Seattle City Guide 2023 Jun 19, 2023 at 12:55 pm

Ride on a Wheel, Climb over a Troll, and Catch Stunning Views from the Top of a Big Needle

Not a giant Percocet. 400TMAX/GETTY IMAGES



I would add the Pike Place Market itself to that list (well above the Ferris Wheel). It is a nice public market, with the iconic fish stall, where folks throw fish.


To get a genuine Seattle experience, I recommend the homeless encampment on 3rd Ave S between S Stacy & Holgate.


It's a stretch to call that wheel "beloved." A lot of people think it's an eyesore.


I'm with @4 (though at least it's smaller than London's). Plus I always try to deter people from visiting the gum wall, and I don't think I'm the only one.


I guess this could be considered accurate, but it's embarrassing the Stranger couldn't do better. With the exception of Oxbow Park, this list is a repeat of every other list published by every other media outlet for the last decade, including the Stranger. The Space Needle, you say? The Gum Wall? The locks? Bold and controversial moves, to be sure.

PS: I'm sure the fact that almost half of these places sell tickets (and buy advertising) is just a coincidence.


4/5: Yeah, I'm sure the fact that the Wheel refuses to publish attendance figures, unlike similar attractions, has nothing to do with the fact that it's not really as beloved as this list would like us to believe.

But, as I alluded to in another comment--stay tuned for more Wheel/Smith Tower/Space Needle ads on the Stranger website.

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