Queer Issue 2024 Jun 24, 2024 at 12:20 pm

I Said I Was Detrans, but Really I Was Struggling

Teresa Grasseschi



I'm honestly truly sorry for all of the pain and confusion and loss of time, friends, and mental health you went through, and presumably still are.

And I really hate to add to the burden of a fellow tran, but you owe the community more than just your own catharsis. A true apology must include an effort to make the community whole as well. A mea culpa is simply insufficient. You (and others, and especially Herzog) did genuine harm to us.

I ask that you commit to not just rebuilding yourself, but dedicate yourself to healing the wounds you caused.

May you find yourself, your community, and your cause.


100% what @1 said. It sounds like you invested a lot of time and energy into promoting harmful views, please bring that same energy or more into supporting the community. Also, welcome back and congratulations on taking a step towards self-acceptance.


So Schevers was trans, then decided no, not trans, then decided, yes again trans.

I'm not sure what lesson I am supposed to draw from this essay.


This is a 3 year old article about a nearly 7 year old article.


There’s so much to unpack here


@1 & 2
Assigning penance?


Welcome back, I forgive you. Keep loving yourself, you know what's right for you. I won't assign penance but you konw what you did, lol


I really appreciated the author sharing this story - I only wish they would have reached out to Katie Herzog to incorporate her thoughts as well (intentional or not it felt like the author was ascribing thoughts to Katie - would have been best to directly quote her).


@8 lmao at "not a right-wing website." They're literally funding lawsuits against any providers they can who provide trans care. Their parent website lists a list of donors to Planned Parenthood with the effort to shut the clinic down and links to anti-abortion sites.

People make mistakes. Sometimes people pursue medical treatments that don't help them -- I pursued an elective back surgery that ended up making my issues worse. To try and use those people suffering to push a right-wing agenda to shut down Planned Parenthood and make transition impossible to access for people who consent to it is duplicitous and evil.


So I really shouldn't believe anything I read in the Stranger.

Including this.

Got it.


The author of the detrans article went on to a career in anti-trans activism after The Stranger let her go. She’s never been interested in presenting a fair picture of either gender affirming care or the detrans experience. She pushes a very specific and sensationalistic point of view that is not supported by any published research into this subject.


@13 I recommend listening to a recent interview with Katie - my impression is folks project their own bs on Katie (but decide for yourself)

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