima, didn't see much difference between it and the fire-bombing raids. The mentality of the Japanese was to die for the emperor. Throughout the pacific war, a Japanese soldier surrendering was extremely rare. In the numerous island battles the American Marines would see 10,15, 20% casualty rates which is appalling. But the Japanese often incurred 100% casualty rates. Japanese civilians committed suicide rather than be captured by the Americans because their government told them Americans were cannibals. So the thought of invading the Japanese home islands had the very real prospect of millions of casualties on both sides. Dropping the atomic bombs was absolutely the correct military strategy at the time. And lest we forget, the Japanese army still had something like 650,000 soldiers on mainland china at the time the bombs were dropped.

It's easy and fun to monday morning quarterback decisions made in 1945 through the lens of 2022 sensibilities.


@21 predictably my whole bloody point is lost. And yes, I have read the bloody history books. My point of reference to the period and the bomb being Bohr, Heisenberg, Feynman, and Fremi. Have you who heard of them? Now get back to my point and digest it properly.


Revealed: How U.S. Gov’t &
Hollywood Secretly Worked
Together to Justify Atomic
Bombings of Japan

On the 75th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing, when the United States became the only country ever to use nuclear weapons in warfare, we look at how the U.S. government sought to manipulate the narrative about what it had done — especially by controlling how it was portrayed by Hollywood.

Journalist Greg Mitchell’s new book, “The Beginning or the End: How Hollywood — and America — Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb,” documents how the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki triggered a race between Hollywood movie studios to tell a sanitized version of the story in a major motion picture.

“There’s all sorts of evidence that has emerged that the use of the bomb was not necessary, it could have been delayed or not used at all,” says Mitchell. “But what was important was to set this narrative of justification, and it was set right at the beginning by Truman and his allies, with a very willing media.”

This is J. Robert Oppenheimer, the scientist credited with coordinating the creation of the atomic bomb, head of the Manhattan Project, describing his feelings as the first nuclear explosion in history lit up the Trinity blast site in New Mexico, the test site, on July 16th, 1945:

We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed. A few people cried.

Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty, and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

I suppose we all thought
that, one way or another.

much more (if you’re Interested):


@23, Greg Mitchell is more of an anti-nuclear activist than a journalist. Yeah, there's a lot of statements about what happened and why, but the simple fact is that Japan surrendered after it was nuked twice and the Russians declared war. The process that Japan went through is important to look at. Before the nukes and Russian declaration of war, the Supreme War council was split 3 to 3 about whether to surrender or continue the war. Afterwards, it was still split 3 to 3. The Emperor, in a surprise move, broke the tie and voted to surrender. It really comes down to the question about what made the emperor step in and vote to surrender. In his first public statement, he said it was due to the new and terrible weapon the US had, in his later statement said it was the nukes and the Russian declaration of war. His private statements, as relayed by his advisors, mentioned both as well. He probably knows his own mind about what drove his decision better than anyone guessing these days and I haven't really heard any compelling reason not to believe him. After all, he was having an incredibly bad week and it was only Thursday, it would seem reasonable to rethink things. It is of course possible that if zero or just one nuke were used or if the Russians didn't declare war, the emperor would have still surrendered, but this is just speculation coming decades after the decision was made by people who have never met the emperor.


yeah my point was
re propaganda &
the Making of it

oh and the utter
Stupidity of

pocket Nukes,


“Now I am become Death
the destroyer of worlds.”

so does Evolution
End with Putin &
the Far Right?

on the Brink
we are

sorry Chas



'And I'm not sorry to say this,
but it's the truth Charles:
You're a full blown
100% racist.'

but the Joy's in the stitching
and the mistakes and

*cuz that's just what friends
Say to each other bro....


@22, no, I haven't heard of Fremi, but I have heard of Fermi. Interesting that a supposed journalist becomes so incensed that people are criticizing his writing that he doesn't bother to proof it.


@30 and yet
here you Are
Oh the Irony


22 fuck you...


I say fuck you because my point was the issue. And yes. I mean 29.


"[the US does] need race to go to war and kill lots of people."

"The US is in the business of dropping bombs on people of color."

Those are interesting and thought-provoking ideas. Your factual support of them was pretty weak:

"Since World War 2, our country hasn't been involved in a direct war with a white enemy. And during World War 2, it dropped the nuclear bomb on Japan, and not, as the scientists who developed the weapon had hoped, on Germany."

As has now been painstakingly recounted in the comments, above, your 'proof' of the US prosecuting the Second World War in a racist manner was that the US did not use a weapon it did not have against a country it was no longer at war with.

In both World Wars, the US declared war upon Germany. Each time it did so, Germany had not attacked the US, had no plans to attack the US, and had no capacity to attack the US. By your logic, does this mean the America of a century ago was a profoundly anti-German country?


@34 -- as requested:

a train wreck
it’s best to walk on by?



@34 -- had I bothered to look at your comment history I prolly wouldn’t have bothered but disadmiring the pile-onage led to @31

and by the way is Black Space Bet-
ter than White (planet Earth-wise?)

oh and as per Always
feel Free to merrily
skip on merrilly
past my



It's all about blood and newspaper headline space only made for one headline at a time. Historically, what country is going to lead us all into another world war that will force us to send our own people to, which will make us the headline, again.
...and cannibals? Have they eaten those army MREs?....nevermind...


@32 LOL

You just told yourself to fuck off.

So. You know Charles it’s perfectly acceptable to admit when you are wrong about something.

Like I said. The US had dropped bombs on white Europeans between 1940 and 2022. Part of the reason the Slavs are siding with Putin, in point of fact. A piece of history you WERE well aware of at the time and seemed to have totally omitted merely so you could sound profound.

You had a point. It was only sort of right. But kind of dumb and you got a wide array of basic facts wrong. FFS. Just admit it. You’re only giving troll more fodder.

This tantrum you are throwing here is embarrassing. You were wrong. It’s not the worst thing. Don’t be like these idiots. Just admit it and move on.

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