Steven Weissman



Erm, I always considered the Zoo to be a 40+ crowd concert venue. I’m guessing 75% of everyone there has been up since 6am due to small kids (that they left at home) or middle age sleep patterns (hello menopause!). I personally don’t care if anyone thinks I’m sleepy but if it’s a majority of attendees maybe this is a clue to get things started earlier?


Maybe they had a ferry to catch.


I think those Tommy Bahama chairs just materialize in people's garages once they turn 48. I've never seen one for sale in my life, but they are ubiquitous at those concerts.


As someone who had to leave early because kids I was also disturbed by this. Long time since there's been an "I, Anonymous" this on point


perhaps if the tunes
paused peeps'd take
the opportunity & be
less Distracting? yeah:

start earlier
(getting out after
dark was Not entertaining*
perhaps the Lighting's better now?).

*not now silly!
when it gets
Dark @8


I like it when people leave as long as they do it at none non-disruptive times, like between songs. It makes more room for me. Yeah me!


Given that it was Zootunes and not, say, Showbox, I wonder how many went to the show only knowing The Roots as that nice band on the Jimmy Fallon show.


you were not present for all the rapping, drumming, bongoing, and even dancing around if you were too busy being worried about what other people were doing

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