What is with this town and leaving events early? At a recent ZooTunes, nearly a dozen members of the Roots were on stage, playing their asses off, rapping, drumming, bongoing, and even dancing around while playing a sousaphone and a keytar. They played a very danceable setlist, riffing off Kool and the Gang and Curtis Mayfield. 

Even if dancing isn’t your thing, ZooTunes is the easiest-going concert experience ever; you can literally stay seated or lying down the entire show if you want. They serve beer and food. And yet, starting about halfway through their 100-minute set, a steady stream of people started leaving; people just folding up their picnic blankets and Tommy Bahama chairs while the Roots were still playing.

I’m somewhat sympathetic to people with small kids who were melting down, but there were many, many parties of fully grown adults leaving before 8 pm

Why not just listen to the music at home instead if you didn’t want to be at a concert? You take the air out of attending a live concert and make us look sleepy as a city. 

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